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All Topics, MFC/C++, C#, ASP.NET, .NET, VB.NET >> Bugs and Workarounds
Bugs and Workarounds

Found a bug in a Microsoft development tool (Visual Studio .NET, the .NET framework, Visual Source Safe etc)? Then post it here!

   • .NET issues    • ATL/WTL
   • General    • MFC 6.0 bugs
   • MFC Bugs    • Purgatory
   • Unedited Reader Contributions    • VS.NET IDE Issues
.NET issues
Title / Updated Author Score
Application.EnableVisualStyles Bug
26 Oct 2003
Calling Application.EnableVisualStyles prevents images from an ImageList from appearing on Windows Common Controls

MC++, C#, VB.NET, XP, .NET 1.1
Don Kackman 4.47
The virtual bool bug
3 Sep 2003
Describes the virtual bool bug that exists in mixed mode Managed C++ programs that access unmanaged classes

VC7.1, VC7, MC++
Nishant Sivakumar 4.35
.NET MSIE OnBeforeNavigate2 fix
30 Oct 2002
Provides a fix to catch otherwise hidden events of MS Internet Explorer

C#, XP, W2K, .NET, Win9X
Stephane Rodriguez. 4.21
Issues with UdpClient.Receive
10 Mar 2002
When more than one UDP packet is enqueued on a socket, UdpClient.Receive will receive packets that are not of the expected size.

.Net Framework 1.0.3705
Christian Rodemeyer 4.07
Bug when using the java.util.zip classes to write zip files
9 May 2004
Describes an issue when writing a binary file into a zip file using the java.util.zip classes

.NET 1.1
Nishant Sivakumar 4.06
Report on a possible memory leak in LoadImage(..)
3 Aug 2003
LoadImage may leak memory

VC6, W2K, Win9X
R. Walker 1.82
Title / Updated Author Score
Linker Errors, CString, ATL, MFC, and YOU!
4 May 2003
Linker errors due to CStringT template classes and ATL vs. MFC issues

VC7, VC6, XP, W2K, Win9X, MFC, ATL
Nick Pirocanac 4.68
WTL bugs
28 Nov 2000
Known WTL & ATL bugs

VC7, VC6, XP, W2K, Win9X, ATL, WTL
Paul Bludov 4.64
CAtlHttpClientT Bug Fixed
8 Mar 2004
A fix of ATL 7 CAtlHttpClientT code

VC7, XP, W2K, ATL7
Yury Lukach 4.5
BUG in _com_util::ConvertStringToBSTR and _com_util::ConvertBSTRToString
17 Jul 2002
How MS implements them and why they do not want you to see the source code of those functions.

VC7, VC6, VC5, XP, W2K, Win9X, Win95, NT4, MFC, ATL
soptest 3.81
WTL 7.0 CMDICommandBarCtr bug and fix
14 May 2002
WTL 7.0 CMDICommandBarCtr small fixes

VC7, VC6, XP, W2K, Win9X, WTL
Alweit 3.33
Title / Updated Author Score
Fix for KB article 823206
14 Jun 2004
How to solve the behaviour described in KB 823206

VC7.1, VC7, VC6, Win2003
TeeBee303 4.26
Code Rescue: Copying code from CodeProject to Visual Studio
30 Jul 2007
ow to copy code snippets with Internet Explorer while preserving newlines and indentation

Generic; Windows, .NET (.NET 2.0); Win32, VS; Dev
Luc Pattyn 4.25
A flicker issue in MDI applications
23 Aug 2005
Provides a fix to the flicker problem in MDI applications.

C++ (VC7, VC7.1, VC6); Windows; Win32, VS, MFC; Dev
Andrzej Markowski 3.11
MFC 6.0 bugs
Title / Updated Author Score
CFtpFileFind empty destructor causes crash in MFC 6, NT
15 Apr 2002
The case of a virtual destructor not calling the correct Close function

Geert Delmeiren 3.89
The LoadImage() function doesn't load correctly a 4 bpp bitmap transparently
12 Feb 2003
LoadImage() used with the LR_LOADTRANSPARENT parameter doesn't behave as expected for 4bpp bitmaps.

VC6, XP, W2K, Win9X, NT4, MFC
Geert Delmeiren 3.88
MFC Bugs
Title / Updated Author Score
BUG: MFC 7.0's CByteArray::Serialize() reads too much data
11 Jun 2002
A bug in MFC 7.0's CByteArray::Serialize() causes it to read too much data.

skst 4.65
Bug in MFC's CFileFind::GetLength64()
2 Mar 2002
File size returned by CFileFind::GetLength64() is incorrect for files larger than 4Gb

VC6, XP, W2K, Win9X, Win95, NT4, MFC4.2
Andy Hassall 4.65
MFC 7.0 Assertion Bug in CToolBar::CreateEx(...), CControlBar::SetBarStyle(...) and others
26 Feb 2002
This is a buggy ASSERT statement that limits the number of docking flags to one.

VC7, XP, W2K, Win9X, Win95, NT4, MFC
Ivor S. Sargoytchev 4.38
MFC CString::CompareNoCase does not work as expected
25 May 2002
CString::CompareNoCase depends on locale, even though the docs say otherwise.

VC6, XP, W2K, Win9X, MFC
Geert Delmeiren 4.19
Example of CListCtrl::SortItems(...) in MSDN
28 Feb 2002
The given example in the documentation of CListCtrl::SortItems(...) shows us exactly the WRONG way of using the function.

VC7, VC6, VC5, XP, W2K, Win9X, MFC
Ivor S. Sargoytchev 3
Title / Updated Author Score
Differences in the behaviour of CString >> and << using MFC 7 and double '\0' ended strings (like REG_MULTI_SZ)
4 Jun 2003
Differences in the behaviour of CString >> and << using MFC 7 and double '\0' ended strings (like REG_MULTI_SZ) and a workaround

VC7, XP, W2K, Win9X, MFC7
leandrobecker 1.95
Unedited Reader Contributions
Title / Updated Author Score
Workaround for flicker/flashing when programmatically activating MDI child forms
9 Jul 2007
This short class demonstrates how to activate an MDI Child form without the fireworks that you see if you just set the ActiveMdiChild property of the MDI parent form

C# (C# 2.0); Windows, .NET (.NET 1.1, .NET 2.0); Win32, VS (VS.NET2002, VS.NET2003, VS2005), WinForm
tonyt 4.2
Pitfalls with Merge Replication in a SQL 2000 Environment
12 Jun 2007
This article covers pitfalls found while doing a merge replication in SQL 2000

SQL; Windows; Win32, SQL (SQL 2000); DB, Dev
Psycho-*Coder*-Extreme 3.82
The Psychology of Testing!
14 Feb 2007
This article is about The Psychology of Testing with emphasis on Role and Characteristics of a Software Tester.

Generic; Generic; Generic; CEO, Dev, QA
Simple Data Paging
24 Oct 2005
Simple Data Paging

SQL; Windows; Win32, SQL (SQL CE, SQL 7, SQL 2000, SQL 2005), VS; DB, Dev
Barend Jnr 2.95
Exclamation character getting inserted in body of mail messages sent programmatically using CDO object.
4 Apr 2006
Exclamation character getting inserted in body of mail messages sent programmatically using CDO object.

Generic; Windows; Win32, VS; Dev
Vikramaditya S Shekhawat 1.64
Title / Updated Author Score
dbgfix: An add-in to properly launch IE during ASP.NET debugging when running VS7 under alternate credentials
17 Apr 2003
This add-in launches IE properly during ASP.NET debugging when running VS7 under alternate credentials.

Rama Krishna Vavilala 4.29
Remedy for fatal error C1190
9 May 2005
Workaround for the Fatal Error C1190 Visual Studio 2003 IDE bug.

Generic; Windows; Win32, VS; Dev
Sylvester, Asil Gerard 4.07
Watch Out for this Web Form Designer issue
3 Jul 2002
If your web form designer stops working, this might be a reason why...

Senkwe Chanda 3.5
Installing Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1
19 Dec 2006
Tips and tricks on upgrading your VS2005 installation to SP1

Generic; Windows, .NET; Win32, VS; Dev
Ben Allfree 2.77
IntelliSense Bug In VS.NET
28 Mar 2002 Beginner
Occasionally IntelliSense stops working and you are hard pressed to find out why. Here is one reason that I have discovered.

Tom Welch 2.21

last updated 18 Oct 2007
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