viksit's blog and

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Lovely, we now have 2 brilliant FOSS events in different parts of the country, and I've had the opportunity of being involved in both over the past few years.

I QUITE like the logos and graphics for both, a far cry from what they were back when they started :)

Vim tabs

:retab and :expandtab are godsends if you're doing python editing in vim, and want to make sure you don't ever have to deal with spaces!

Installing Pidgin on Ubuntu Feisty Fawn - the easy way

Well, looks like this blog is becoming a technical blog for now. :)

Here are some steps to install Pidgin on an Ubuntu Feisty Fawn without messing up your system.

1) Download pidgin from:


2) Pidgin conflicts with Gaim, which needs to be removed. To do so, a simple

apt-get remove gaim

will suffice.

NB: You *Will* get a message about dependencies on ubuntu-desktop and a nautilus file.

This is okay - the nautilus integration with gaim isn't that important, and ubuntu-desktop, contrary to what it might sound like, is just a meta file which you can remove.

However, removing this file will cause troubles if you ever do an

The ultimate font rendering guide for Ubuntu Feisty Fawn

Things to do to have a good font subsystem up:

1) Get Lucida Grande (Freeware)

2) Get the msttcorefonts package, and gsfonts:

sudo apt-get install gsfonts-x11
sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts

3) In Gnome, goto System -> Preferences -> Fonts, and Set the following:
- Change fonts to something you actually like
- Font rendering : Best Shapes
- Click Details -> Resolution : 96dpi, Smoothing: Subpixel, Hinting: Slight

4) Next, edit your xorg.conf

Microsoft Vista Quote

Talking about Vista.

"It's rather like dealing with an overexcited Boy Scout ... who has a lifetime supply of chocolate-covered espresso beans."

Hehe. Very True. I recently installed Vista on parallels, and it was an interesting experience using it, but .. meh.

Last page of search results in Google

An interesting question - how do you see the last page of results, the least relevant ones, on google?

The answer is - you can't. Google only serves the first 1000 results, which you can go look at if you click all the way to the last search result. OR, you can do the smart thing and:

Type the above URL replacing SearchTerm with your own word. A lot of other URLs are actually incorrect, since in order to do this well, you need to keep the "omitted search results" in, which the above link does.

Using End/Home keys to perfection in on Mac OS X

This guide is meant to help you out with changing terminal settings to get default linux like functionality of page up/down and home/end keys on Mac OS X.

I would suggest getting your terminal to behave properly first, so swap some keys in 'Terminal', 'Window Settings...', 'Keyboard', namely the 'end' and 'shift end', 'home' and 'shift home', 'page down' and 'shift page down' and 'page up' and 'shift page up'.

Then edit the home key: delete all that is there and type the following keys:
ctrl + [, [, 1, ~ it should now say: \033[1~
Do the same for the end key, it should say: \033[4~

On blogging fun and macbook pro jitters

Yes, I know I haven't been updating this site as frequently as I should be. But my anon blog is running well, and I might even post some articles from it here! Just a couple of days ago, a friend was talking about how increasingly important it has become to make sure that unwanted information about your views and opinions don't get abused by miscreants. And a fair word of warning that is too.

That said, I'm spending the week just impatiently waiting for my macbook pro to come in from Shanghai. Grr. They ship it all the way from China, and it takes almost a week to get to me even when its already in Indiana!


I now draw the occasional cartoon dealing with various things I find humorous. :) What do you think?

(With due inspiration from xkcd!)

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