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No console will dominate this gen, says Konami

It'll be a three-way split this time around, says PES and Metal Gear house
PES and Metal Gear Solid house Konami has revealed that it believes no one format will dominate the playing field this generation, after the PS2 took the lead in almost every territory last time around.

With sales of over 120 million consoles worldwide, Xbox and Gamecube were left to fight for the PS2's scraps. According to Konami, it'll be a lot fairer split this time around.

"Previously, a single home gaming platform [PS2] was the market leader worldwide, but that pattern has changed," the company said in a statement.

"Whichever platform best caters to users' preferences in a particular country or region, in terms of the games available to be played on it, is now the one that will dominate the local market."

With the Wii's lead looking increasingly smaller over the growing 360 and PS3 userbase, we can see what they're on about. Does this mean we'll get MGS4 on Xbox, though?
