Shirley Lane's profile

Helpful votes received on all
88% (70 of 80)
Nickname: cheryl0530
Location: Metro-DC Area
Birthday: July 26


New Reviewer Rank: 242,949 - Total Helpful Votes: 69 of 78
Classic Reviewer Rank: 116,106
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
I didn't start out wanting to read this book. A friend gave it to me along with a few others, and when I'd gotten through those I decided to give it a shot. I was moved in ways I haven't been in a very long time. There are no fairy tale endings, and no nice neat package, and the main character is so human it is painful. You feel about him the way he must feel about himself, and that makes the story so real. It was heartbreaking, inspiring and beautiful. If it is the only book you read this year it will be worth it.
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
We have received many lavender scented products for baby and this is definitely the longest lasting. My daughter has her bath at night and the light fragrance is still there the next day, unlike some of the other brands.

I like this lotion so much that I often use it on myself. It is a perfect consistency, not too greasy but substantial enough to moisturize, and the smell is fantastic.

The CD is so beautiful and calm. I have found that many of the night time CD's for babies have either inconsistent volumes in the songs or singing that can be startling or stimulating. This is a consistent, beautiful collection of familiar songs in a classical style with very little singing, and the… Read more

4.0 out of 5 stars Quality Product, April 4, 2004
I love this high chair! I found this high chair in Baby Bargains and registered for it without really knowing why. We received it and are using it and it has been great.

Best features:
*The three way recline is so handy for new eaters. I was able to adjust the recline to my daughter's abilities to hold herself upright. I still recline it on occasion for a bottle.
*It folds quickly and easily so it can be stored out of the way. (Good feature because it is a bulky product.)
*The seat is completely vinyl and easy to clean.
* The five point harness is very secure, even when the tray isn't on.
*There are essentially two trays and they are very easy to clean. Plus it is… Read more

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