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North Korea
NY Philharmonic to Perform in N. Korea
1 hr 55 mins ago - The New York Philharmonic has decided to perform in North Korea, a cultural breakthrough as tense relations between the United States and the reclusive Communist nation ease, the orchestra's president said Monday.

Koreas to Hold High-Level Military Talks
5 hrs ago - The two Koreas will hold high-level military talks this week to discuss a joint fishing zone and other projects aimed at improving ties between the rivals, the South's Defense Ministry said Monday.

Intel Report Spurs Calls for Iran Talks
In this photo provided by CBS, Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., appears on CBS's 'Face the Nation' in Washington, Sunday, Dec.. 9, 2007. (AP Photo/CBS Face the Nation, Karin Cooper) 22 hrs ago - Intelligence findings that Iran stood down on nuclear weapons development have sharpened the debate in Washington as well as the presidential campaign over whether U.S. officials should talk directly with Iran after shunning its leaders for a generation.

NKorea to Receive Steel in Nuclear Deal
1 day ago - South Korea plans to send 5,010 tons of steel to North Korea next week as part of an aid-for-disarmament deal, an official said Sunday, as a deadline for Pyongyang to declare all its nuclear programs and disable its facilities loomed.

North Korean Envoy Takes Up Myanmar Post
2 days ago - North Korea's first ambassador to Myanmar after a 24-year diplomatic rupture has taken up his post, state media reported Saturday.

US North Korea Envoy in Tokyo Talks
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill briefs reporters before leaving for the airport from his hotel in Beijing Friday, Dec. 7, 2007. Hill is expected to leave for Japan where he will meet with his Japanese counterpart for talks about the North Korean Nuclear issue. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan) 2 days ago - The top U.S. nuclear envoy for North Korea said disablement of the communist nation's atomic program is on schedule and the removal of reactor fuel from its key facility would soon be under way.

Lawmaker wants state to divest in companies with terror ties
3 days ago - A state lawmaker says the state should sell pension fund stocks in companies that have ties to Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria.

Bush Seeks Nuclear Disclosure From Kim
President Bush makes a statement about Iran, and former Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns, who is running for Senate in Nebraska, not pictured, upon his arrival at Eppley Airfield in Omaha, Neb.,  Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2007. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) 3 days ago - President Bush's personal letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, raising the possibility of normalized relations if he fully discloses his nuclear programs by year's end, is a turnabout for a president who has labeled the communist regime part of an "axis of evil."

Bush Sends Letter to N. Korean Dictator
3 days ago - President Bush's personal letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, raising the possibility of normalized relations if he fully discloses his nuclear programs by year's end, is a turnabout for a president who has labeled the communist regime part of an "axis of evil."

Bush Sends Letter to N. Korean Leader
3 days ago - President Bush's personal letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, raising the possibility of normalized relations if he fully discloses his nuclear programs by year's end, is a turnabout for a president who has labeled the communist regime part of an "axis of evil."

Bush Sends Letter to NK Dictator
3 days ago - President Bush's personal letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, raising the possibility of normalized relations if he fully discloses his nuclear programs by year's end, is a turnabout for a president who has labeled the communist regime part of an "axis of evil."

Bush Writes Leaders in NK Nuclear Talks
4 days ago - President Bush directly told North Korean leader Kim Jong Il in a letter that the United States expects the secretive regime to keep its promise to fully disclose all nuclear programs, the White House said Thursday.

Bush Writes Letter to North Korea Leader
Returning from Nebraska, President Bush steps down from Marine One as snow falls on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2007. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) 4 days ago - President Bush pleaded with North Korean leader Kim Jong Il in a letter to keep his promise to fully disclose all nuclear programs by year's end, in the most personal Bush diplomatic approach toward Pyongyang since he called the country part of the "axis of evil."

Bush Writes Letter to N. Korea Leader
Returning from Nebraska, President Bush steps down from Marine One as snow falls on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2007. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) 4 days ago - In a rare move, President Bush sent a letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, personally urging Pyongyang to fully disclose its nuclear programs, the White House said Thursday.

Bush Sends Letter to North Korean Leader
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill briefs reporters before leaving for a meetings with his Chinese counterpart in Beijing Thursday, Dec. 6, 2007. Hill arrived in Beijing late Wednesday after three days of meetings and tours of facilities in North Korea.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan) 4 days ago - President Bush sent a "personal letter" to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, the Communist country's official news agency said Thursday, although it did not reveal its contents.

Bush Sends Letter to NKorean Leader
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill briefs reporters before leaving for a meetings with his Chinese counterpart in Beijing Thursday, Dec. 6, 2007. Hill arrived in Beijing late Wednesday after three days of meetings and tours of facilities in North Korea.(AP Photo/Ng Han Guan) 4 days ago - President Bush sent a "personal letter" to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, the Communist country's official news agency said Thursday, although it did not reveal its contents.

S. Korea to Send More Food Aid to North
4 days ago - South Korea will send North Korea 50,000 tons of corn to help ease its chronic food shortages, an official said Thursday, as North Korean defectors claimed that Seoul's aid rarely reaches those who need it the most.

SKorea to Send More Food Aid to North
4 days ago - South Korea will send North Korea 50,000 tons of corn to help ease its chronic food shortages, an official said Thursday, as North Korean defectors claimed that Seoul's aid rarely reaches those who need it the most.

US Envoy: NKorea Efforts on Schedule
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State and nuclear envoy Christopher Hill speaks to reporters, in this image from television, before leaving Pyongyang and heading to Beijing, Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2007.  North Korean efforts to disable its plutonium-producing reactor are going well but the work needs to continue if deadlines are to be met, Hill said Wednesday. (AP Photo/APTN) 4 days ago - North Korea's efforts to disable its plutonium-producing reactor by year's end are going as scheduled, the top U.S. nuclear envoy said Wednesday, but differences remain over the nuclear programs the regime will declare.

Democratic rivals rap Clinton anew on Iran vote
5 days ago - Democratic rivals assailed front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton Tuesday for a vote against Iran that they portrayed as misguided and dangerous in light of a new intelligence report that says the Iranians stopped pursuing a nuclear weapon years ago.

Quotes from Tuesday's Democratic debate
5 days ago - Quotes from the Democrats' debate Tuesday afternoon in Des Moines, Iowa. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson missed the debate to attend a memorial service for a Korean war soldier whose remains he brought home from North Korea in April.

US Envoy: NKorea Disablement on Schedule
5 days ago - North Korea's efforts to disable its plutonium-producing reactor by year's end are going as scheduled, the top U.S. nuclear envoy said Wednesday, but work needs to continue if deadlines are to be met.

Ahmadinejad: Report a Victory for Iran
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, center, greets his supporters in Ilam province in western Iran, Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2007. A new U.S. intelligence review concluding Iran stopped developing an atomic weapons program in 2003 is a 'declaration of victory' for Iran's nuclear program, Ahmadinejad said Wednesday. (AP Photo/Mehdi Ghasemi) 5 days ago - A new U.S. intelligence review concluding Iran stopped developing an atomic weapons program in 2003 is a "declaration of victory" for Iran's nuclear program, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday.

Ahmadinejad: Report Victory for Iran
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, center, greets his supporters in Ilam province in western Iran, Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2007. A new U.S. intelligence review concluding Iran stopped developing an atomic weapons program in 2003 is a 'declaration of victory' for Iran's nuclear program, Ahmadinejad said Wednesday. (AP Photo/Mehdi Ghasemi) 5 days ago - A new U.S. intelligence review concluding Iran stopped developing an atomic weapons program in 2003 is a "declaration of victory" for Iran's nuclear program, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday.

NKorea Opens New Tour of Historic Sites
5 days ago - More than 300 South Koreans crossed the heavily fortified border with North Korea on Wednesday on a new tour of historic sites around the North's western border city of Kaesong, a South Korean tour operator said.

Democratic rivals rap Clinton anew on Iran vote in radio debate in Iowa
5 days ago - Democratic rivals assailed front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton Tuesday for a vote against Iran that they portrayed as misguided and dangerous in light of a new intelligence report that says the Iranians stopped pursuing a nuclear weapon years ago.

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