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See Katamari 360's bonkers intro

The typically nonsensical boot-up video of Namco's latest rolling quest inside
Dancing pandas, happy elephants and planet-wrecking hammerhead aliens; all features of the psychedelic intro movie for the rolling game that makes no sense.

Bonkers is the only way to describe the Katamari series and this movie sets the tone for the madness within. If you've not played a Katamari game you're missing out.

You roll stuff up. Yes, that's it. You have a sticky ball and you roll it around to pick up objects bizarrely scattered around a crazy, nonsensical world of snorkelling cats, ballet-dancing golfers and giant lizards.

But it's the satisfaction of growing that ball from the size of a paperclip to a city-crushing boulder of ultimate death and destruction that cannot be described.

Check out the intro by clicking the thumbnail to the right, then grab a copy of the Official Xbox 360 Magazine UK issue 24, out now, to play the exclusive three-minute demo.
