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Transcending Your Limits

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Life is a bitter-sweet affair. It is the bitterness that makes us look above and beyond.

Now that you have become aware of the power inherent in affirmations and of the potency with which they can influence individual lives, you would not be wrong in regarding them as virtually magical! They are wondrous - like so much else in life. Through affirmations much can be accomplished easily; objectives that would otherwise seem like an arduous uphill task.

Nevertheless, there are certain pointers one ought to know and remember. Firstly, affirmations should not be used negatively or for negative ends. Secondly, there comes a time when you need to rise above shortsighted affirmations and broaden your horizons - ultimately giving in to the Spirit of surrender.

Avoiding negative affirmations
Life is a bitter-sweet affair. It is the bitterness that makes us look above and beyond. When trials assail a person they test the inner core. In typical daily life situations, when one's trust is treacherously betrayed, either by a trusted colleague, child, friend, or even spouse, the distress caused is often unbearable and what was construed to be love and affection changes into hurt or bitter hatred.

At times like these when one is trying to salvage a broken life and a broken heart, one may be tempted to think ill of the so-called betrayer. If you are practicing affirmations at such a stage in your life, do NOT practice affirmations AGAINST the other person. Affirmations must not be used for retribution or 'getting even'. The laws that govern life are fair and just, and will do all that is to be done at the appropriate time. We have no right to decide about or to influence another's life one way or the other, unless one is consciously asked to do so.

The best and appropriate thing to do to heal the hurt is to affirm for one's own peace or well-being. It is inapt to affirm: "My son will not marry the girl he has just chosen"; "May my business partner's venture fail because he is a cheater"; or even, "May my wife/husband suffer for being unfaithful." The alternative is to affirm for your own peace of mind and happiness and to send love to the other person, even as we adopt an attitude of forgiveness and understanding.

The reason behind this is very scientific. Whatever thought you send forth first becomes a part of your system. So, if your wish failure or pain upon anyone else, it comes on to you first. Thus, when you wish well for someone else you are actually doing yourself a favour! Hence the prayer - "sarve sukhinah bahavantu" (May all living beings be happy).

Rising above short-sighted affirmations
Verily there is nothing wrong in seeking to satisfy legitimate material desires. However, often when we attract something to ourselves, we generally are aware of or choose to look at only a particular aspect and ignore the rest. But things, events, experiences, relationships all come with strings attached.

Thus, while we do tend to be satisfied for some time at having got what we wanted, often our desires get frustrated because on a closer look, we have to take all that comes with the object of our desire and this leads to frustration. The problem is that we exist submerged in delusion and thanks to this myopic vision, so often, we do not know what we really want or need.

Apropos, the need to surrender to a higher power. So instead of affirming, "I am going to earn one million rupees" or whatever else, it is better to say: "I am moving towards prosperity and happiness," and to leave the rest in surrender to God or the Cosmic One. With a receptive and positive frame of mind, this offers us a greater likelihood of our becoming truly happy and prosperous.

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