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Older Messages
Monday, 17th September 2007
Value for money
It comes as no surprise to me to hear that people are finding Polish workers are proving themselves (in many cases) sub-standard. I am more than aware of this being possible having spent many years in construction in the UK and many years living in Poland.

British building standards were once the envy of the world, it took 5 years to do a full apprenticeship and get qualified, and the people running the building companies and sites nearly always had hands on experience. The problem today is that this and previous governments do not wish to spend money on training people from the UK and paying them a good wage, instead they have chosen the cheap option.

These days in Britain, the site management have no practical experience and the manual 'workers' are Poles as well as Africans, Lithuanians, Bulgarians etc etc who not only speak little or no English, but have undergone no training at all...a recipe for disaster!

But don't worry, as with everything this and previous governments do, it only has to last as long as they are there to be responsible for it. So in ten years time when roofs start leaking, brickwork crumbles and buildings subside it will almost certainly be someone else's problem, as long as it's on budget and on time today, nothing else matters!

I would like to finish by pointing out one important thing, Poles themselves are not un-trust worthy, lazy or ignorant people, but as with every society, Poland has people like that.

Sadly, those very people, who have no prospects in their homeland, because they have criminal natures and/or no education are the very same who are now arriving in Britain and masquerading as builders...You pay for what you get!
Monday, 17th September 2007
Beleagured IT workers
Could the BNP please set up a division for people who work in the high technology industry.

Time is hard for scientists, engineers, computer programmers, and IT workers due to declining industries and outsourcing of jobs left right and centre. The BNP will put a stop to outsourcing and rebuild the high technology industry, therefore providing quality well paid employment for many of the most intelligent people in British society. However, very few people who work in the high technology industry have any faith or trust in the BNP. Reason: Because of the image that you are associated with blue collar menial workers, the uneducated, and dole scroungers on council estates. I know this is blatantly untrue and the BNP warmly welcomes highly skilled and educated people. A separate division for people who work in the high technology industry will go a long way towards recruiting thousands of new members from a section of society that traditionally never supported the BNP.

(Ed replies - Sounds more a job for Solidarity than the BNP. See here.)
Monday, 17th September 2007
Too many people
I believe Wakefield is loosing the battle against the massive influx of immigrants to our local communities, local parks are taken over by Asian kids, shops and business are falling in to the hands of Asian ownership and what are we doing about it...? Nothing...! Our children have no place to play, our teenagers have no place to socialise and when they do gather in groups they are constantly hounded by neighbourhood patrols moving them on handing out the odd ASBO for good measure. Where are they to go ? If your local, head down to Agbrig park and tell me I'm wrong !

We have nothing for our children in our area..... unless you pay for it. £10 to go bowling, upwards of £15 to use the ski slope, even local groups charge a £3.00 sub to play football! Our local council spent a fortune on a high tech sports centre in the grounds of our high school supposedly for the community, yet my children and their friends say their not allowed to use it, some who attend the school say they haven't even seen inside the building!

A number of children and teenagers used to work at making their own BMX tracks on neglected land near Horbury, even getting help from local farmers, great free fresh air fun....! Not anymore, again police move them on while waiting for the council to build a dedicated skate park, something that has been on the cards for years with nothing but rumours, even when built I expect them to charge for it's use....!

Its simple.... too many people, too little space, after all we are living on an island at least 5 times smaller than India...! Surely the indigenous population deserves priority...?
Sunday, 16th September 2007
Cultural tolerance
Too many people out there give evil Muslim practices a pass in the name of cultural tolerance. Paedophilia is a Muslim practice--it's condoned in Islam based on the Prophet Mohammed's marriage and sexual intercourse with 9 year old Aysha. It's good to see folks in the UK who are unafraid to call out that evil. Keep up the good work.
Sunday, 16th September 2007
Search techniques
Although not a member of your Party, I follow your news items fairly regularly and was interested to read details of the creeping Islamification of this country that have appeared on your web site from time to time.

This morning I chanced to meet an old acquaintance whom I have not seen for a year or so. This gentleman is a serving Police Officer of some standing, and after exchanging pleasantries we got talking of the political correctness going on in his job. Amongst other things, what really made my ears prick up was the revelation that there is now a new way Police Officers use to 'frisk' those from the Muslim community. I was told in no uncertain terms that many Police Officers are very upset at the new requirement. It appears that several Muslims have complained that whilst being 'frisked' in the normal position i.e. with the arms stretched out at the sides, that it was representative of the Christian Cross and offensive to them and their beliefs. The new procedure, which is in place in a number of Forces and will be used by all in due course, is for the suspect’s arms to be kept parallel and moved either left or right, or one arm raised and lowered at a time to facilitate searching.

This is not a spoof I assure you although I must confess that April 1st did spring to mind, but no, it is absolutely genuine and to my mind an appalling example of the malaise that is so prevalent from official bodies contra the culture and well being of the native population. I am aware that a number of Police Officers are members of your party, please do check out my information, the Officer concerned has been known to me socially for about ten years and is without a shadow of doubt, truthful.

(Ed replies - An unusual report and we'd like to hear from any Police officers to confirm or deny this. Equally if any of our Muslim readers who think this is politically correct madness want to let us know their views.)
Sunday, 16th September 2007
A new Cromwell needed
Intended as a warning for any of us who dared to sympathize with BNP, Nick narrowly missed crucifixion but still bears a crown of thorns for stating truths, courtesy of a corrupt CPS. There is nothing in his article that does not 'strike chords' with the honest citizen, therefore Nick must know it is a sermon to the converted as much as it is a deserved two fingered gesture to a maleficent state.

Stigma for BNP membership has been contrived to silence it and Nick's statement of the obvious is clearly not enough. He must find a way of breaking through the apathy that has hamstrung our Nation, for we are far from mobilizing a course of action that would close down a corrupt Parliament. Ahead of such an inevitable event awaits recognition of a new Cromwell. A Government evil enough to subject BNP sites to electronic surveillance by secret services, will also classify respondents to it as dangerous enough to support reason.
Sunday, 16th September 2007
DNA database
As a British Citizen I am becoming ever more concerned with how this DNA Database is being used, I assume that I am not alone?

This is probably a stupid question, but is there any way of finding out if your DNA is stored on such a system. As a Computer Scientist I have many concerns regarding the security of such an important source of information. I for one, would be very interested to know if my DNA is being held without my knowledge.
Friday, 14th September 2007
Founding fathers of EU
A reponse to the criticisms of my letter regarding some pro-Muslim actions of the Catholic church and the foundation of the EU by devout Catholics:

Peter Bloor tries to cast doubt on the three Founding Fathers of the EU that I mentioned (Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman and Konrad Adenauer) being Catholics, but these are documented facts in the public domain that anyone can check for themselves.

Peter claims the Catholic church is against Turkish membership of the EU because of a clever unofficial statement by Cardinal Ratzinger expressing "concern" over Turkish membership some years ago. Yet on his official visit as Pope to Turkey in November 2006 Benedict told Turkish PM Erdogan that he now SUPPORTED Turkish membership of the EU as well as closer Muslim-Catholic relations. And how on earth is the Vatican to be considered at odds with the EU when it is in the process of beatifying Robert Schuman for his work in founding the EU?

Peter remains silent on the main point of my letter, namely that the Catholic church openly sided with Muslim terrorists against their Christian Serb kinsmen in the Bosnian civil war in the 1990's. I can only assume that because he states his belief that the Vatican is the throne of St Peter, that Mr Bloor also believes the dogma of Papal Infallibility and therefore that the Catholic church is never in error in such actions against Christians.

The claim of the Vatican to control the keys to the kingdom of heaven that Peter then goes on to proclaim as a fact flies in the face of Protestant theology. There certainly are hundreds of millions of Catholics worldwide - mainly in places like South America, but the majority of British people are NOT Catholic, and in fact the country is officially Protestant. It is an insult to the British Protestant Martyrs such as William Tyndale and the victims of Bloody Mary to present Catholic dogmas as indisputable facts.

As for S.Saunders' childish insult that does nothing to address the points I raised - It is clear that we could do without the kind of "unity" he values, which is the unity of a minority religious group (Catholicism) not with their fellow countrymen but with hundreds of millions of foreigners whose headquarters are in a foreign country, presuming to bar people from heaven for disobedience to its decrees and dogmas. The kind of unity that I value is one where all people of British origin are united under a BRITISH leadership and not a foreign-run religion or Superstate. And incidentally, it is not "PC" to criticize minority religions like Islam and Catholicism, it is PC to be afraid to do so because of moronic name-calling by those who seem proud of their ignorance of history.

Friday, 14th September 2007
Economic crisis
I cannot help but feel we are poised on the brink of a major economic crisis in this country and a large percentage of the population are about to be shaken out of their complacency in most unpleasant way. Britons have collectively racked up 1.3 trillion pounds in personal debt, backed mainly by inflated house prices which have now risen to unsustainable levels. Owning a home is now out of reach for a large majority of the population. Gordon Brown's so called economic miracle is nothing more than uncontrolled credit propped up by mass immigrant cheap labour. The Northern Rock crisis is just another little straw in the wind, but perhaps not the one which will break the camels back. I only hope that if and when the balloon does go up, or rather comes down it is the BNP who will stand to benefit.
Friday, 14th September 2007
Religious question
For the last few weeks I have noticed the presence of a number of lengthy, hate filled, diatribes against Catholics on your letters pages. As a Catholic, patriot and BNP member I let the first few go by in the intersets of debate but there seems now to be an editorial trend in the number and extremity of the letters posted.

Does this mean that Catholics are not wanted in the BNP?

I took heart from the Chairmans previous postings from Iona where he recognised and celebrated the 100% Catholic heritage of ALL the British people. Was I wrong?

I am not a particularly religious person but I do value my heritage - racial, cultural and religious. It has made this country what it is. I have made exhaustive studies of the Crusades and the centuries leading up to them and acknowledge the debt that Europe owes to the sacrifices of generations of loyal Catholics in their protection of our homelands.

I have also witnessed the central part that the CofE has played in the spread of secularism, relativism, immorality and political correctness - a point that has often been made in the BNP website. I also see that protestant countries like the UK, Sweden, Holland, Belgium (hey the Mayor of Brussels toasted the death of John Paul - see your reports on the islamisation of Europe rally) are in the forefront of mass immigration and loss of European identity.

I would welcome an explanation of the BNP policy on, or against, Catholics before my membership renewal comes up.

(Ed replies This section of the BNP website offers a platform for ALL opinions and as you may well have seen we publish letters from our opponents and Muslims berating us. What individuals write is exactly that - their opinion. The BNP is and will remain a secular non-denominational political party recognising the fundamental Christian foundation of our nation.)

Older Messages




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