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September, 2007

Revolutionary Advance in Video Surveillance Coming to Chicago

Our Guest Blogger, Joe Eitel, is a freelance writer/graphic designer from West Michigan who always stays on top of the latest technology, and has written many articles relating to computer technologies. He has some interesting technology finds he wanted to share with the readers of

Here's his article:

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The most revolutionary new advance in video surveillance will soon be monitoring Chicago's streets and other popular areas in the city.

Chinese Robots Face Chilly Future

Forget Santa Claus - the South Pole is the star this winter as China prepares to send two new robots into the cold frontier for discovery.

Lipo This - New Technology Literally Melts Away your Fat

Our Guest Blogger, Sarah Olson, originally from Chicago, is back in the States after a two-year stint in Japan and Asia. She is constantly seeking out ways to make the world more beautiful, and has a vested interested in discovering methods to enhance the feminine mystique.She wanted to share her finds with the readers of

Here's her article:

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Got a spare tire that needs deflating? A little extra padding around the middle, perhaps? You may be in luck!

Any Smart and Educated People Left in the Middle East?

Our Guest Blogger, Lee Nunley, is a recent college graduate who has
lived in Cairo and Budapest. He currently resides in Denver and is
working on a book-centered Web 2.0 project. He wanted to share news about the innovations in the Middle East with the readers of

Here's his article:

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While it has long been known that there is a serious shortage of educated talent in much of the Middle East, a new report by the Economist Intelligence Unit has painted a gloomy picture of the region’s ability to attract and retain educated workers.

Designed for the Aquabahn : Fearless

Our Guest Blogger, George Delozier, is from Pennsylvania and recently joined the U.S. Air Force. Growing up with all types of machines, George wanted to share the newest innovations on all things motor with the readers of

Here's his article:

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What do you get when you put the best engineers from Porsche motor sports together with one of the most reputable watercraft designers of the generation?

Gadgets 4 Gals Make Being a Geek Oh So Chic!

Today, geeks can be gals 'cuz it's cool to click when you're a chick. Forget what you thought you knew about geeks & nerds... girls just wanna have fun with high tech gadgets!

Enjoy the Fall in a Pumpkin Swing

Because Cinderella was kind and worked hard she was rewarded with an elegant gown and a pumpkin carriage to carry her away to the ball. You are not Cinderella, but you have been good and worked hard too so don't you deserve something special? Unfortunately there is no magical pumpkin carriage awaiting you today, but there is hope. Give the Pumpkin Swing a try.

Map of Humanity

Just something to think about...

Climb It, Ride It, Run It - 8 Crazy Escalator Ads

Advertising is literally everywhere, including on escalators. It seems that many products can use the unique features of escalators to their marketing advantage.

New HD Video Camera From Sony


Our Guest Blogger, Joe Eitel, is a freelance writer/graphic designer from West Michigan who always stays on top of the latest technology, and has written many articles relating to computer technologies. He has some interesting technology finds he wanted to share with the readers of

Here's his article:

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With so many people switching from standard televisions to high definition televisions, it was only a matter of time before compact HD camcorders hit the market.

Minorities Make Up Majority When It Comes to Great Ideas

Chinese and Indian nationals are leading the way when it comes to U.S. patented inventions and technological developments.

Think Could Change Shoe Design Everywhere










If your shoes wear out do you throw them away, have them repaired, or try to recycle them? Recycling your shoes may prove challenging. Although there are a few shoe recycling programs in existence shoes often can't be recycled because of the adhesives used in their construction. Designer Ben Chappell hopes to changes this with Think.

Top Sci-Fi Fashion Clothing of 2007

Heart-monitoring underwear, cancer-detecting bras, and message-displaying jackets are a few of the "smart fabrics" we have today.

The Top Ten Strange and Unusual Japanese Chewing Gums

Chews your poison...

Some of the Ten Strange and Unusual Japanese Chewing Gums listed here are actually quite good! As for the others... let's just say that Japanese chewing gum companies produce some VERY strange and unusual types of chewing gum. How strange? Let's find out by getting down to the good, the bad and the sticky!

World’s Tallest Building, And It Isn’t Even Finished

Our Guest Blogger, Lee Nunley, is a recent college graduate who has
lived in Cairo and Budapest. He currently resides in Denver and is
working on a book-centered Web 2.0 project. He wanted to share news about the innovations in the Middle East with the readers of

Here's his article:

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The world’s tallest building is now located in Dubai, UAE, but the surprise is, the building is not projected to be completed until 2008.

Golden Era of Islam Becomes Video Game

Our Guest Blogger, Lee Nunley, is a recent college graduate who has
lived in Cairo and Budapest. He currently resides in Denver and is
working on a book-centered Web 2.0 project. He wanted to share news about the innovations in the Middle East with the readers of

Here's his article:

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A new video game allows players in the Middle East to experience the historical period of the rise of Islam.

Command The Stars with Galaxiki








Ever felt like you deserved to rule your own planet, solar system or even galaxy? Well, Darth Vader, here's your chance. Jumping on the "wiki" craze sweeping the Internet, some ingenious developers have come up with Galaxiki, a web 2.0 site comprised of user webpages that represent stars in the website's "galaxy."

2007's Funniest Adult Halloween Costumes

Sumo WrestlerSumo Wrestler

Becoming nostalgic for your childhood? If so, you'll find hundreds of
childrens' costumes in adult sizes this year, like the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. And if you want to rewind to your infancy, there's no shortage of adult infant costumes. Then there are the childish adult costumes, and here's where I bring you some of the best for a good laugh!

Apple’s New iPod Touch

Our Guest Blogger, Joe Eitel, is a freelance writer/graphic designer from West Michigan who always stays on top of the latest technology, and has written many articles relating to computer technologies. He has some interesting technology finds he wanted to share with the readers of

Here's his article:

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New Hand Dryer Saves Energy and Trees

Picture this, you are out eating with your family and you stop by the restroom to go "potty". When you are done with your business you wash your hands. Right!? Then you look for paper towels, except there are no paper towels to be found. You then look for a hand dryer, but instead you see a Veltia in its place.

Tires Can Now Self Regenerate

Our Guest Blogger, George Delozier, is from Pennsylvania and recently joined the U.S. Air Force. Growing up with all types of machines, George wanted to share the newest innovations on all things motor with the readers of

Here's his article:

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People can go for a long time without worrying about tires, and now thanks to Michelin, they can go even longer. But these tires don't just last longer, they actually regenerate themselves.

9 Funny and Inventive Ads to Make You Lose Weight

There are dozens of weight loss programs and "lose ten pounds instantly" schemes. Some of them work and some of them don't. Why do you think so many people even try these weight loss programs when the results are not the best? Maybe its the advertising?

Here are my picks for some of the funniest and most creative weight loss ads from recent marketing campaigns:

Get Free Phone Calls for Life!

Our Guest Blogger, Joe Eitel, is a freelance writer/graphic designer from West Michigan who always stays on top of the latest technology, and has written many articles relating to computer technologies. He has some interesting technology finds he wanted to share with the readers of

Here's his article:

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Is it possible that in the near future consumers will be able to get phone service for free? A company in Palo Alto, California says yes.

Cultivating Amazing Design in Urban Silo

There are a lot of websites out there that try to keep on top of all the progress in amazing design, but few are able to organize it in such an engaging manner at Urban Silo. Check out this cool website to find images, advertisements, radio broadcasts and a lot of other interesting media you wish you'd found yourself.

Have Money to Burn? Pay $14,500 for Dessert

An award winning luxury Sri Lankan resort, The Fortress, in Galle has created a luxurious dessert called The Fortress Stilt Fisherman Indulgence. The decadent dessert comes with a heavy price tag - $14,500.