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  Services: Advocacy
  Inspired by Catholic Social Teaching and documents on justice and peace from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) the World Mission Office collaborates with local, national and international organizations, to broaden advocacy on international issues among the people of Southeastern Wisconsin.

We are unable to work on all issues. The following areas have been selected for priority attention:

  • Peace with Justice
    • in the Middle East especially in Iraq
    • by closing the former School of the Americas, now the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation as both symbol and agency that train military officials who oppress their citizens
    • in Colombia who is experiencing one of the worst human rights crises in the world, clearly in America
    • in Haiti, the poorest country in our hemisphere

  • Cancellation of the debt of the world’s poorest countries

  • Lifting the embargo against Cuba

  • HIV/AIDS in Africa

  • Fair labor practices throughout the world especially in areas where international corporations set up factories where they can take advantage of cheap labor

Check our Office's News Page for ADVOCACY ALERTS that will give you the opportunity to act in solidarity with our sisters and bothers throughout the world.

To find your representatives,

To move toward justice in the above issues, we collaborate locally with:

Nationally and internationally we interact with:

The Office for World Mission Library has many resources for education on international justice and peace issues.

Contact: Sr. Rosemary Huddleston, OP Phone: 414-769-3405
Group: World Mission Ministries