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Inventor Calendar

This section is intended to update inventors on all the invention contests, invention events, invention trade shows and whatever else that's going on of interest to inventors.

Please make sure to look at our daily blog postings on Contests and Events to get the latest new as this inventor calendar only gets updated periodically.

If you find out about a contest, convention, or any other interesting inventor event, please contact us and let us know. Thanks!!!

WARNING: This page gets seriously outdated from time to time, so please make sure to refer to our forums for the most current information.
You can find the forum discussion for inventor events at

September 2007


The 11th Annual Toy & Game Industry Convention (TGIFCon)
September 9-11, 2007
Location: Greater Pittsburgh Area, PA at the
Radisson ExpoMart
Contact: 1-888-683-TGIF or 630-906-1575

TGIFCon is noted for being the most prestigious show in the toy industry.There will be high-level buyers, reps, marketing gurus,
intellectual property and licensing experts, trend tracking organizations,
forecasters and much more. Attendees participate in round table discussions, one-on-one sessions and ozens of events over the 3-day program.

Designed to promote intra-industry relations and create new synergistic partnerships. In addition, TGIFCon gives inventors and entrepreneurs the opportunity to enter the toy and ame arena, learning from and potentially selling their product or service directly to industry leaders. Face to face meetings/free table top presentation area available


12th Annual USPTO Independent Inventors Conference - Pre Conference Workshop
September 13, 2007
Location: North Carolina State University, College of Textiles, Raleigh, NC
Contact: 571-272-8850

Top USTPO officials, successful inventors and intellectual property experts will be on hand to provide practical advice and information for both novice and seasoned inventors.

Taipei International Invention Show & Technomart
September 27- 30, 2007
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Venue: Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall
Admission is Free
Exhibition opportunities available.

17th Annual ERA Convention
September 30 – October 2, 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV at The Venetian Hotel


Merchant Media Household Helpers Idea Hunt
Until October 31, 2007

Big Idea Group is running an Idea Hunt for Merchant Media, a manufacturer of a number of products for direct response TV. They’re seeking innovations in these three categories: drawer organization, food storage, and food prep. Inventors are invited to contribute ideas in any or all of these categories. Best concepts will be considered for licensing. In addition, Merchant Media will be awarding 30 merchandise packs to inventors.

Please visit for more information.
Deadline is October 31, 2007.


October 2007

17th Annual ERA Convention
September 30 – October 2, 2007
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada at The Venetian Hotel


Yankee Invention Exposition
October 11t-13, 2007
Location: Waterbury, Connecticut

A three day event where inventors can showcase their products to manufacturers, investors, venture capitalists, distributors, licensing firms, wholesalers/retailers and marketers. Also offering Computer Workshops for patent searching, and Entrepreneur Workshops each day during the showing of the exhibits.


International Inventors Day
October 13, 2007
Location: Pleasant View, Tennessee
Free Admission/Free Exhibit/Vendor Booth Space

Merchant Media Household Helpers Idea Hunt
Until October 31, 2007

Big Idea Group is running an Idea Hunt for Merchant Media, a manufacturer of a number of products for direct response TV. They’re seeking innovations in these three categories: drawer organization, food storage, and food prep. Inventors are invited to contribute ideas in any or all of these categories. Best concepts will be considered for licensing. In addition, Merchant Media will be awarding 30 merchandise packs to inventors.

Please visit for more information.
Deadline is October 31, 2007.


November 2007

FIMA 2007- Europe's Premier Financial Data Management Conference
November 5-7, 2007
Location: London, Olympia
+44 (0)20 7368 9465


Chicago Toy and Game Fair
November 17-18, 2007
Location: Renaissance Hotel & Expo Center -Schaumburg, Illinois







So 2nd season AI hasn't even started yet out west (I'll be going to Atlanta, hopefully)??? Should it be after the holidays? ABC, please tell us something!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's the hold-up?

american inventor

You'd think that ABC and Freemantle would have a little more respect for people. At least give an update or report.

I think season 2 will be fantastic because nobody even knew about season one until it was already cast. I didn't even know the show existed until i saw it on TV.


It would be nice if ABC could let Inventors know when the Auditions start so that we know how to schedule the Holiday season.

Hi Margaret

Rumor has it that casting calls for season two will be later than casting for season one. We have not received confirmation on this and that's why you haven't see a big ole article on our home page about this. As soon as we know for sure, we'll let all our readers know.

American Inventor Spot Team

When is casting for American Inventor Season 2?

I have been searching and searching for any morsel of information on when the casting call will be for LA for Season 2 of American Inventor. Does anyone know? Last year was Nov 17th at the Renissance but it seems it it getting awefully close to that date and the website still says "in the coming weeks"

Any info is appreciated!

Margaret Back

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