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Gut Check: Send in your questions

Is middle class being squeezed? What can be done? Experts will answer


Gut Check America  Post: Jobs Jobs Jobs
How is the middle class going to last when the "hot new job" only pays 45k/year?  45k/year should be the average job at today's cost of living, not a high end job.  Many of these jobs pay less than they did 10 years ago.Posted by DealMaker777  Go to discussion board

Updated: 7:37 p.m. ET Sept. 26, 2007

As our reporters work on our next Gut Check America assignment — the financial squeeze on the middle class — here's another opportunity for you to get involved. has assembled a panel of experts to answer your questions about why readers are feeling the pocketbook pinch and offer opinions on what can be done.

Use the e-mail submission form below to send in your questions. Our editors will pick the best ones to pass on to our experts. The results will be published in mid-October along with the rest of our reporting on the economic pressures faced by average Americans and the sacrifices they are making to preserve their standards of living.

We also can still user your help in putting a human face on this issue.

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Gut Check: Middle class squeeze
Click here to share your story, in video, about how you're being financially squeezed and what you're doing to get by.

Please click on the blue box below right to submit a video describing and showing how you are being squeezed and what you’ve done to stay afloat.  We’ll select the best submissions for inclusion in a First Person gallery that will accompany our report.

You can read our previous Gut Check America reports – on health insurance and illegal immigration – by clicking on the links below:

© 2007 MSNBC Interactive
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