The British National Party, BNP, is the only hope for the survival of British people in these islands. The BNP is not just a political party standing in elections, it is the only movement which encompasses political, community and cultural aspects to ensure that the British folk nations have a future.
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British National Lottery

Status: June Draw Winners

Here are the winners of the British National Lottery, Summer Draw that took place on Saturday the 9th June 2006.

BNL Summer Draw winners 9th June

1, iPod Video Player – Mr Rumsey, Lymington, Hants

2, Portable DVD Player – K. Chester, Leicester

3, One year Subscription to VOF/ID – S. Osborne, Northampton

4, Pair of Ceramic Pigs – Mr A. Champneys, Lamberhurst, Kent

Congratulations to our winners and thank you to all who took part, helped sell tickets and promote the draw. Special thanks to those who provided the prizes.

Next Draw

Details of the Autumn 2007 draw which will take place on Saturday 14th September-

First prize: ½oz 22ct Gold coin with mount and chain (worth £313)

Second prize: Corfe Castle Painting by Arthur J Cook (worth £200)

Third prize: £50 Excalibur Book Voucher

Fourth prize: One year Subscription to VOF/ID

Members will automatically receive a book of ten in their monthly British
Nationalist members' bulletin, but extra copies can be ordered by calling
07077 820263 or 01324 555187 or e-mailing  
(UK resident non-members may also order quantities in the same manner).

Please support the BNL draws by selling tickets to friends, family and work colleagues. Remember we are selling an idea not just a lottery ticket!

Any group or person who sells 1,000 tickets will get 10% back for their local BNP group after the draw has been completed.

BNL - Playing to win our nation back!

Members will automatically receive tickets but if you wish to purchase some or can sell them to family and friends, please send cheques or postal orders made payable to "British National Lottery" to P.O. Box 21684, Falkirk, FK1 9BB

Tickets cost £1.00 each and upfront payment must accompany orders for extra tickets. Please let us know if you do not wish to receive the ticket receipts to save on our costs.

Donations of future prizes should be referred to the same address or by calling Promoter Kenny Smith on 01324 555187 or via


Regrettably owing to gaming legislation we cannot sell these tickets online. You must be a resident of the United Kingdom and must be sixteen or over to play. Registered under Schedule 1 Section 5 of the Lotteries and Amusement Act 1976.


British National Lottery is in no way connected to the Camelot Group plc or the National Lottery Commission which operates the National Lottery or Lotto as they now call it. The British National Lottery gives all profits to the British National Party, none of which will end up in the hands of groups, organisations or individuals who promote ideas and causes at odds with BNP policies and goals.


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British national party monthly newspaper is called Voice of Freedom
Land and people website
BNP and the peak oil crisis

Great White Records for first class music

Excalibur is the place for merchandise, books, ornaments, household goods and clothing based on celtic and european designs.

digitaldownloads from BNPtv

British National Party monthly journal is called Identity

British national lottery
© ® 2004-2007 British National Party, PO Box 287, Waltham Cross, Herts, EN8 8ZU. Telephone: 0870 7576 267