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David Krumholtz

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McGregor and Farrell Sign On for Allen Film
19 May 2006 (WENN)
Miami Vice star Colin Farrell and Moulin Rouge heartthrob Ewan McGregor are set to star in director Woody Allen's new film set in London. The as-yet-untitled film is the third movie the New Yorker has shot in London, following the critically acclaimed Match Point and the upcoming Scoop. Plans for the new film were quickly put into place after Allen's Paris project, which was set to star Michelle Williams and David Krumholtz, fell through. According to Moviehole.net, the film will begin shooting this summer.

Woody Cancels Paris Project
19 April 2006 (WENN)
Director Woody Allen has abruptly cancelled plans to shoot his next film in Paris, deciding to return to a previous movie project to be filmed in London. Oscar-nominated Brokeback Mountain actress Michelle Williams and Numbers star David Krumholtz had already been cast in the film, but sources close to Allen say the movie's budget was escalating and the British film looked like a better option. The London-based picture is completely separate from the Paris project and will include a different cast. Allen shot Match Point last year in the city, as well as upcoming journalism film Scoop.

Woody Allen Bids Paris Au Revoir
18 April 2006 (StudioBriefing)
Woody Allen may be regarded as a veritable hero in France, but the filmmaker has decided that shooting a movie there is too expensive. Daily Variety reported today (Tuesday) that Allen has scrapped plans to shoot his next film in Paris, and has decided to shoot a third film in London instead. The Paris film was to have starred Michelle Williams -- in her first movie since her Oscar-nominated role in Brokeback Mountain -- and David Krumholtz, the star of CBS's Numb3rs. Variety said that the London film will have a different script and a different cast. In a recent interview with Paris-based writer Norman Spinrad, Allen remarked about the city: "Whenever I'm here, I love it and I always feel depressed when I have to leave here." Fittingly, Daily Variety, in its item today, remarked: "Woody Allen will have plenty to talk about in his next therapy session."

Brittany Murphy's A Dating Disappointment
4 October 2001 (WENN)
Hollywood actress Brittany Murphy has been exposed as a dating disappointment. The Don't Say A Word star, 23, won the heart of her Sidewalks Of New York co-star David Krumholtz when they were 15 years old - but the date turned out to be a less than intimate experience. David says, "Brittany is the greatest; I went out on a date with her when we were 15. Well, what I thought was a date, but she brought two friends along with her. But she blew me away while we were making this movie. My job was pretty much to enjoy her company, and she was this amazing spitfire of energy, just a bundle of joy. She would sing to me, do dance routines... I'm the kind of guy who tends not to let people in a lot, but she would have none of that."