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Nintendo: Wii News


No Wii price cut for "foreseeable future"

Nintendo to shy off from price cut because its still selling all of units it makes
Despite console price cuts being the in thing at the moment (Sony's £349 PS3 and the Xbox 360 price drops) Nintendo says it expects to keep the Wii price-point unchanged for the "foreseeable future" since it is selling all of the units it makes.

Speaking to Retuers, Nintendo of America's marketing VP George Harrison said: "We'll stay at $249 for the foreseeable future. We are still selling everything we can make."

This is in-line with earlier comments from NOA president Reggie Fils-Aime, who said that company would not be able to meet the large Wii demand this Christmas.

"We're working very hard to make sure that consumers are satisfied this holiday," he said, "but I can't guarantee that we're going to meet demand. As a matter of fact, I can tell you on the record we won't."

That's in then; spread the word, because until mothers and grandparents stop buying Nintendo's console new buyers are going to put up with the harsh price point - which let's not forget is the same as an Xbox 360 Core.
