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Asian Politics Goes Virtual

Asian gamers stage a political protest - virtually.

Ten Weird, Wild & Wonderful Japanese Cars We Never Got to Buy

Some of the best Japanese cars never made the trip across the ocean. After seeing this list, you'll wish they did!

Every Dog Has His Night On A Customized Pet Bed


Pet BedPet Bed

I have a 14" by 10" photograph of my Silky Terrier hanging in a hallway. Each time my Welsh Terrier looks up at that photo, he barks... and a crazy dog! And I think he's yelling, "Alfie! Get off the wall, you stupid dog!"

So, now that I found these really cool pet beds that you can customize with your own photos, I'm wondering which pictures will let sleeping dogs lie....


Japan's InfoBar 2 Outclasses Apple iPhone

The Apple iPhone may be at the top of everyone's holiday gift list this year, but the fact remains is that it's NOT the best cell-phone you can buy - by far! Japan's KDDI has introduced the InfoBar 2, a sleek and sexy cell-phone that can do things Apple's product planners - and iPhone owners - can only dream about. Pity it's only available in Japan...

Perfect Porcelain at feinedinge


Poetry in the Vienna studio of designer Sandra Haischberger

Fake Human Skin Clothing Combines Disgust with Desire

Racks of human skin coats, shirts, handbags, even bedsheets crowd the shelves of the SkinBag showroom. Charnel house or chic boutique? Real or just surreal? Is the shock factor of wearing clothing made from human skin worth the attendant revulsion it can't help but inspire?

Innovative or Just Another Reusable Bag for Halloween?

A press release on September 6, 2007 announced that Greenfeet, together with ChicoBag, has come up with an eco-friendly bag for this upcoming Halloween.

Hello Kitty Grows Up with Sexy Girl Collection

Hello Kitty has grown up into a bonafide Sex Kitten, and Strapya World celebrates her new look with the "Hello Kitty Sexy Collection". I don't know about you, but there's something disturbingly SIN-derella-ish about combining the classic Hello Kitty head with a pair of shapely, sexy legs.

Gadgets 4 Gals Make Being a Geek Oh So Chic!

Today, geeks can be gals 'cuz it's cool to click when you're a chick. Forget what you thought you knew about geeks & nerds... girls just wanna have fun with high tech gadgets!

Enjoy the Fall in a Pumpkin Swing

Because Cinderella was kind and worked hard she was rewarded with an elegant gown and a pumpkin carriage to carry her away to the ball. You are not Cinderella, but you have been good and worked hard too so don't you deserve something special? Unfortunately there is no magical pumpkin carriage awaiting you today, but there is hope. Give the Pumpkin Swing a try.

Think Could Change Shoe Design Everywhere










If your shoes wear out do you throw them away, have them repaired, or try to recycle them? Recycling your shoes may prove challenging. Although there are a few shoe recycling programs in existence shoes often can't be recycled because of the adhesives used in their construction. Designer Ben Chappell hopes to changes this with Think.

World’s Tallest Building, And It Isn’t Even Finished

Our Guest Blogger, Lee Nunley, is a recent college graduate who has
lived in Cairo and Budapest. He currently resides in Denver and is
working on a book-centered Web 2.0 project. He wanted to share news about the innovations in the Middle East with the readers of

Here's his article:

* * * * *

The world’s tallest building is now located in Dubai, UAE, but the surprise is, the building is not projected to be completed until 2008.

2007's Funniest Adult Halloween Costumes

Sumo WrestlerSumo Wrestler

Becoming nostalgic for your childhood? If so, you'll find hundreds of
childrens' costumes in adult sizes this year, like the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. And if you want to rewind to your infancy, there's no shortage of adult infant costumes. Then there are the childish adult costumes, and here's where I bring you some of the best for a good laugh!

13 Halloween Pet Costume Winners 2007: Coolest, Scariest, Weirdest, and more...

Finally, I'm ready to present Lady Bee's Halloween Pet Costume Winners for 2007. Read on, and you'll find my picks for Coolest, Weirdest, Funniest, Scariest, Classiest, Best Pimp, Most Pious, Most Flirtatious, Most Realistic, Most Surprising, Best Retro, Best Pirate, and Most Adorable costumes for pets. (Dog, cat, ferret, and bird costumes were considered).

Art of the Yakuza: Japan's Tattooed Men & Women

Japanese gangsters, or "Yakuza", display colorful tattoos as part of a longstanding underworld tradition. Their wives, mistresses and girlfriends often sport similar body art, often intricately detailed and breathtakingly beautiful.
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