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  Services: Child Welfare Services
A service of Catholic Charities' Family & Children's Ministries

Child Welfare Ministries provides care and support to those experiencing unplanned pregnancies, parenting education and support, temporary foster care, adoption services and adoption search services.

An unplanned pregnancy – making a decision to parent or give their child up for adoption – working through family issues and emotions – for single mothers the decision is often difficult and complex. Circumstances vary, but often the birth mother feels pressured by the birth father, their extended families and even their friends, as they weigh one choice over the others.

This is especially difficult for teen mothers who may never have had the opportunity or the need to make a major decision in their life. It is also a challenging decision for older women, many of whom already have children at home and know the complexity of raising children alone.

Catholic Charities services are non-denominational and open to all people regardless of race, religion, age, ability, or nation of origin.

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Inc. is affiliated with Catholic Charities, USA.

Pregnancy and Parenting Support Services – Catholic Charities
Contact: Jay Warner Phone: 262-547-2463
E-Mail: Group: Catholic Charities