Benjamin Creme

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Benjamin Creme (b. 1922 Scotland) is a British painter, esotericist, lecturer, author, and chief editor of Share International magazine [1].

He asserts that the second coming prophesised by many religions will come in the form of Maitreya. Maitreya is the name Buddhists use for the future Buddha, but Creme claims that Maitreya is the teacher that all religions point towards and hope for 2. Other names for him, according to Creme, are the Christ, the Imam Mahdi, Krishna, and the Messiah. Creme says Maitreya is the "Avatar for the Aquarian Age." [1]


[edit] Early Life

Throughout his early years Creme, a New Age artist (his paintings appear on the covers of his books), also studied various philosophical ideas, in particular the teachings released in the late 1800s by Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, and more recently by Alice A. Bailey. These teachings, plus his alleged experiences of telepathic contact, beginning in 1959, with an enlightened being, led him to believe in the existence of the Masters of Wisdom, a group of perfected individuals whom he describes as assisting and guiding humanity into living in harmony with the "Divine Plan" for this planet.

[edit] Ministry

He first began to speak publicly of his mission on May 30th, 1975, at the Friends Meeting House on Euston Road in London, England.

From 1975 to 1979, Creme lectured, by invitation, throughout Europe. During his first US tour in 1980, he spoke to large audiences in many major cities. For that trip, he was sponsored by Leland Stewart's organization, the Unity and Diversity Council. Since the early 1980s, his tours have included Western and Eastern Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, and two trips a year through the US. He has been interviewed on more than 300 radio and television programs in the US. On some of those radio shows, he generated controversy by alleged positive remarks about Lucifer.

Creme's teachings have generated intense controversy, especially from orthodox Jews, Christians and Moslems. Creme's books on the alleged emergence and teachings of Maitreya have been translated into seven languages and are published throughout the world by groups that share his beliefs. He is also co-editor of Share International, a monthly magazine that focuses on the political, economic, social and spiritual changes said to be now occurring globally. The magazine is read in more than 70 countries. It (and their website) also features photographs of "crosses of light" shining through windows or reflected on buildings etc. Creme contends these are "blessings" from Maitreya.

Since his first public talk in 1975, millions of people have heard Creme's message, and many have joined Creme in spreading it. "My job," Creme says, "has been to make the initial approach to the public, to help create a climate of hope and expectancy. If I can do that, I'll be well pleased." (Brown).

[edit] General Overview of Teachings

Benjamin Creme derives his teachings from the Alice A. Bailey material and Helena Petrovna Blavatsky teachings of Theosophy (called "the Ageless Wisdom"), and many of his books deal with clarifications about those particular teachings. Creme has staunchly defended both Alice Bailey and Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in his public interviews and question and answer sessions.

Creme has also developed some unique teachings, the prime one being that the beings whom Creme calls the "Masters of Wisdom" (they are also called the "Masters of the Ageless Wisdom" by Alice A. Bailey) are moving into a more public role. According to the Ageless Wisdom, once one has reached a certain very high point of spiritual evolution, one either leaves Earth to learn to grow in other ways on higher planes, or one stays behind to aid the evolution of those on the earth. Those who stay are called in some versions of Theosophy the "Hierarchy of the Masters of the Ageless Wisdom." In the past they are supposed to have worked behind the scenes, but in Alice Bailey's works she predicted that the Hierarchy would soon begin to work more openly. In her 1934 book The Externalisation of the Hierarchy she said that the externalisation would begin "sometime after 2025". Creme claims that this is happening now (somewhat ahead of Alice A. Bailey's scheduled time).

[edit] The Return of the Christ to Inaugurate the Age of Aquarius

Creme says that the person known as the Christ is definitely not Jesus, but is Maitreya the World Teacher, of whom Jesus was allegedly a disciple. Per Creme, "Maitreya the Christ" is already here on the Earth in a indestructable physical body. Creme claims Maitreya materialised a physical body in the Himalayas (see picture in Maitreya (Share International) article). Creme states that He flew from the Himalayas to Pakistan and then on July 19th, 1977, He boarded an airplane to London (thereby "coming in the clouds" as prophesied in the Christian Bible. Reputedly, Maitreya has been living in the Brick Lane neighborhood of London since July 1977, and has made some public appearances, most notably in front of a crowd of 6000 in Kenya in 1988, during which photographs were taken.

Creme asserts that Maitreya will at some future date publicly declare his presence (the "Day of Declaration"). This event will be synonymous with what has been called the second coming of Christ. Alice A. Bailey in her book The Reappearance of the Christ stated that the purpose of the Second Coming was so that Christ could inaugurate the New Age, i.e., the Age of Aquarius; she said that Christ would then stay on Earth for the whole approximately 2,000 year period of the Age of Aquarius. Thus the millennium will actually be a bi-millennium. This is the same New Age teaching that Creme refers to.

In April 1982, Creme placed full page advertisements in 19 of the world's major newspapers, stating that Maitreya's Reappearance would occur on Monday, June 21st, 1982 (the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere). On May 14th, 1982, he held a press conference in Los Angeles announcing the imminence of Maitreya's Reappearance, and revealing to the world for the first time his claim that the Christ is living in London. When asked at the press conference what would happen if someone tried to assassinate Maitreya, he said that would be impossible because the Christ is invulnerable. When Maitreya's Reappearance failed to occur on the specified date, Creme said in July 1982 that "he still has to be invoked" by the people of the world, and he will make himself known publicly when humanity is ready. Another name used for Maitreya's Reappearance by Creme is the "Day of Declaration". Sometimes Creme also calls it "The Emergence."

Creme states (responding to a question) that when "Declaration Day" occurs, "The Christ will come on the world's television channels, linked together by satellite. All those with access to television will see... [His face]. He will establish a telepathic rapport with all humanity simultaneously". [2] While the Christ is speaking... [everyone will feel far more love than they've ever felt before, that massive outpouring of love will cause] "hundreds of thousands of 'miracle' cures will take place simultaneously." That is how everyone will know it is really the Christ that has returned. According to Creme, it is for those who believe in the Emergence to share their belief with others, to whatever degree they believe it to be possible. [3]

[edit] Christ's Mission on Earth--to Institute the "Principle of Sharing"

The primary purpose of Christ's coming will be to institute the Principle of Sharing (that is why Creme calls his organization Share International), such that the rich countries will generously share their material wealth with the developing countries and everyone will have adequate material sustenance. Christ's goals are that everyone on Earth will have an adequate supply of the right food; appropriate housing for all; health care and education as universal rights; and the maintenance of ecological balance in the world. [4] Part of the means by which this will be attained is through the implementation of fusion energy. [5]

[edit] Christ and the Crop Circles

Creme states that UFOs are the cause of the world-wide crop circles phenomenon, apart from some obvious crude hoaxes. He points out that the crop circles began appearing in 1975, just when he was told to go public with his messages from Maitreya (Share International)/Christ. Creme asserts that the fact of Christ living secretly in London since 1977 is the reason the crop circles appear--most of them appear in the area of England to the west of London.

Creme has said that the crop circles are energy centers (chakras) "each circle is magnetized and occupies a specific place in the lines of magnetic force in our Earth’s magnetic field. Each circle is a vortex, drawing energy in and radiating energy to its surrounding area. Together (they are not haphazardly placed) they form a ‘grid’ or interrelated energy system of much benefit to us. Since this grid is formed scientifically, it is most unlikely that any group of observers, however well-meaning, would hit on the exact spot on which to observe the creation of any future circles. The Space Brothers are unlikely simply to ‘oblige’ with a circle. They do not waste energy." [6] Mr. Creme has said that the British Government has paid some farmers to destroy the circles so that people will not learn that there are indeed civilizations far more advanced than our own (who have eliminated war, poverty, and political corruption) who are willing and able to help us solve our most pressing problems.

[edit] Flying Saucers from Venus and Beyond

According to Creme, UFOs (flying saucers) are composed of etheric matter, but they and their inhabitants can lower the rate of vibration of the etheric atoms so that they turn physical and can be seen by humans. Flying saucers seen by us are regarded by Creme as being mostly from the civilization functioning on the etheric plane of Venus, which is regarded in some branches of Theosophy as being millions of years in advance of Earth (See Sanat Kumara). Other flying saucers may be from the etheric planes of Mars or Uranus (according to Creme, Uranus is another planet that is spiritually advanced like Venus), or the star Sirius or the star cluster the Pleiades, both regarded by Alice A. Bailey as having special spiritual connections to our Solar System through the Seven Rays proceeding from the "Galactic Logos". [7] Benjamin Creme states that Maitreya will inaugurate an era of contact with the Space Brothers which will result in a great deal of helpful interaction and unprecedented progress for mankind. Creme has said that the Space Brothers from Mars and Venus have for several years now cleaned up the nuclear radiation spilled from nuclear experimentation, and that without their benevolent work, the Earth would not presently be habitable. [8] Furthermore, the Master of Wisdom who Creme regularly works with indicated in Feb 2007 that there will be "sightings, in unprecedented numbers, of spacecraft from our neighbouring planets" in the very near future, which will be extremely difficult if not impossible, for people to ignore.

[edit] Sathya Sai Baba

Unlike the majority from the Theosophical tradition, Creme accepts the Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba as on a par with the other Ascended Masters of Neotheosophy.[9] In fact, according to Creme he is even more holy than the Ascended Masters because he is a "Descended Master" (Avatar) from the star Sirius, having a level of intitiation, Creme claims, equal to Christ himself (the seventh level). Creme accepts Sathya Sai Baba's claim that he is the reincarnation of the previous 19th century guru Sai Baba of Shirdi.

[edit] Transmission Meditation

Bejamin Creme has also introduced a form of meditation he calls "Transmission Meditation." He claims that in this meditation, one allows one's chakras to be used by the Hierarchy to "'step down' the great spiritual energies that continually stream into our planet. This transmission process, which makes the energies more useful to humanity, is analogous to that of electrical transformers, which step down the power between generators and ordinary household outlets. These transformed spiritual energies are gradually lifting all life forms, changing our world for the better." The Meditators say the Great Invocation and sit quietly for an hour or more with their attention focused on the Ajna Center. Creme's critics have proclaimed this to be "New Age non-sense". Sometimes "Transmission Meditation" is performed while sitting under a tetrahedron. [2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Niebuhr, Gustav. "New Millennium, Great Expectations." The New York Times, Saturday, July 20, 1996, p. 9.
  2. ^ Creme, Benjamin Maitreya's Mission I 1986 Page 23
  3. ^ Niebuhr, Gustav. "New Millennium, Great Expectations." The New York Times, Saturday, July 20, 1996, p. 9
  4. ^ Share International Magazine website:
  5. ^ Creme, Benjamin. The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom. Tara Press, 1980. Page 189 and Pages 194-196
  6. ^ [Share International web site about Crop Circles: CropCircle FAQs]
  7. ^ March 2007 article:
  8. ^ Creme FAQ on UFOs
  9. ^ 50 Frequently asked questions: A list of the most asked questions since 1977 answered by Benjamin Creme. retrieved from share international website October 2006

[edit] Further reading

  • Bailey, Alice A. The Reappearance of the Christ. Lucis Publishing, 1948.
  • Bailey, Alice A. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy. Lucis Publishing, 1957.
  • Bistrich, Andrea. Maitreya: "I Come to Change All Things". Eine moderne Heilserwartung im interkulturellen Vergleich. (Münchener Ethnologische Abhandlugen 17) Akademischer Verlag München, 1996.
  • Brown, Mick. "Messiah is alive and well and in London." The Sunday Times, 23 October 1988, p. A15.
  • Brown, Mick. The Spiritual Tourist. Bloomsbury publishing, 1998.
  • Carey, Howard Ray. The Joy of Christ's Coming: From Traditional Religion to Ageless Wisdom. Share International Foundation, 1988.
  • Creme, Benjamin. The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom. Tara Press, 1980.
  • Creme, Benjamin (ed.). Messages from Maitreya the Christ. (Share International Foundation), 1981, 1986.
  • Creme, Benjamin. Transmission: A Meditation for the New Age. Tara Center, 1983.
  • [Creme, Benjamin (ed.)]. A Master Speaks. Share International Foundation, 1985.
  • Creme, Benjamin. Maitreya's Mission. 3 vols. Share International Foundation, 1986, 1993, 1997.
  • Creme, Benjamin. The Ageless Wisdom Teaching: An introduction to humanity's spiritual legacy. Share International Foundation, 1996.
  • Creme, Benjamin. The Great Approach: New Light and Life for Humanity. Share International Foundation, 2001.
  • Creme, Benjamin. The Art of Co-Operation. Share International Foundation, 2002.
  • Creme, Benjamin (ed.). Maitreya's Teachings - The Laws of Life. Share International Foundation, 2005.
  • Creme, Benjamin. The Art of Living: Living within the Laws of Life. Share International Foundation, 2006.
  • Cumbey, Constance E. The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow. Huntington House, 1983.
  • Curley, Thomas. Masters among Us: An Exploration of Supernal Encounters and Miraculous Phenomena. Bloomington, IN: 1stBooks, 2004, pp. 234-261.
  • Graham, W. S. Cage Without Grievance: Poems. With Drawings by Benjamin Creme and Robert Frame. Parton Press, Glasgow, 1942. pp. 13, 23, 29.
  • MacDonald-Baine, Murdo. Beyond the Himalayas. L. N. Fowler, 1954.
  • Muto, Nyaga wa, and Ben Mitukaa. "Did Jesus Visit Kawangware?" [Kenya] Sunday Times, June 26, 1988, pp. 12, 17.
  • Mutungi, Job. "Did Jesus Christ Come to the City?" Kenya Times, Wednesday, June 22, 1988, pp. 16-17.
  • Niebuhr, Gustav. "New Millennium, Great Expectations." The New York Times, Saturday, July 20, 1996, p. 9.
  • Peterson, Wayne S. Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Beings: Experiences of an American Diplomat with Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads, 2003.
  • Pitchon, Patricia. Searching for Maitreya: An Inquiry into a Spiritual Teacher of Our Time. Xlibris, 2002.
  • Spalding, Baird T. Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East. 5 vols. De Vorss & Co., 1924-55.
  • Stammer, Larry B. "Years After Apparition Claims Fizzled, Creme Keeps the Faith." Los Angeles Times, Saturday, July 3, 1993, p. B10.

[edit] External links

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