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Stuff you can download for free
For almost every book or Bible study we publish you will find the first chapter or the first lesson on this website. Just go to the page for the individual product (not the series) you're interested in and look for the PDF icon and the words "Preview free sample." You may download and print out these materials for free.
We also offer free downloadable stuff in many other areas of our website. Here are some you can download from this page, just by clicking on the link:
DJ Bible Reading Plans
Discipleship Journal® now has three different Bible Reading Plans available. Please click here to find the one that may best fit your needs. All three can be started at any time during the year!
Excerpts from The Message New Testament
Resources from Pray! Magazine
• A sample issue of PrayKids! Magazine
How to Use a PDF
If you don't know how a PDF works click here for some simple instructions that will help you get started using the free stuff on this website.

Q: What's the difference between a PDF and a printer-friendly page?
A: A PDF (portable document format) file, whether displayed on your screen or printed out, looks just like a page from a book or magazine.
A printer-friendly page is just a "slimmed down" version of a webpage with some of the graphics removed so you can print it out more efficiently and economically.
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