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FAQ—The Top Five

The five most frequently asked questions
Where’s my stuff?
We are currently developing software that will allow you to track your order. However, this feature is not available yet. If you have a problem with an order, you may email us at customerservice@navpress.com or call us at 800-366-7788.
Where can I get writer’s guidelines for the magazines?
Just click here and choose the magazine you would like to write for.
How do I return an item to NavPress?
It’s really easy, but click here for some simple instructions.
What’s the best way to contact customer service?
It depends on what your question or problem happens to be. Click here to see a directory of email addresses, phone and fax numbers, plus our mailing address.
How can I make a suggestion?
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Mag FAQs
If you have questions about one of our magazines, just click on the periodical name below.
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