Mowry Bay Yacht Club

"As resident janitor of the Mowry Bay Yacht Club & Embalming Society, I would like to invite you all to visit our club for a pint of your favorite beverage. If we get tired of drinking, we might go sailing, if we get tired of sailing we might listen to Radio Mowry Bay if we get tired of that, who knows what we'll do. If you're inexperienced, novice, experienced, or expert sailor, or if you don't sail at all, you're welcome at our club. Our only requirement is that you're pleasant. If yer nasty, snarly, or not nice........have a few more drinks"
  -- Saxxon Domela

Every Monday evening 5:00 P.M. SLT: "Casual Races"

Keeping in our theme of having a good time first. Each week we hold "Casual Races" -- with an emphasis on casual low stress races often accompanied with a "theme" to dress up which is always optional.

Mowry Bay Yacht Club & Embalming Society