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This article is about 4Chan Gold, the pay internet imageboard service. To learn more about its predecessor, visit this article: 4chan
The debut of 4chan gold.
The debut of 4chan gold.
You see this when you hit the image limit.
You see this when you hit the image limit.
Pregnant camwhores like Frostbite can apply for free accouns in exchange for mammary gland pix.
Pregnant camwhores like Frostbite can apply for free accouns in exchange for mammary gland pix.

"4Chan Gold", aka "4chan 2.0" is the successor to the 4chan imageboard internet service. It is the upgraded version of 4chan, and went live on December 7th, 2007. This day is known by /b/-tards as "PayDay".

Under the revised structure, pay uploads will go online on January 1st, 2007. To view more images than the limit of 50, you will need to subscribe to a 4chan gold account. To get around this limitation, you can also simply clear your browser's cookies and reset your DSL or cable internet connection.

Save yourself the trouble of looking through 4chan and just use the fucking archive. Kthx.
Foundation October 1, 2003
Major Boards /a/, /b/, /co/, /d/, /f/, /h/, /k/, /po/, /r/, /s/, /t/, /tv/, /v/
Epic Wins largest English speaking imageboard, b/, being the motherland
Website 4chan.org

4chan is an anonymous Japanimation-themed collection of image boards based on the popular 2ch.jp that is currently online although the holy month of Soupadan is being honoured. The site is full of Japanese crap, memes, and fucktards, all of whom have at least some variant of social anxiety disorder. Not surprisingly, most of the image boards consist of hentai. Furries are banned everywhere on the site, with the exception of "/b/", the "random" board, which was only just put under a stricter set of rules during the B/-day crisis. This has led to much internet drama and the creation of the furry-only fchan. And yes, /b/ was never funny. Many memes, such as "sauce plz", originated at 4chan. Also, many image macros are created there, such as Caturday and others. This has led to Anonymous declaring itself "the face of the internet", when it is truly more reminiscent of the anus of the internets. 4chan is like the anus of the internet in that it holds all the shit inside the rectums so it doesn't spray out all over. When 4chan goes down, it's like the internet has explosive diarrhea, as seen here.


[edit] Image Board Guide

/b/ even have their own 70s boyband
/b/ even have their own 70s boyband
The average /b/tard at work. DESU DESU DESU
The average /b/tard at work. DESU DESU DESU
/b/ always offers good advice
/b/ always offers good advice

The seasoned internet traveler might find himself debased when presented by the mass of confusion which is so well embodied in 4chan. 4chan is the home of asocial, and at times anti-social, white folk who believe in the superiority of everything that is Japanese. It is divided into many sub-boards, each having its distinct theme for image posting to satisfy the deviant mind. Occasionally to stir up some fun, the mods place wordfilters in the boards to completely fuck around with peoples posts/opinions. When it comes down to it, every board on 4chan is just /b/ with a theme. Everyone talks the same, complains the same, and trolls the same. Except the hentai boards, they're special.

  • /a/ - See /v/. /a/ is just /v/ for anime and churn's out their own memes at a similar rate. They hate anime just like /v/ hates the vidya. No longer tame by any standard, it has become a hive of numberfaggotry and ronrey otakus seeking PROMOTIONS.
  • /an/ - Board for posting animals and shit like that. These people take their hobby very seriously. You will learn things you never needed to know about cats, iguanas, and jumping spiders.
  • /b/ - Does not exist. Move along, sir.
  • /c/ - A very tame board (compared to the rest)for nerds who prefer Japanese cartoons containing girls (and I use the term lightly), who look like 4 year olds with freakishly huge eyes. One of the 4 realms where women exist on the internet.
  • /cgl/ - Board full of weeaboos that partake in cosplaying. Images of people dressed as their favorite anime characters are posted here. A very woeful board indeed.
  • /ck/ - Board for people who have an unhealthy obsession on all things edible. Expect weeaboos and ramen.
  • /cm/ - Board for all the fags and overweight fangirls. One of the 4 realms where women exist on the internet.
  • /co/ - Contrary to what you may infer from the title, there's nothing but avatar threads here. It's populated mostly by furfags that find racism and misogyny terribly upsetting, to the point of reporting and removing your posts. In contrast, furry porn is usually fine.
  • /d/ - Perhaps the hottest of all the cartoon boards on 4chan, /d/ is where they post images of hermaphrodite females with titanically over sized MUDKIPZ (moar). It should be noted that those on this board find such things sexually attractive and fap away over the posted images. But at least they don't post furries! (they still post furries even though furry friday is dead)
  • /e/ - A specialized cartoon board where they post naked women without explicitly showing their reproductive organs (or image:penisfilter.pnges). Wholly uninteresting, because it tends not to contain hilarious sexual fetishes or things blowing up.
  • /g/ - A new addition full of folk lacking in life and substituting it with superficial techno-worship. It is evident to the observant electronic eye that no knowledgeable persons reside there, it is merely filled with those who would want to be such, but lack the competence and morale to ascend to real technological wizardry. It used to be for guro images, but then 4chan went pussy. Pussy, I say!
  • /gif/ - Board for posting animated GIFs of porno clips and saying "sauce" and "rapidshit" until someone goes out, finds you porn, and delivers it you. Seriously, are you people that fucking devoted to being such utter basement-dwellers you can't just find your own porn, you have to get /gif/ to do it for you?
  • /h/ - Hentai board. You can almost smell the semen-stained keyboards.
  • /hr/ - Board for High Res pics. Basically, pictures that are HUEG like Xbox.
  • /ic/ - Birkhead
  • /k/- Realm of the /k/ommandos who idolize Germany, denounce Slav-shit, and where every Glock might as well be a hand grenade. It's full of self hating weeaboos who pretend not to appreciate the beauty of a loli-tank. Also popular with /k/: Desert Beagles, the MEATBALL, symmetrical docking, if you know what I mean, and Motoko Kusanagi.
  • /m/ - Board for talking about robots. Just robots.
  • /mu/ - Your favorite band sucks. If you've forgotten, /mu/ is happy to remind you.
  • /n/ - News board. Also includes political shitfits. Common hunting ground of the Drama Llama.
  • /o/ - Board for cars. No one on this board actually owns a car. Regardless, most of the posters like Volvos, late 1980's Mustangs, Japanese economy cars, and Initial D.
  • /p/ - Board for cameras and photography. Full of pretentious wankery by weeaboos who take photographs when not faping over lolicon.
  • /po/ Board for Origami. It's been years since any normal person has actually given a shit about origami but, hey, its Japanese so it must be cool! /po/ recently suffered an invasion led by many Jacks from /b/, insistent on turning /po/ into /i/.
  • /r/ - Pure unadulterated shit. Also, porn.
  • /s/ - A place for pre-teen fanboys to yell NAME! SAUCE! MOAR! and fap to pr0n.
  • /5/ - This is a hidden board and the contents are so far beyond awesome that you would punch your dad if you saw them.
  • /tg/ - For the 4channer demography that so desperately needs to evade from reality, they even play tabletop RPGs (Which everybody knows are against the will of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and well, just plain wrong). Posting anything other than Warhammer 40k, D&D, Magic the Gathering or child porn will get you banned. Srsly.
  • /tv/ - Television board. If it's popular, it sucks just as bad a Mencia. (...seriously. They'll say LOST or Heroes is as bad as Mind of Mencia. Just skip this board and talk about cool shows on /b/.)
  • /u/ - Yuri board. For Lesbians. One of the 4 realms where women exist on the internet.
  • /v/ - /b/ with vidya gaems. Populated by trolls, former GameFAQs users, Nintendo fanboys and people who masturbate to PROMOTIONS. Threads are usually about how Sony and Sonic suck. If you want to get banned easily, simply disagree with a mod's opinions. Disregard that, /v/ has no mods. Disregard that, /v/ has mods again, they're just a bunch of lazy niggers.
  • /w/ - For all wallpapers anime. As can be noted by merely observing that "w" comes before "wg", the anime board must have appeared such, only strengthening the entire "Japanese are 1000x cooler than us" morality. The only board that lacks (well, not as much "lack" as has a decline in) this philosophy is /b/.
  • /wg/ - This is a general wallpaper board with things ranging from cars to girls to anime to just about anything else a teenage boy could desire yet not be able to afford, now or later in life.
  • /y/ - This where girls and guys masturbate over sodomy. And when they're not doing that they battle over which is hotter: guys that look like girls fucking each other or guys that would give Rambo an inferiority complex fucking each other. One of the 4 realms where women exist on the internet.
  • /x/ -/b/ with ghosts.
  • /z/ -/b/'s final form (invitation only). (lol whut?)

[edit] 4chan administrators

4chan's moot shortly after gaining his diploma in Mexican Vice Studies.
4chan's moot shortly after gaining his diploma in Mexican Vice Studies.
  1. W. T. Snacks is a loser with a 2-inch image:penisfilter.png (when erect). He compensates for this fact by banning everyone at the slightest provocation. This makes him cool. Now banned from 4chan itself, after moot decided he was tired of the way Snacks sucked on his pindick. For approximately one post W. T. Snacks was cool when he stated that 'furries cause drama' but now his ban will be as long as the longcat which bears that length. W. T. Snacks is also a son of a bitch who recommends CDs to people and refuses to pay those people back after they buy said CDs. He is now back, albeit as a regular user with no mod powers. He posts with the tripcode W.T. Snacks !TcT.PTG1.2.
  2. Moot used to be somewhat cool, or as cool as someone on the internet can be, posting pictures of himself as a guy in Mexico who graduated high school with a degree in Mexican studies. Later he revealed his true identity at numerous conventions, even showing up with random fags behaving as if they were his bodyguards. It also seems he was under-aged b& when he made 4chan. Likes soup.
  3. MrSpooky is an ex-mod who spawned the catchphrases "I've never seen so many ingrates" and "You'll get nothing from me." He frequently made stickies on /b/ begging for money because he got thrown in jail and now he needs donations to pay off his court fees. Smells real great.
  4. Allyson - a fat, underaged whore that looks like the ugly tree raped her through childhood, managed to go down on Moot long enough for him to give her Mod status. During all of this she apparently stalked a 4channer from her hometown, making her a slut. She's a filthy camwhore that probably has dozens of STDs and suffers from being a wapanese faggot.

[edit] 4chan Creation

If you don't know who any of these things are, you need to LURK MOAR.
If you don't know who any of these things are, you need to LURK MOAR.

A reading from Genesis:

In the beginning there was Moot.
On the first day Moot created 4chan and said 'Lord, this is 4chan, bringer of pain'.
On the second day, Moot created anonymous, they became lonely so Moot created Bridget, anonymous complained of this trap, but moot proclaimed 'there are no girls on the interbutt, Bridget will suffice'.
On the third day, Moot gave man tripcode, 'behold tripcode' he said, only ye who wish to forgive may preform.
On the forth day, Moot created /b/, and many anonymous rejoiced.
On the fifth day, the server crashed, Moot's creation was in disarray, MYSQL errors killed off many anonymous with no mercy.
On the sixth day, there was a sticky, and many complained of this sticky, and thusly proclaimed 'this sticky sux0rz'.
On the seventh day, Moot sold 4chan.

[edit] 4chan: The End

Typical 4chan cookie message
Typical 4chan cookie message

From the book of Cosmic Revelations... And Moot's fortune was told, the simple answer is death. His death will come when his power will eventually wear out and fail him at a critical moment. Perhaps in the hard vacuum of tubes or fighting a newfag. However let it cheer you that his passing shall not be without compensations. Upon his demise a NEW MOOT shall rise. And be appointed as 4chan's guardian. Through the 4chan corps, he shall be hailed as the greatest amongst anonymous. Where ever he goes, legends shall spring up in his foot-steps. The previous Moot's own achievements being utterly eclipsed. But then the greatest crisis that 4chan shall meet, "the darkest lulz" shall occur. After untold months, the enemies of 4chan shall rise united against them. The board shall be destroyed to the vary last post. The Sever shall be as dust. Amongst the gathered foe men, shall be the the weaponers of 2chan; eBaum's World, the sentient sever; and the unspeakable children of Habbo Hotel. The Empire of fox news will finally be released from entombment, shall join the assault. Magna-chan, a meme, hailed as the ULTIMATE meme, will perish battling the Habbo-mods. The super-meme, named The ORLY owl, will be the last to fall, as eBaum's World explodes a anit-lulz turtle within the bird's anus. After that, there will be only fox news reporters dancing in the ruins of 4chan to the rhythm of drums bound with the taut of skinned memes... Sadly, Milhouse never got to be a MEME.

[edit] DDOS '07 Tour

Please refer to The Caturday Nap for more information

[edit] Frontpage™ April Fools hoax

On December 6, 2007, the front page was modified to resemble an amateur weeaboo site filled with poorly laid out CSS. Wikipedia and ED editors were gullible enough to update 4chan's article to reflect this.

Indications of a hoax are fairly obvious given the temporary joke themes of the past, such as the all-blue Hanukkah day with floating Menorah and Jew faces. The only indication that the front page is real is a small notice on /b/, which is where such pranks are likely to occur.

[edit] 4chan goes 2.0

Love is over Image:4chan 2.0.gif

[edit] The Day 4chan Died

A long, long, time ago,
I can still remember how that website used to make me smile

And I knew if I had my cat
That I could make those people laugh
And, maybe, they’d be happy for a while.

But December made me shiver
With every pic I’d deliver.
Bad news on the front page;
I couldn’t do anything but rage.

I can’t remember if I fainted out
When I read about this sellout,
But something touched me deep inside
The day the 4chan died.

So bye-bye, Epic Fail Guy.
Pointed my browser at the homepage,
But the homepage made me cry.
And them Robert Hawkins was drinkin’ whiskey and rye
Singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.
"this’ll be the day that I die."

Did mootle write the book of love,
And have you lost all faith in God above,
If the /b/ board tells you so?
Do you believe in An Hero,
Can 4chan save your mortal soul,
And can you teach me how to die real slow?

So bye-bye, Epic Fail Guy.
Pointed my browser at the homepage,
But the homepage made me cry.
And them Robert Hawkins was drinkin’ whiskey and rye
Singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.
"this’ll be the day that I die."

Now for four years we’ve been on our own
And mootle grows fat on his new page of home,
But that’s not how it used to be.
When Pedobear sang for the Partyvan,
Using CP he borrowed from 4chan
And a voice that came from anon alone,

Oh, and while the FBI were looking down,
Pedobear stole his horny crown.
The courtroom was adjourned;
The CP was returned.
And while pedobear read a book of loli,
The anon waited in the park,
And we sang the Bel Air theme in the dark
The day 4chan died.

No-one knew what the new hompepage meant,
The anons lurked in their mothers basement,
Eight hours old and failing fast.
It landed with web 2.0 on it's ass.
The /b/tards tried for a bangbros pass,
With slowpoke on the sidelines in a cast.

Now the Bel Air was sweet perfume
While the /b/tards played a marching tune.
We all got up to the pool,
Oh, and we made habbo look like fools!
`cause the afros tried to block the way;
The pool was closed, due to aids.
Do you recall who was r34'd
The day the 4chan died?

We started singing,
bye-bye, Epic Fail Guy.
Pointed my browser at the homepage,
But the homepage made me cry.
And them Robert Hawkins was drinkin’ whiskey and rye
Singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.
"this’ll be the day that I die."

[edit] See Also

[edit] Gallery

[edit] 4chan in video games

[edit] External links

4chan is part of a series on the *Chans

Important People: Anonymous - /b/tards - Ian - Kirtaner - Moot - Nigras - Snacks - Symbion
The Chans: 2chan - 4chan - 5chan - 7chan - 8chan - 12chan - 420chan - Fchan - Fapchan - Wakachan - not4chan - AnonIB - List of *chan boards - Wikichan - BBWChan
Popular Boards: /b/ - /i/ - /po/ - /s/ - /v/ - /x/
Attention Whores: Acky-chan-cray - Anonynurse - Anton - Aru - Balloonpoppop - Boochan - Chin-chan - Chris-chan - Cracky-chan - Drawbunny-chan - Gang of Four - Holy Grail - Line Trap - Loli-chan - Manatee-chan - Martini-chan - Mudkipchan - Nintendo-chan - Oldchan - Reverse trap chan - Stoner-chan - Trap-kun - Togi-chan - Up-Chan - V-Chan
Victims: Applemilk1988 - Chris Forcand - Douglas L Payne Jr - Drawball - Dylan Tnga - Ernest Peters - Habbo Hotel - Hal Turner - Jake Brahm - Marbleman - Megachiropetra69 - NBC.com Forums - Poeticirony - StileNet - Trey Burba - Windeh - teenchatcenter.com - XxPrincessPunkxx
Mortal Enemies: Alex Wuori - Anonymous Borg - BitingBeaver - Fox News - Lulznet
Events: The Great Habbo Raid of July 2006 - 4chan fgt hat day - /b/-day - /b/space Day - Foxing Day - The Great Chan Death of January 2007 - The Great Em/b/assy Security Leak of 2007 - The Great Re/b/oot - The Caturday Nap - ZonDay - The Chemo That Is Curing /b/ - Walmart Raid
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