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     United States Conference of Catholic Bishops —
Pro Life Activities
  For information on current pro-life topics including stem cell research and human cloning, parish leaders are encouraged to visit the website of the United States Conference of Bishops Catholic (see below).

This site offers announcements, fact sheets, legislative testimony, Catholic teaching on bio-ethics and reproductive technologies, and publications of interest to Catholics. For example:

  • Life Issues Forum is a newsletter that is produced biweekly by members of the United States Catholic Conference Pro-Life Committee and occasional guest columnists;
  • Life Insight is a helpful tool for in-depth analysis on the abortion debate and related issues;
  • Life at Risk, subtitled A Chronicle of Euthanasia Trends in America, is a newsletter that is published ten times yearly to alert readers to developments on physician-assisted suicide and related issues;
  • Word of Life is a monthly resource that provides bulletin quotations, intercessions related to weekly readings, and quarterly homily outlines on pro-life themes.

The postal address is:

Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
3211 4th Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20017-1194
Phone 202-541-3070

 Article created: 5/3/2002