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Introducing CNIC

Introducing CNIC Brief History Data Processing
Public Education Lobbying & Campaigning Inquiries & Interviews
Publications Newsletters Subscription

Citizens' Nuclear Information Center is an anti-nuclear public interest organization dedicated to securing a safe, nuclear-free world. The Center was formed to provide reliable information and public education on all aspects of nuclear power to ultimately realize this goal.

Data gathered, compiled, and analyzed by the Center is condensed into forms useful to the media, citizens' groups, policy makers, and the general public. The Center is independent from government and industry and is supported by membership fees, donations, and sales of publications.

CNIC was established in 1975 in Tokyo to collect and analyze information related to nuclear energy including safety, economic, and proliferation issues and to conduct studies and research on such issues. During 1995-97, the center spearheaded an independent study on mixed uranium-plutonium oxide (MOX) fuel with a number of prominent researchers from Europe, the U.S.A., and Japan. The Research Director of the International MOX Assessment (IMA) project, Dr. Jinzaburo Takagi, together with the Research Sub-Director, Mycle Schneider, received the Right Livelihood Award for this study and activities relating to plutonium issues. The results of this project have been published in Japanese, English, French, and Russian.

In August 1998, former Executive Director Dr. Jinzaburo Takagi resigned from the post due to ill health. Three people were appointed to work jointly as Co-Directors to take his position: Baku Nishio, associated researcher; Hideyuki Ban, Secretary-General; and Dr. Yukio Yamaguchi, professor of philosophy of science and environment. Dr. Takagi passed away in October 2000, but CNIC remains committed to the ideals which he established.

In September 1999, CNIC was certified by the Government of Tokyo as a Specified Nonprofit Corporation, and thus acquired legal corporate status.

Data Collection, Collation and Analysis

Information is central to CNIC's purpose. The Center gathers its information from many sources including the internet, newspaper and journal clippings, government and industry publications, raw data from accidents and incidents and scientific reports and theses. CNIC collates and analyses this information to produce an understandable overview of the nuclear industry and the government's policies in Japan. With these analyses CNIC tries to present a balanced view of nuclear power and helps local citizens' groups make informed decisions about the nuclear issues that affect their lives.

Public Education Seminars

CNIC holds regular public education seminars (approximately every three months) on relevant nuclear issues of the day in Japan. These seminars are an opportunity to educate the public in more detail about important nuclear issues and to broadcast our appeals for support to as wide an audience as possible.

Lobbying and Campaigning

Although CNIC is first and foremost an information/education group, it does, when deemed necessary, commit itself as a public interest group, to actions that are intended to create a safe and secure world.

Inquiries and Interviews

CNIC receives many enquiries from all over Japan and from around the world. The media, other organizations and private individuals often contact CNIC to find out about all sorts of nuclear issues, e.g. nuclear accidents, government nuclear policy, radiation effects, or the basics of nuclear power. Newspapers and television channels regularly contact CNIC for interviews, for an expert opinion or just to get some reliable information.

Pamphlets, Leaflets and Books

CNIC publishes pamphlets, leaflets and sometimes books that focus on particular areas of public interest or concern. Most of these are in Japanese, but we also try to produce English language materials about major issues. For example, CNIC has published two English language booklets that investigated the aftermath of the JCO criticality accident. See our publications page for details.

CNIC's Newsletters

In January 1976, CNIC began publishing a monthly, Japanese language newsletter, the Citizens' Nuclear Information Center Report. It is a 16 page, B5 newsletter that gives all the latest, in-depth news on nuclear issues in Japan and, where relevant, overseas. It has subscribers the length and breadth of Japan and also quite a few abroad. In October 1987, in response to the international outcry caused by the Chernobyl accident, CNIC started publishing a bimonthly, English language newsletter, Nuke Info Tokyo. This is a 12 page, A4 newsletter created to inform people overseas of the nuclear situation in Japan (see following section for subscription details).

Subscription to Nuke Info Tokyo English Newsletter

People applying from within Japan should send the subscription fee from a post office to our post office account No. 00140-3-63145, Genshiryoku Shiryou Jouhoushitsu..

People applying from outside Japan should send an international postal money order made out to Citizens' Nuclear Information Center.

Subscription rates are as follows: supporting subscriber $50/year or 5,000yen/year, or simple subscriber $30/year or 3,000yen/year).

Donations above this rate are always welcome, of course.


Yukio Yamaguchi
Baku Nishio
Hideyuki Ban

Secretary General
Hideyuki Ban

Directors (2006)
Hideyuki Ban (CNIC)
Michiaki Furukawa (Yokkaichi University)
Yuichi Kaido (Lawyer)
Noboru Kobayashi (Cameraman)
Baku Nishio (CNIC)
Kazuyuki Takemoto(Kariwa Village)
Akiko Wada (Russian Literature)
Yukio Yamaguchi (Hosei University)

Supervisors (2006)
Hiroyuki Kawai (Lawyer)

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Citizens' Nuclear Information Center
Akebonobashi Co-op 2F-B, 8-5 Sumiyoshi-cho,
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0065, Japan

