The British National Party, BNP, is the only hope for the survival of British people in these islands. The BNP is not just a political party standing in elections, it is the only movement which encompasses political, community and cultural aspects to ensure that the British folk nations have a future.
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Join us and help win our country back

Membership of the British National Party is open to those of British or kindred European ethnic descent. While we welcome contact and co-operation with nationalists and patriots of other races, and with the many non-whites who also oppose enforced multi-racialism, we ask them to respect our right to an organisation of our own, for our own, as we respect and applaud their measures to organise themselves in like fashion.


Standard British National Party Membership -£30 per annum

Image Gold badge British National Party Membership -£60 per annum

Family membership (husband /wife) -£40 per annum. You can also include other members of your household,

any son or daughter under the age of 24,
elderly parents, or in-laws that live with you

under 16s who cannot legally join the party but who can join the YBNP Supporter's Club

Discounted membership for OAPs, students and the unemployed - £15 (Please note this category is not available online, follow the link below to our printable membership form and ensure you send in photocopy of your status as student/pensioner/unemployed).

Overseas adult membership- £55 per annum

Please note: These overseas rates apply if remittance is in Pounds Sterling. If remittance is in any other currency, an additional charge of £4.50 is required with cheques and money orders and £2.50 with banknotes.

Membership is for a full 12 months of the calendar year - e.g. sign up in March and your membership is valid until March 31st the following year.


2 ways to apply to join and pay

1. UK residents - Click here for printable membership form - Please make cheques payable to "British National Party".

Bullet Overseas residents - Click here for printable membership form

To view the files in this section you need Adobe Acrobat Reader software. You can download it quickly and for free here:
2. Apply and pay instantly online.
Complete the form found here.

3. You should receive your membership card(s) within 3-4 weeks. Please allow 3-4 weeks before contacting us.

Freeloaders not needed or wanted!

We are disappointed to learn that a small number of applicants have taken it upon themselves to join the BNP on the basis of concessionary membership when they do not in fact come under one of the three categories. This is appalling behaviour and quite simply if you are one of those tempted to freeload off the vast majority, we don't want you! The BNP is trying to set new high standards for itself and for our country. The Party is financed entirely by the hard work of its growing ranks of supporters and members; people who work extra shifts and overtime to donate to the Party, we have pensioners who pay a small but regular sum in addition to their yearly subs. Some people are making very significant personal sacrifices in order that our Party can grow and that we can win back our country. Any one thinking about freeloading should be ashamed of their actions and will not be made welcome in the Party.

Membership enquiries

Membership Department
PO Box 107
0870 757 6267 and 0870 751 5277

Before you Submit please make sure you are using one of the Credit Cards we can accept.
We can accept
: electron,Delta,Solo, Switch, American Express,Mastercard,VISA

We cannot accept: Diners Club or JCB.




Daily News Update

0906 553 2245
Calls cost £1/min
PO Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria,

British national party monthly newspaper is called Voice of Freedom
Land and people website
BNP and the peak oil crisis

Great White Records for first class music

Excalibur is the place for merchandise, books, ornaments, household goods and clothing based on celtic and european designs.

digitaldownloads from BNPtv

British National Party monthly journal is called Identity

British national lottery
© ® 2004, 2005 British National Party, PO Box 287, Waltham Cross, Herts, EN8 8ZU. Telephone: 0870 7576 267