
Gates: Russia is saying, "We are back"

LEAVING MOSCOW — Following contentious and unproductive encounters with Russian officials on Friday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates Saturday said he isn't certain that Russia is interested in cooperating with the United States to defend Europe against Iranian missiles or whether Moscow simply wants to stop the U.S. from building missile defenses in Eastern Europe.

Gates, who for years was one of the CIA's top experts on the former Soviet Union, said the U.S. and Russia disagree about how quickly Iran will acquire medium-range ballistic missiles that could reach targets in Europe.

"They acknowledge the Iranians are seeking longer range missiles," Gates told reporters en route home from Moscow. "But there's a real disagreement about how soon that might happen. They talk in terms of 15 to 20 years, but my personal view is that's nonsense." » read more

Posted on Sat, October 13, 2007

Bush, aides 'grossly misjudged Putin'

WASHINGTON — The Bush administration's failure to win Russia's consent to install U.S. missile defenses in its European backyard and a growing list of other disputes suggest that President Bush and his aides have misread the man whose "soul" Bush thought he'd divined when they first met six years ago.

Bush's strategy on Russia assumed that Russian President Vladimir Putin embraced democracy, wanted integration with the West and sought a "strategic partnership" in which Moscow would acquiesce to U.S. policies such as NATO expansion. Feuds could be resolved through the close personal relationship that Bush believed he had with his Russian counterpart.

Instead, fueled by record oil and natural gas prices and resentment of what he lambasted in February as Bush's "almost uncontained hyper use of force," Putin has led global opposition to the U.S. war in Iraq, hosted Palestinians on the U.S. list of terrorist groups, sold anti-aircraft missiles and other arms to Iran and stymied Bush's drive to tighten U.N. sanctions on the Islamic republic for refusing to suspend uranium enrichment. » read more

Posted on Fri, October 12, 2007

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  • Video: Trip to Everest.
  • Slideshow Life at a Palestinian refugee camp.
  • Slideshow: Jerusalem: A Neighborhood remains divided.