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Body Beauty's blog

Welcome to my innovative Body Beauty finds. Innovative Body Beauty includes any new and original approach to health, fitness and beauty. If you enjoy what you read pass it along to your family and friends. Have an innovative Body Beauty idea or invention of your own you'd like to see posted? Send it my way. I'd be happy to take a look at it.

Virtual Race on a High-Tech Stationary Bike

I'm not a big fan of video games and on-line games. I think they are partially to blame for the obesity dilemma we have in the world, but I will admit I once was a Mario Brother addict. Yes I know I've dated myself admitting this, but my point is I understand how addicting games can be. So if you must play games at least play them while working out aboard the Ergo Bike Premium 8i.

Think Could Change Shoe Design Everywhere










If your shoes wear out do you throw them away, have them repaired, or try to recycle them? Recycling your shoes may prove challenging. Although there are a few shoe recycling programs in existence shoes often can't be recycled because of the adhesives used in their construction. Designer Ben Chappell hopes to changes this with Think.

Hydrogen Bike Better Than Electric?

Another great bike has recently made its appearance this year. In Shanghai at the 9th China International Exhibition on Gas Technology, Equipment and Applications the hydrogen prototype bike was introduced.

Go Raw Against Diabetes

Imagine eating raw food for 30 days? Can't do it? Well what if you were diabetic and doing this helped you cure your diabetes? Would you do it then? Can't decide? Then you may want to keep an eye out for Raw For 30 Days.

Today’s Fashionable Body Armor

In the picture above there is an innovative man's black outdoor jacket that not only looks nice but protects your body too. Come rain, bullets or a stabbing don't worry. With this jacket you will be protected because it is waterproof, bulletproof and stab proof all at the same time.

Magic Wheels Combine Skateboard with Scooter

What do you get when you combine a unicycle with a skateboard and a scooter? You get a new innovative form of transportation for the young and the young at heart. It's called The Magic Wheel and was invented by a "bored" Swiss designer whose name is never mentioned.

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon’s Innovative Charity Site

Have you heard of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? No? Well, if you haven't, it's a trivia game from the 1990's that works like this: a group of players tries to connect any film actor in history to Kevin Bacon as quickly as possible and in as few links as possible. Kevin Bacon was smart enough to take advantage of this game and use it for his career in commercials, TV show appearance, etc. This year Kevin has gone a degree further and is using the six degrees concept for a greater good.

Six of the Most Expensive and Extravagant Spa Treatments in the World

Body beauty is "everything" in our society. We're caught up more on our body beauty than anything else. But in today's inventive world why get any ordinary facial or go to any ordinary spa when gold facials, wine spas and caviar shampoo can do so much more for you. Below are several of the most extravagant body beauty fixes to rejuvenate your body from head to toe. That is, if you can afford it.

Turn on the Lights With your Sweat

A California Fitness Center in Hong Kong, a subsidiary of 24 Hour Fitness Worldwide, is using manpower to generate electricity in its gym. In other words, energy burned off by exercisers is diverted and converted to power lighting fixtures, while excess energy is stored in a battery. The program is called Powered By You.

Got Sheilas’ (W)heels?

If you are a woman and drive in the UK, Sheilas' Wheels gots your back or rather your foot covered. Sheilas' Wheels is a car insurance company that caters to women's specific car insurance needs. Sheilas' Wheels has even gone as far as inventing a shoe that goes from flat to high heel and vise versa at the push of a button, all in the sake of safe driving.

Sideways Bike?

Some people like to do things differently. If they didn't we wouldn't have inventors or weird people. Michael Killian is an inventor. He is a 46 year old software engineer from Dublin, to be exact, who recently invented a Sideways Bike and, not too long ago, invented the Sideways Scooter. Some people may think a Sideways Bike is a little weird, but I think it's oddly creative.

Wear Your Chair

Ever go to a family gathering or a party and had nowhere to sit except the floor? Well from now on BYOC- bring your own chair or should I say wear your own chair. That's right, wear your chair.


Velcro Reinvented

Can you think of something more universal and handy than Velcro? If you look around your house and your closet, I am sure you can find hundreds of items that use it. Well, soon those items may be replaced by something better.

Locust Bike a Good Investment?

It has been years since I've ridden a bike, other than a stationary fitness bike. I've thought about it a lot, but never really did anything to get back on one. Besides, there aren't many places around where I live to ride a bike without needing to drive several miles to a park. I could risk the busy streets, but I think my bravery flew out the window as soon as I had kids.

Then a few months ago my daughter received a bike as a gift and it got me thinking about how nice it would be to go bike riding with her, even if just at the park. It would give us a chance to bond more and exercise together.

Wine Made Dress?


Have you read about the dress made from wine yet? Yes, wine!

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