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Better Way to Wrap Sandwiches : Wrap-N-Mat Product Review

In the past, when I packed my daughter's lunch I tried my best to use reusable containers as much as possible, but it proved to be a bit of a challenge and not always as environmentally friendly or as convenient as I hoped. The Wrap-N-Mat has given me a longer lasting eco-friendly alternative to Tupperware, sandwich baggies and foil paper.

2007's Funniest Adult Halloween Costumes

Sumo WrestlerSumo Wrestler

Becoming nostalgic for your childhood? If so, you'll find hundreds of
childrens' costumes in adult sizes this year, like the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. And if you want to rewind to your infancy, there's no shortage of adult infant costumes. Then there are the childish adult costumes, and here's where I bring you some of the best for a good laugh!

2007 Tokyo Game Show - Heaven on Earth for Gamers

With exhibitors from 51 countries showing off software, hardware and over 700 game titles from a record 1,708 booths, the 2007 Tokyo Game Show is definitely the place to be for gamers, geeks and gadget lovers for whom nothing beats something new!

Waterproof 12V Solar Panel Review

I love solar energy, because it frees us from high electric bills and because it allows us to use the sun to power our electronics. If you want to learn about solar power the Waterproof 12V Solar Panel from Scientifics is a smart simple way to introduce you and your family to the power of the sun. It is light weight and 3 1/2 X 3 X ¾ inches in size. It is also encapsulated in a strong clear plastic shell which makes it durable, sturdy, waterproof and corrosion proof for outdoor use. In other words it can take the heat and a beating.

Motion Computing Model LE 1700 - Product Review

If you are looking for a light notebook sized Tablet PC with big RAM and the Vista Business operating system, the Motion Computing Model LE1700 may be prefect for you. Rated Four Stars (out of five).

Roman Arch Kit - A Geometric Wooden Puzzle: Product Review

We went to a children's museum a couple of months ago and it had a roman arch puzzle. If you assembled all the wood pieces together correctly, it could support itself with out any help (like from nails). My kids spent quite a while on it. It was really amazing when it was completed. So when I saw this Roman Arch wooden puzzle available from Edmund Scientific, I thought what a great puzzle for my kids.

Japan Goes Koo-Koo for Kit Kat Chocolate Bars

Some Japanese Kit Kat varietiesSome Japanese Kit Kat varieties
First it was Home Electronics, next it was Cars... now Japan has raised the stakes, aiming for world dominance in Kit Kat chocolate bars.

Use Biofeedback for your Stress with the emWave® PC Stress Relief System : Product Review

Are such things as ‘at work' stress, and chronic migraine headaches making your days long and painful? Now a biofeedback device for your PC can help you eliminate stress and kill your work disableing pain go away.

Solar Garden Light: Product Review

It was nice to finally have a chance to try out a solar garden light. I had considering purchasing one when Scientifics sent me one to review. I was impressed by the simplicity of this Solar Garden Light. There really is no wiring or assembly required. All I needed to do to make it work was take it out of the box, push a button to turn it on and then set it in the sun in my garden.

Reproduce Almost Anything : Product Review:

Reproduce Almost AnythingReproduce Almost AnythingSo you're at the prototyping stage with your latest great idea, but have no clue how to actually make it? Time to learn a new skill...silicone mold making. This video and workbook give you everything you need to get started on the path to production.
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