Bruce Forsyth's Hot Streak

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The logo from "Bruce Forsyth's Hot Streak".

Airdates: ABC January - April 1986
Host: Bruce Forsyth
Announcers: Gene Wood, Marc Summers
Producers: Reg Grundy Productions



Main Game

Two teams of five, men against women, competed. The first player on the challenging team chose from two words while his teammates wore headphones and faced away. The first player then had to communicate the word to the next player, without the use of pantomiming. Once the word was guessed, the second player in line attempted to communicate the word to the next player. This continued until either 40 seconds elapsed, the team successfully conveyed the word all the way down the line, or one player repeated a key word used by an earlier player. Each successful guess of the word earned the team $100. The second team to play each round used the word the first team did not choose for their turn.

A total of three rounds were played, with each round using the back player from the previous round as the new captain. In the third round, each successful guess was worth $200, and the team with the most money at the end of the round got to keep it and advanced to the bonus round. If the third round ended in a tie, one team was given the option to play or pass one final word, which had to be sent all the way down the line in order to win.

Bonus Game

The back player from the third round again became the bonus round caption. The host would show the captain a topic, and the captain would then give four words regarding the topic that he felt his teammates would say. The teammates then had 20 seconds - five for each player - to say as many of the words as possible. This process was repeated three times: once for $200 a word, again for $300 a word, and finally for five times what they had built up, needing to guess all four words to do so.


  • Bruce Forsyth, a popular host in Great Britain, usually began the show by saying, "Nice to see you, to see you..." at which point the audience would respond, "NICE!!"

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