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World's Smartest Beach Bag


Inventor: Phil Koutsis
Status: Patented, looking for marketing partner.
Description: A round beach towel that easily converts into a carry bag with a pull of a drawstring.

Virtual Race on a High-Tech Stationary Bike

I'm not a big fan of video games and on-line games. I think they are partially to blame for the obesity dilemma we have in the world, but I will admit I once was a Mario Brother addict. Yes I know I've dated myself admitting this, but my point is I understand how addicting games can be. So if you must play games at least play them while working out aboard the Ergo Bike Premium 8i.

The 2007 Nobel Prize In Physics - IPod Today; Tomorrow, Who Knows?

Giant MagnetoresistanceGiant Magnetoresistance

The two winners of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physics -- Albert Fert, of the Université Paris-Sud in Orsay, France, and Peter Grünberg, of the Institute of Solid State Research at the Jülich Research Center in Germany - made their contributions to the computer age as far back as 1988. Now that the smallest commercially available hard drive is an IPod, the inventors that led to its development, and many yet to come, have received the grand prix of awards.

Japan's InfoBar 2 Outclasses Apple iPhone

The Apple iPhone may be at the top of everyone's holiday gift list this year, but the fact remains is that it's NOT the best cell-phone you can buy - by far! Japan's KDDI has introduced the InfoBar 2, a sleek and sexy cell-phone that can do things Apple's product planners - and iPhone owners - can only dream about. Pity it's only available in Japan...

New Portable GPS System With Free Traffic Warnings

Our Guest Blogger, Joe Eitel, is a freelance writer/graphic designer from West Michigan who always stays on top of the latest technology, and has written many articles relating to computer technologies. He has some interesting technology finds he wanted to share with the readers of

Here's his article:

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Many people have not yet heard of a company by the name of Navigon. Navigon is not new to the GPS business, though, as they have been a leader in the GPS industry since 1991.

Hello Kitty Grows Up with Sexy Girl Collection

Hello Kitty has grown up into a bonafide Sex Kitten, and Strapya World celebrates her new look with the "Hello Kitty Sexy Collection". I don't know about you, but there's something disturbingly SIN-derella-ish about combining the classic Hello Kitty head with a pair of shapely, sexy legs.

Revolutionary Advance in Video Surveillance Coming to Chicago

Our Guest Blogger, Joe Eitel, is a freelance writer/graphic designer from West Michigan who always stays on top of the latest technology, and has written many articles relating to computer technologies. He has some interesting technology finds he wanted to share with the readers of

Here's his article:

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The most revolutionary new advance in video surveillance will soon be monitoring Chicago's streets and other popular areas in the city.

Gadgets 4 Gals Make Being a Geek Oh So Chic!

Today, geeks can be gals 'cuz it's cool to click when you're a chick. Forget what you thought you knew about geeks & nerds... girls just wanna have fun with high tech gadgets!

New HD Video Camera From Sony


Our Guest Blogger, Joe Eitel, is a freelance writer/graphic designer from West Michigan who always stays on top of the latest technology, and has written many articles relating to computer technologies. He has some interesting technology finds he wanted to share with the readers of

Here's his article:

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With so many people switching from standard televisions to high definition televisions, it was only a matter of time before compact HD camcorders hit the market.

Apple’s New iPod Touch

Our Guest Blogger, Joe Eitel, is a freelance writer/graphic designer from West Michigan who always stays on top of the latest technology, and has written many articles relating to computer technologies. He has some interesting technology finds he wanted to share with the readers of

Here's his article:

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New Hand Dryer Saves Energy and Trees

Picture this, you are out eating with your family and you stop by the restroom to go "potty". When you are done with your business you wash your hands. Right!? Then you look for paper towels, except there are no paper towels to be found. You then look for a hand dryer, but instead you see a Veltia in its place.

Get Free Phone Calls for Life!

Our Guest Blogger, Joe Eitel, is a freelance writer/graphic designer from West Michigan who always stays on top of the latest technology, and has written many articles relating to computer technologies. He has some interesting technology finds he wanted to share with the readers of

Here's his article:

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Is it possible that in the near future consumers will be able to get phone service for free? A company in Palo Alto, California says yes.

Solution To Pet Separation Anxiety: Stay Home!


Doggles Comfort HeartsDoggles Comfort Hearts

Does your dog have anxiety attacks when you leave home? Does he tear down your window coverings, bite your door frames, scratch your doors? Does your cat pee in your favorite shoes? Refuse to eat or drink until you come home?

Doggles LLC claims to have a solution to pet anxiety with its new Comfort line. The products contain “hearts” that beat like your pets' very own mothers.


Rocobo Interactive Robotic Pet Matches Your Mood

Rocobo, Takara Tomy's tiny "Tamagotchi on steroids" is taking Tokyo by storm... and the wider world awaits. OK, don't get excited... but if you do, your interactive Rocobo robotic pet will too!

2007 Tokyo Game Show - Heaven on Earth for Gamers

With exhibitors from 51 countries showing off software, hardware and over 700 game titles from a record 1,708 booths, the 2007 Tokyo Game Show is definitely the place to be for gamers, geeks and gadget lovers for whom nothing beats something new!
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