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Virtual Race on a High-Tech Stationary Bike

I'm not a big fan of video games and on-line games. I think they are partially to blame for the obesity dilemma we have in the world, but I will admit I once was a Mario Brother addict. Yes I know I've dated myself admitting this, but my point is I understand how addicting games can be. So if you must play games at least play them while working out aboard the Ergo Bike Premium 8i.

India’s Smartest Cookies Join Together to Improve Technology

At Microsoft Research headquarters in India, innovative ideas abound.

Command The Stars with Galaxiki








Ever felt like you deserved to rule your own planet, solar system or even galaxy? Well, Darth Vader, here's your chance. Jumping on the "wiki" craze sweeping the Internet, some ingenious developers have come up with Galaxiki, a web 2.0 site comprised of user webpages that represent stars in the website's "galaxy."

Cultivating Amazing Design in Urban Silo

There are a lot of websites out there that try to keep on top of all the progress in amazing design, but few are able to organize it in such an engaging manner at Urban Silo. Check out this cool website to find images, advertisements, radio broadcasts and a lot of other interesting media you wish you'd found yourself.

Internet Radio Gets an Artistic Upgrade









Looking for an internet radio with a little umph?  A little pazazz?  A little somethin somethin?  Look no further than  This little gem is easily the most exciting and engaging internet radio out there, and you'll not only find what you want, but possibly find something you never knew you wanted. 

The Job Blog You Always Knew Existed

OK, face it.  You don't always love your job.  And many of us out there never love our job, but we do it because we have bills, right?  Well, if you need to vent about your boss, the constant lack of sustenance in your office, or the smelly IT guy, Disgruntled Workforce is the place to take your job woes and blog it out (did I just coin a new phrase?). 

Japan Plans to Replace the Internet

"The Internet is dead, long live the Internet!"... or something like that. The Japanese communications ministry is planning a new and improved post-Internet technology that will make today's spam & hacker infested web a thing of the past. The scary part? "Cooperating with other nations, including the United States, will be an option."

Kids Meet The Greens Online

Today, there are hundreds of websites for kids. Kids can go online and play games, learn about space, discover how-to crafts, dress up there virtual dolls, learn how to read with their favorite cartoon characters or just chat online with pen pals from all over the world. As many websites as there are for children, there are few environmentally focused websites specially made for kids, that is until The Greens came along.

The Bubble Project - Make Em Say What You Want










As if celebrities don't say some really stupid things already, now The Bubble Project--the brainchild of artist and activist Ji Lee--gives you the opportunity to make the famous say what you've always wanted to hear them say on his website. Lee's scope isn't limited to just the net, though. If you are a New Yorker, you've likely seen his bubbles popping up all over. If you haven't, then express yourself and put up your own.

Battle Jell-O

Ever looked at your bowl of Jell-O, sitting there jiggling and jostling, and thought "wouldn't it be cool if my Jell-O came to life and started fighting a grueling right on my kitchen table?" No? OK, probably not. But, JellyBattle (designed by Logitech) gives you the chance to take control of your jelly-made-man and battle other gelatinous foes for confectionery domination.

Eco-Libris Makes Greener Reading

According to the Eco-Libris website, about 20 million trees are cut down every year to produce books in United States alone. So, how can we keep reading without leaving behind a heavy carbon footprint in the process? We can print books on recycled paper, buy used books and we can also offset the environmental damage we've already made through Eco-Libris .

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon’s Innovative Charity Site

Have you heard of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? No? Well, if you haven't, it's a trivia game from the 1990's that works like this: a group of players tries to connect any film actor in history to Kevin Bacon as quickly as possible and in as few links as possible. Kevin Bacon was smart enough to take advantage of this game and use it for his career in commercials, TV show appearance, etc. This year Kevin has gone a degree further and is using the six degrees concept for a greater good.

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