Presenting Mr. and Mr. Brookins-Leonard

Proof of black same gender relationships

Blogger Jasmyne Cannick recently posted about Darryl Brookins and Xavier Leonard, a black SGL couple who held their commitment ceremony in Los Angeles with about 200 of their closest friends and relatives in attendance.

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Fantasy vs. Reality

This month article is about searching for a fantasy but dating a reality.  As I sit here in my window, looking out at the early morning sun rise, I realize that we, as members of the GBLT community, are always looking for our dream man or woman. Not to say that this is a bad thing, yet the reality is no one person will ever truly live up to our fantasy expectations. We really need to look at any potential partners for who they really are and not for what we expect or want them to be. 

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TIL Couples Spotlight

For some reason there seems to be the general feeling that same-gender loving relationships aren’t possible. And for that very reason I have chosen to interview a same gender loving couple who’s shared their lives together for more then 13 years. 

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Taking Responsibility for the Failure of a Relationship

Examining your role

It is often said that relationships in the gay community don’t last.  Why is it that we tend to place the blame on the other person? If we took responsibility, we would be better off for it in the long run.

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February: The Month of Love

The most romantic month of the year is here and with it comes feelings of love, joy, and laughter for most of us in the GBLT community. Yet for many of us it brings uncertainty about ourselves as individuals and the relationships we are in. The key word for this month is “Love”. 

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New Beginnings

Start with Forgiveness of Past Imperfections

A new year always brings changes in life; rolling out the old and bringing in the new. We often find it much easier at this time of year to forgive others who have mistreated, lied, used, and hurt us. Yet, most of us have trouble forgiving the most important person in our lives — ourself.

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Why Men Cheat

The frequency in which women cheat is growing however, men have always been the ones with the most trouble remaining faithful. In his article, “Why Men Cheat”, David Zinczenko provides some explanations (not excuses) of why men stray from their partner.

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Do You Fear Being In A Relationship?

An honest look inside

Hi, my name is Russell and I am relationship-phobic. Basically, I am scared of relationships. How is it possible that I, the co-founder of an organization built on uplifting relationships, can be afraid of being in one? Well, you know the old saying: Those who can, do — and who can’t, teach. Don’t get me wrong. I love the idea of relationships. It’s the actual being in one that scares me. Or is it? Maybe there’s more to it than I (or you) are willing to admit.

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Celebrate Your GBLT Family this Christmas Season

Family for many of us in the GBLT community has nothing to do with a blood relation of father, mother, sister, or brother.  The choice of accepting being Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian, and Transgender has caused many of us to looses our biological family members.  However, we have become blessed in the fact that we have met other people in our lives who have become surrogate mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers. On this Christmas holiday give thanks to those who have become part of your extended family.

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Top, Bottom or Versatile?

Only Love knows for sure

From Top To BottomI recently went to a book signing by Michael-Christopher. Michael-Christopher, one of our community’s most talented authors, was reading from his new book From Top To Bottom. While at the signing, a discussion of sexual roles took place and this subject in particular was rather interesting to me. A couple of GBLT people questioned “Are there really any tops or bottoms or are we all just versatile for the right person”?

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