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Tyra takes on politics and NYC
Oct. 1: The talk-show host tells TODAY host Matt Lauer about her interview with Obama and his sense of humor.
Chris Matthews gets to the root of power
‘Hardball’ host exposes the tactics, tricks and truths of how to get ahead
On the campaign trail with Sen. McCain
Sept. 19: NBC's David Gregory reports from the campaign trail, where he is trailing GOP presidential candidate Sen. John McCain.
Cruising with Sen. Mike Gravel
Aug. 1: NBC’s Jonathan Alter took a jerky ride in a cab driven by the Democratic contender and got a chance to hear his views personally.
Vieira goes on campaign trail with Obama
May 29: NBC's Meredith Vieira talks with presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama on the campaign trail in New Hampshire.
Lauer goes on campaign trail with Romney
May 30: TODAY's Matt Lauer speaks with presidential candidate Mitt Romney on the campaign trail in New Hampshire.

TODAY goes backstage with the 2008 presidential candidates and their staffs to capture the long bus rides, the strategizing, the raw and the exciting moments that will give voters real insight into who these men and women really are, and how they would lead this country.

  Picking the president: The candidates
Click to visit that candidate's MSNBC page

Joe Biden               • Sam Brownback
Hillary Clinton        • Chris Dodd             
John Edwards       • Rudy Giuliani
Mike Gravel           • Duncan Hunter
Mike Huckabee     • Dennis Kucinich
John McCain          • Barack Obama
Ron Paul                 • Bill Richardson
Mitt Romney          • Tom Tancredo
Fred Thompson