Thu Nov 15 19:49:04 200717

Egypt: Shawerma Nostalgia
15 Nov 2007 19:01:06 GMT
Blogged by: Global Voices
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GlobalVoices Shawerma, is a Middle Eastern-style sandwich usually composed of shaved lamb, goat, or chicken. The name Shawarma comes from the Turkish word çevirme, meaning turning, and has its origins in Anatolia. Ironically, despite the endless conflict in the Middle-East, may be Shawerma is the only thing that Arabs, Israelis, and Turks agree on. Ashraf Hamdy (Caricatooz), an Egyptian blogger and illustrator wrote a post about his childhood memories regarding the Shawerma sandwich.

حينما كنت في الرابعة من عمري تقريبا كان ساندويتش الشاورما “عشق حياتي” بخمسين قرشا ØŒ وكنت تشم رائحتها وأنت في أول الشارع ØŒ وبجانب أن ذلك يشير إلى طعمها الذي كان أسطوريا فهو أيضا أسلوبا مبتكرا للدعاية ØŒ يمكنك الاهتداء إلى مطعم الشاورما باستخدام أنفك فقط .

الآن وصل سعر الساندويتش إلى ثلاثة جنيها تقريبا بلا طعم ولا رائحة ، حتى وأنت تقف أمام سيخ الشاورما وتلفحك حرارة الشواية ولكن أنفك يعجز عن التقاط أي دلالة تشير على وجود شاورما .
بالأمس اشتريت فرخة مشوية علي الفحم باثنين وعشرين جنيه ، تكفي الفكرة وحدها لإسالة لعابي ولكن ما إن وصلت لفمي حتى شعرت بأنني آكل قطع من الكاوتش .
وكذلك الحال مع كل أنواع اللحوم تقريبا .

ويمكنك أن تعمم الموضوع لكل أنواع المأكولات كيفما شئت .
حد يعرف ليه ؟

When I was about four years old, the Shawerma sandwich - my love then - used to cost about 50 Piasters. You were then able to smell it even when you were still at other the end of the street, which was enough proof for its unbelievable taste, and was a smart way of marketing it as well. You were able to find those restaurants which sell Shawerma using your nose only.
Now a days, the sandwich costs you about 3 Pounds (300 Piasters), and it is tasteless and odorless. Even when you are in front of the Shawerma Bar (special kind of oven where Shawerma is cooked), where you can feel the heat of the oven, but your nose is still not able to smell it.
Yesterday I bought a Grilled Chicken with about 22 Pounds, the idea was enough to make me feel hungry, but as soon as I started to eat it, I felt like eating pieces of rubber.
You can generalize this on all other kinds of food today.
Does anyone have a clue, why is this the case?

View original post.

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