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Innovative or Just Another Reusable Bag for Halloween?

A press release on September 6, 2007 announced that Greenfeet, together with ChicoBag, has come up with an eco-friendly bag for this upcoming Halloween.

Enjoy the Fall in a Pumpkin Swing

Because Cinderella was kind and worked hard she was rewarded with an elegant gown and a pumpkin carriage to carry her away to the ball. You are not Cinderella, but you have been good and worked hard too so don't you deserve something special? Unfortunately there is no magical pumpkin carriage awaiting you today, but there is hope. Give the Pumpkin Swing a try.

Eco-Libris Makes Greener Reading

According to the Eco-Libris website, about 20 million trees are cut down every year to produce books in United States alone. So, how can we keep reading without leaving behind a heavy carbon footprint in the process? We can print books on recycled paper, buy used books and we can also offset the environmental damage we've already made through Eco-Libris .

10 Hot Products to Keep Your Pets Cool


Pets love to be outdoors in any season, but summers are especially dangerous times for them. Dogs and cats, especially, are not physiologically equipped to handle hot weather, as they can only sweat through their footpads, mouths, and noses. Here are ten innovative pet products to keep your pets cool during the dog days of summer:

Cedarville University Wins Solar Splash 2007!

When I first read about the solar energy boat race, Solar Splash, I was immediately intrigued. Though I don't like open waters; therefore, will not get on a boat, the combination of solar energy and cleaner transportation in competition has had me tempted to face my fears and give these solar powered boats a try. I think it's an innovative idea with wonderful educational opportunities and a great start to the building and using of non-polluting, fuel-free vehicles (land, water and air) of the future.

5 Innovative Ways To Light Up Your Garden

It is getting easier, cheaper (sort of) and more interesting to buy solar powered lights lately. They are in every gardening catalog, on every gardening website, and slowly popping up around homes. As rapidly turns green you can even find them here. Here is a quick list of solar lights that will help bring your electric bill down and light up your home in very colorful and interesting ways.

Save The Forests with Coffee

Considering that almost everyone I know is an avid coffee drinker, my distaste for coffee sometimes makes me feel like an outsider. But alas there is hope for me. Finally, a firelog called the Java-Log, allows me a way to enjoy the warmth of coffee with others without sacrificing my comfort in the process.

Solar Garden Light: Product Review

It was nice to finally have a chance to try out a solar garden light. I had considering purchasing one when Scientifics sent me one to review. I was impressed by the simplicity of this Solar Garden Light. There really is no wiring or assembly required. All I needed to do to make it work was take it out of the box, push a button to turn it on and then set it in the sun in my garden.

Suzuki Cervo & Chevy MW Minicars Prove Size DOES Matter!

Japan's Suzuki along with other Japanese carmakers has discovered that adding high-end content to minicars like the new Cervo is the fastest route to sales success.

Water-Safe Baby Carrier

With summer fast-approaching, visions of the dreaded heat and humidity press tightly on my mind, like a hot, wet cloth. Oppressive and uncomfortable, the Midwest summers can nearly kill you or at least obliterate any fun outdoors - especially for my family. We all dislike the heat. Staying at home with the kids, cooped up in the deliciousness of air-conditioning can only last too long. Boredom sets in. Quick as a wink, I'm out the door, having packed everyone up for an afternoon at the pool. I love the water; its blue wetness dazzling in the glaring sun. Watching the children swimming their hearts and summer away is amazing. I love to hear their ecstatic squeals of laughter echoing off the water.

Green Retreats For Scrooge

This holiday season, when you look at your reflection do you see Ebenezer Scrooge staring back at you? Chances are your probably aren't a Scrooge, but the holidays can sometimes really bring out the "Buhumbug!" in you. Greed, work, family, commercialized holidays, lack of time, wrapping paper and dead trees adding to the landfills...whatever your stressors are, they have you upset and you are just not in the mood to celebrate the holidays this year. Traditions and family are a wonderful part of your life, but sometimes a change can be a good thing too and you need a change. You need to go somewhere where you can get a way and relax for awhile. Lucky for you, the Ghost of Green is here to lead the way.

Solar Powered Holidays Decorations

Star on StakeStar on StakeIf you love decorating for the holidays, but would like to decorate a little more green this year, solar decorations are an option. Eco-friendly wreathes, icicles, stars, snowmen, santas, globes and even string lights are all available and ready to light up your home and garden. You won't have to mess with wires and in the long run, you will save money on your electric bill.

Take a look below at the list of solar powered decorations available.


Have Money to Burn? Pay $850,000 for a Christmas Tree

Guess what? Its the day after Thanksgiving which means the Christmas Season has started for a lot of us.

Japanese jeweler Ginza Tanaka (maker of the gold foot massager - see Have Money to Burn? Pay $130,000 for a Foot Massager) has created a couple of products to get into the Christmas spirit. Its most recent item is a 100% gold Christmas tree. The gold Christmas tree is 1.5 meters tall, made from 21 kg of gold and costs a mere $850,000.

Looking for a New, Cool Website? Try Create A Snowflake!

Every now and then, in the course of my endless web surfing, I come across a cool new website find that hooks me for a while. So I thought, heck, why not share them with you all? This will be an “as I find them, I’ll share them” installment. And I welcome your help. If you come across a website that has some innovative technology at use, an unbelievably designed website that is inventive in it’s form, design or function, or some other site that you feel the world will love… email me at: so I can share it with our ever growing audience.

So… in the spirit of the holiday season (which is apparently upon us by the look of the mall windows) I would like to share a fun little site where you can create your very own snowflake.

Merry Halloween! The Booming Holiday Decoration Market

In case you haven’t been to Target or WalMart lately, Halloween is the new Christmas.

In this article, I take a look at the opportunities for inventors created through the ridiculous over-commercialization of holidays.

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