The Goal

There is a lot of information vital to OS developers scattered all over the internet. But it's not all in one place. There's a doc here, a tutorial there, and a bunch of kernel source codes on various FTP servers. This makes finding the information hard. Bona Fide OS Development's goal is to provide OS developers with all the docs, tutorials, and source codes needed for them to code their own operating system.

We do this by:

A long term goal is to also provide a "projects" section where OS devers can collaborate to make generic, open source "modules"(much like libraries, but with an emphasis on generic, well-commented code). For instance, a keyboard module could be made which with few or no modifications could be used in any OS. This will allow OS developers working on completely different OSes to share certain parts of their source code with each other, dramatically speeding up the amount of time needed to create an OS.

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