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Tamara Warta's blog

India’s Smartest Cookies Join Together to Improve Technology

At Microsoft Research headquarters in India, innovative ideas abound.

Asian Politics Goes Virtual

Asian gamers stage a political protest - virtually.

Korea Keeps the Energy Going with a Paper Battery

Need to find a way to keep your small appliances charged? The solution may be coming soon as Korea finds new ways to stay energized with a non-polluting paper battery.

Grocery Shopping Out of a Vending Machine

With technology and tenacity, Japan has managed to all but eliminate employment for convenience store workers.

Planning a Visit to (the Forests?!) of Hong Kong

An urban jungle plan to clean Hong Kong's air is being dreamed up by one innovative architecture team

Fiber Beer: Probably Not Coming Soon to a Restaurant Near You

Alcohol boosts digestion with Korea's latest contribution to the drinking world.

Watch Out Disneyland, China May Be Jumping Ahead of You!

Soon you'll be able to party it up with the astronauts when Beijing opens the world's largest aeronautical theme park.

China Shoots for the Moon


China prepares to launch their newest moon probe in hopes of further moon discovery and inspiration for future projects.

Canada and Taiwan Target Each Other for Sharing Innovations

Taiwan and Canada continually join alliances to brainstorm and develop some of technology's greatest innovations.

Chinese Robots Face Chilly Future

Forget Santa Claus - the South Pole is the star this winter as China prepares to send two new robots into the cold frontier for discovery.

Minorities Make Up Majority When It Comes to Great Ideas

Chinese and Indian nationals are leading the way when it comes to U.S. patented inventions and technological developments.

Samsung Goes for the Gold...The 18 K Gold Cell Phone

Samsung is glitzing up their cell phone line in honor of gold-focused Beijing.

Koreans Can Now Pay For Tolls with Cell Phones

Prepaid road tolls via cell phone makes life more convenient for Korean residents.

Chinese Residents Demand Real Water Instead Of Fake

In the busy, bustling city of Beijing, not even the water can be trusted.

Korea Brings New Meaning to “Fast” Food

Cell phones aren't just for talking, texting, and taking pictures - now they can be used to get a quick bite to eat during that next lunch rush.

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