The British National Party, BNP, is the only hope for the survival of British people in these islands. The BNP is not just a political party standing in elections, it is the only movement which encompasses political, community and cultural aspects to ensure that the British folk nations have a future.
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The Trafalgar Club

We the British people have never had such an opportunity to make a difference to the future of our country! All over the UK we have members working in their local communities using "people power" to get the message out. In order to get the message across to the whole country we need your help by joining the Trafalgar Club.

The Trafalgar Club is an elite fund-raising group.

Trafalgar Club members pledge a minimum subscription of £15 per month, in return for which they
  • receive regular special internal bulletins,
  • are invited to attend the annual Trafalgar Club dinner free of charge hosted by the party Chairman
  • receive a Trafalgar Club tie (or a personalised organiser file in the case of ladies). The tie carries the first two 'words' of Nelson's semaphore signal before the Battle of Trafalgar: "England Expects." (Available in first year of membership only.)

Contributing this way to the British National Party is a good investment for your future. You do not need to be a member of the British National Party to join the Trafalgar Club. The Government currently bans many civil servants from joining the BNP so the Trafalgar Club is a great way of demonstrating your patriotism and making sure you keep your job without being fired by New Labour's fascists.

After many years of running on shoe-string budgets, the BNP has learned how to stretch a pound as far as it will go! We know how to combine volunteerism and money to get results that astonish the other political parties. We have only a tiny fraction of the income of the other established parties who are bought and paid for by vested interests. Yet, look at the impact we have made with the money we do have!

Your contribution will help us achieve:

  • Better administration as we continue to grow
  • Legal advice including taking actions against our opponents who we believe have committed electoral fraud
  • Digital duplicators for key branches
  • Improved security for our newly elected councillors and key personnel

Why the "Trafalgar Club"?

On 21st October 1805, one of the most decisive battles in British history took place off Cape Trafalgar on the southern Spanish coast. It ended Napoleon's dream of conquering all of Europe and his fleet was utterly decimated.

Not a single British ship was lost in the battle but losses of crew were heavy including the death of Britain's most famous Admiral, Horatio Nelson.

A son of Norfolk he rose from humble origins, (his father was a clergyman) through the ranks to become the archetypal Hero. Along with Horatio Nelson over 1600 British sailors met their end in this most famous sea-battle. They gave their lives so that others may live and Britain could thrive and prosper. Their sacrifice made the difference!

Trafalgar Club members are not asked to give their lives, just the very small sum of £3.46 per week. It is equivalent to just a little more than a pint of real ale, less than a week's supply of "The Times" or the "Daily" and "Sunday Telegraph".

The British Nations need your support - The Trafalgar Club The British Nations need your support - The Trafalgar Club
The British Nations need your support - The Trafalgar Club
Left: The Trafalgar Club tie (green box). Far left, the personal organiser. Below left: The boxed pen set - last year's draw prize.

Is your country worth £3.46 a week? Are the futures of your sons and daughters worth the cost of a few chocolate bars? Join the Trafalgar Club today!

Please continue to our secure pages where you can set up your monthly subscription immediately online.

Alternatively to join the Trafalgar club ring 07900 927596 , or write to

Jennie Mallen,
PO Box 293
CF24 0NP

and request a Trafalgar Club card be sent to your address.
The Trafalgar Club is perfect for patriotic Britons who support the cause of British survival but nevertheless cannot join the party and become active.




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British national party monthly newspaper is called Voice of Freedom
Land and people website
BNP and the peak oil crisis

Great White Records for first class music

Excalibur is the place for merchandise, books, ornaments, household goods and clothing based on celtic and european designs.

digitaldownloads from BNPtv

British National Party monthly journal is called Identity

British national lottery
© ® 2004-2007 British National Party, PO Box 287, Waltham Cross, Herts, EN8 8ZU. Telephone: 0870 7576 267