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Michelle's blog

Inventions, Inventors, Ideas...that what my blog and this website is about.

My blog typically has all of the Site Announcements and Updates, as well as articles on various invention related topics I think readers would enjoy.

Genetic Testing Helping the Battle Against Counterfeiting

Our Guest Blogger, Sarah Olson, originally from Chicago, is back in the States after a two-year stint in Japan and Asia. She is constantly seeking out ways to make the world more beautiful, and has a vested interested in discovering methods to enhance the feminine mystique.She wanted to share her finds with the readers of

Here's her article:

* * * * *

In light of L’Oreal’s recent lawsuit against ebay for selling fraudulent products, as well as the Colgate toothpaste recall, companies are becoming increasingly concerned about the distribution of authentic products to consumers.

Reminder: Season Finale of American Inventor - Season Two on Tonight

American Inventor Show Recap

Just wanted to remind our readers that Episode 8 (the Season Finale) of the reality television show American Inventor will be showing tomorrow night ( Wednesday, August 1, 2007) at 9 pm est and 8 pm central time on ABC.

Site Announcements - July 31, 2007

Site News
We have a new blogger.Lady Bee, our new pet and wild animal blogger, loves to buzz about new pet products and animal research findings. When she's not working as a feature writer and editor, Lady Bee donates her time to animal rescue and shelter visitations. "I grew up with horses, dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, fish, and white rats my cousin used to bring us. My reward for taking care of them was a monthly visit to the Bronx Zoo," says Lady Bee. Now, with six animal co-habitants, Lady Bee is writing a children's series based on their different traits and personalities, so she's always looking for innovative stuff to keep them busy while she writes. Welcome to our pack, Lady Bee.

Gray-Dar Helps Screen Out The Men That Dye Their Hair

Curious as to which men dye their hair?

Our Guest Blogger, Scott "scottdammit" Duran, is a writer/graphic artist/visionary/inventor and a world-class exaggerator. He suggests you look for him on bookshelves soon. He found a new invention that he wanted to share with the readers of

Here's his article:

Reminder: Live Blog of Episode 7 of American Inventor - Season Two on Wednesday

American Inventor Show Recap

Just wanted to remind our readers that Episode 7 of the reality television show American Inventor will be showing tomorrow night ( Wednesday, July 25, 2007) at 9 pm est and 8 pm central time. Seth will be back to cover the all important voting night.

Live Blog and Recap of ABC's American Inventor: Episode 206 (Season 2 Episode 6)

American Inventor Show Recap

Unfortunately, Seth will not be able to do his live blog posting this week. We will try to have a recap summary of the show for later this evening but will not be able to provide a live blog. We apologize for any inconvenience.

In the meantime, please share your comments on the show.

Why Guys Should Not Drink and Invent

Helmet GunHelmet GunScott Seegert has written a highly entertaining book called, "It's a Guy Thing: Awesome Real Innovations From the Underdeveloped Male Mind". In it, he writes about the real inventions patented by guys. What makes the book and amusing read is that the illustrations are the inventors' actual drawings, taken directly from the official paperwork filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Reminder: Live Blog of Episode 5 of American Inventor - Season Two on Wednesday

American Inventor Show Recap

Just wanted to remind our readers that Episode 5 of the reality television show American Inventor will be showing tomorrow night ( Wednesday, July 11, 2007) at 9 pm est and 8 pm central time.

NO Live Blog of American Inventor - Season Two This Holiday Week

American Inventor Show Recap

Just wanted to remind our readers that due to Wednesday being July 4 th - our independence day holiday, American Inventor will not be showing a new episode. Instead, it will be repeating Episode 1 of Season 2 of the reality television show American Inventor tomorrow night ( Wednesday, July4, 2007, 2007) at 9 pm est and 8 pm central time. Thus, we will not be having a live blog of Episode 201 this Wednesday. Instead, we'll republish our live blog for Episode 201.

Reminder: Live Blog of Episode 4 of American Inventor - Season Two on Wednesday

American Inventor Show Recap

Just wanted to remind our readers that Episode 4 of the reality television show American Inventor will be showing tomorrow night ( Wednesday, June 27, 2007) at 9 pm est and 8 pm central time.

Reminder: Live Blog of Episode 3 of American Inventor - Season Two on Wednesday

Just wanted to remind our readers that Episode 3 of the reality television show American Inventor will be showing tomorrow night ( Wednesday, June  20, 2007) at 9 pm est and 8 pm central time.

Site Announcements - June 16, 2007

We'd like to share the happy news that Charlie Mann will be joining as a new Featured Blogger.

Charlie Mann, writes the ByzzBytes and SuperFitness, newspaper columns distributed within the US by American NewsFeatures Syndicate. He has published 6 novels and written fitness books with such celebrities as Ken Norton, the former World Heavy Weight Champion. He will be writing reviews of computer, electronics, software, and fitness products for Inventor Spot.

His latest book Polar Cap Five has gotten great reviews and is available at national bookstore chains. Autographed copies are available at for readers of

We're excited to have Charlie join us and we hope you enjoy his articles. Team

Reminder: Live Blog of Episode 2 of American Inventor - Season Two on Tomorrow

Just wanted to remind our readers that Episode 2 of the reality television show American Inventor will be showing tomorrow night ( Wednesday, June 12, 2007) at 9 pm est and 8 pm central time.

Remember to join us as Seth Plattner gives you his unique perspective on the show on his live blog event and episode recap every Wednesday during the whole season of American Inventor here at at 9 pm eastern standard time.

See you there.

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The Blogger's Choice Awards are coming.  We've been nominated.
Could you please go and register and vote for our site?

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Davids & Goliaths : Insider's View of the Geneva Invention Show 2007

The International Exhibition of Inventions for 2007, held in Geneva from April 18 -22nd. It featured over 1000 inventions from around the world and almost 70,000 visitors from 5 continents. Unfortunately, the team could not be there to cover the event. Fortunately, we did make arrangements for our Guest Blogger Peter to write about the event for us.

Why the delay in writing about an event that happened in April? Well, it ended up that our Guest Blogger, Peter was a Gold Medal Winner at the Geneva Invention Show.

Here's his truly unique insider's views on the show: 

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