Internets English

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An early example
An early example

The mortal enemy of spellcheck, Internets English is the official language of Anonymous and many of the denizens of ED, the *chans and various other lulzy e-communities. The leader of the free world, George W. Bush, is also an aficionado of Internets English.

Many Internets English mainstays such as the verb "pwn" (a derivative of "own") are considered to be bona fide typos that, having entered the Internet Hate Machine, were not only accepted into the lexicon but aggressively adopted for everyday use.

In fact it is now obligatory that "the" be spelled "teh", "cake" becomes "caek", "hate", "haet" and "like", "liek"*.

*It should be noted that you "fail it" if you spell like, leik or hate, hat.

Other words like "plox" ("please") and phrases like and "LOL WUT" (as in: "excuse me, what did you say?") are plain stupid products of brains on drugs and, although they might make for a lulzy meme, make ordinary people think you're an aspie when used in real world situations.

For example, going into your local bank and passing your teller a note that says "PLOX 2 BE GIVE ME MOAR JEW GOLD OR IRL B&" will unlikely get you a bag of crisp $100 bills much less a "NO U!"

The third category are Internets English words and phrases that have come to us from Japanese culture via Engrish translation and are much beloved by the Weeb.

Examples include, "DESU", "NO U!", "DO NOT WANT! and "that's totally kawaii!"

[edit] Examples

[edit] Image Macros

Other times, this raep of the Queen's English is deliberate, such as with the seemingly endless stream of 'cute' animal macros coming from lame NORP sites like lolcat, where the oh-so witty shooper will tag a variety of animals in lulzy situations with the obligatory hilarious IMPACT caption suggesting said animal can speak but not spell. Most of these wags can only get it up for an I HAS A (WHATEVER) shoop whilst college grads will show their parents that the small fortune it cost putting them through Yale was worth every penny buy mangling the word corn into corm, for example.

[edit] See Also


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