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An interview with Jenny McCarthy

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    by Jenny Stewart

    There are reasons gay men and lesbians love Jenny McCarthy: She's funny and intelligent, she's more open than most celebs and she's always willing to get down and dirty with interviewers (even offering to lock lips with this one at the close of the chat). In Park City to promote her new film, "Dirty Love," McCarthy sat down with PlanetOut Entertainment Editor Jenny Stewart to talk about making the film (which she wrote), working with her husband (which was hell) and why gay women are convinced she's a lesbian (a fact she loves).

    You wrote the screenplay for "Dirty Love." What inspired you to write that story?

    What originally inspired me to write it was I had a development deal for Fox for a television show and I couldn't find a writer to write for me. [Laughs.] I just don't know why, but I just couldn't, and ... I can't. So I took it into my own hands to write it for the television show and it was called "Dirty Love." And they loved it, but they didn't green-light it because it was too edgy and controversial for TV. So -- I bought it back from them, and I loved these characters so much that I decided to make it into a feature!

    Good for you. Your character, Rebecca, is in search of a soul mate. Do you believe in soul mates?

    You know what? I do. I was giving up on my last boyfriend -- I had been in this relationship that was really bad for five years and then this man, John Asher, walked in the door and introduced himself, and ... immediately, firecrackers went off in my head. In fact, I told him that day he was going to be my husband.

    What happened after that?

    Two weeks later we were engaged. Six months later we were married. We've been married almost six years and we have a son!

    Speaking of your husband, he directed "Dirty Love." Who was the boss in that situation?

    [Laughs.] He was a little worried about that, because I wrote it and I was starring in it, and I'm very ... opinionated. So we talked about it, and he was like, "You have to relinquish control, because I am the director." And I was like, "Fine! I definitely will!" Then we get on the set and I was like, "Wait -- that's not how I do it!" [Laughs.] But it was so difficult to ... see someone else do something that you ... see and hear. Does that make sense? So yeah, we went through a lot of fighting and a lot of compromising, and actually we had codes [Laughs.]

    Codes are great, especially when other people are around. What were the codes?

    [Laughs.] We had "911," for emergency situations. And it turned out great! Because sometimes I'd be, like, saying in front of people, "NO! NO!" and he'd say "Jenny, 911!" And then I'd catch myself, and the same thing for me -- I'd do something and he'd say "NO! NO!" and I'd say, "911!" It was just really funny. But also really good.

    OK, Jenny, we are on to the lesbian questions.

    [Excited.] Great!!

    Because lesbians really love you.

    And I love lesbians!

    You just played a lesbian on "What I Like About You" and a transgender person on "Mad About You." So, obviously, you have no problem playing queer roles. If you could star in a lesbian love story, and --

    Angelina Jolie. No question.

    God! Everyone says that! OK, wait, what about a second choice?

    OK, this is a really weird one. And I don't even know her name.

    Tell me, and I'll tell you who she is.

    OK. She's a blonde. She's older. She -- do you remember that movie with Jim Belushi and he's playing a homeless guy, and he had this ... kid, and like, her name was Curly Sue --

    Kelly Lynch?

    Yes! That's who!

    That's so funny, because she's actually on "The L Word" now, playing a lesbian.

    You're kidding!

    No! She plays a drag king named "Ivan" who's after Pam Grier.

    [Laughing hard.] Oh my God! She's my definite second choice!

    You should see her -- she looks awesome right now, and she's, like, 45.

    I know! I think she is beautiful!

    Yes, she is. OK. You got big on "Singled Out," the dating show on MTV. You guys did one special episode back in either 1996 or 1997 for gay men and lesbians. Now, that was actually pretty groundbreaking for then.

    It definitely was.

    What were your thoughts when it was first brought up in the meeting, and how did that episode differ from the rest?

    I was so excited. Anything where the sponsors get shaken up, and, like, MTV really has the courage to do stuff like that, you know? And let me tell you -- it was the most fun episode of all, because guys wanted to be me, and all the girls wanted to sleep with me! [Laughing hard.]

    I know they did, and it's so funny how lasting an effect that had because, to this day, so many lesbians still think you are a lesbian. Partly because of that episode and how you were with the lesbians. But also, I know women who say, "She's definitely gay -- she was the MVP of her softball and field hockey team." Even though you're married and have a child, they still think that.

    I know! And yep, I was really into softball and field hockey!

    But that field hockey thing is really just all the evidence some women need for you. Why do you think they like you so much?

    (Laughs.) Maybe because I like them so much.

    Do you have lesbian friends?

    Oh yeah! I mean, my stepsister is gay and I hang around all her friends. I go to lesbian bars.

    Really? What's the reaction?

    They fight! [Laughs.]

    You mean they hit on you?

    Oh yeah, but really -- they get into fights.

    Are you serious?

    Yeah! Like who's going to talk to me first -- it's hilarious!

    Do you have any favorite lesbian films?

    Hmm. ... What was that one? That wasn't even that naughty though. [Laughs.] See? This is me -- I'm only thinking of the hot lesbian scenes and this one was.

    Which was what?

    OK, well you know that scene with Angelina Jolie? (Laughs.)


    Yes! I mean, God! It was just, I'm sorry, I know the movie is tragic, but God!

    Have you seen the director's cut?

    You mean she goes further?!

    Yes. There is one extra scene. [Describes the scene to Jenny]

    Wow! And that's the uncut director's cut? And it's on DVD now?

    Yeah -- it just came out on DVD. Makes a really good gift.

    "The Jenny McCarthy Show" was really funny. Do you think you'll ever do another TV series?

    I totally do. I have a sitcom coming out in March. It's called "The Bad Girl's Guide." It's pretty edgy, and it's not afraid to go places, and I keep talking about it, and people yell at me and say, "Don't say what you do on the show -- sponsors will pull out!" And I'm, like, I have Tourette's syndrome in interviews -- you tell me what not to say and I'm going to say it, you know? And I love questioning authority, you know? I mean, God, who says what can and can't [be said.] But just so you know, I make out with a girl on the show.

    Who do you make out with?

    One of my friends on the show.

    Well good. Let's keep in touch to cover that.

    PlanetOut photographer: Can we get a pic of the two Jennys?

    McCarthy: Should we make out?

    Stewart: I'd love to.

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