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Let the food fight begin!
The post-Thanksgiving political races have begun in earnest, a sign of heightened urgency as the presidential candidates begin the final, six-week sprint to Iowa's first-in-the-nation caucuses. 19 hrs ago - Barack Obama is attacking Hillary Rodham Clinton. Rudy Giuliani is ridiculing Mitt Romney. And John McCain is savaging Rudy Giuliani.

Huckabee: I'm the toughest on abortion
Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is playing his conservative card by raising the abortion issue. 4 days ago - Although his conservatism has been questioned on taxes and immigration, Mike Huckabee insists that no other candidate takes a tougher line against abortion, a pivotal issue in the race for the Republican nomination.

Huckabee marvels at support
Republican presidential hopeful, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee plays a bass guitar with the band during a rally at the Mars Hill Academy Christian School Monday, Nov. 19, 2007, in Mason, Ohio. 4 days ago - Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee insists he will have enough cash and organizational strength to capitalize on what polls suggest will be an impressive showing in the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 3.

The 3-minute interview: Amelia Korangy
6 days ago - Amelia Korangy is the development and outreach officer at Fair Fund.

Bush counts nation’s blessings at Thanksgiving site in Va.
President Bush picks up a box of potatoes as he visits the Central Virginia Food Bank in Richmond Monday. At right is Food Bank President Fay Loh. 7 days ago - Offering thanks to “the author of life,” President Bush urged Americans to count their blessings Monday in an unapologetically religious speech about Thanksgiving.

Illegal immigration hurts Dems
The latest installment of Democratic contenders for the Presidential election. 10 days ago - The re-emergence of illegal immigration in the last two Democratic presidential debates could hurt the party in the general election and might even imperil some Republicans in the primaries.

Bush makes holiday skies friendlier by opening up military airspace
President Bush, accompanied by acting Federal Aviation Administration Administrator Robert Sturgell,  makes a statement on aviation congestion Thursday in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington. 11 days ago - President Bush announced sweeping new measures Thursday to ease airline congestion, including the opening of military air space to civilian airliners over the Thanksgiving holiday.

Clinton Looks to Rebound
Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., speaks during a campaign stop at a United Auto Workers regional conference on Mon, Nov. 12, at the Grand River Center in Dubuque, Iowa. Clinton hopes tonight’s debate will help her regain her footing. 12 days ago - Coming off the worst two weeks of her campaign, presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton returns to the debate stage today with hopes of regaining her footing.

Bush signs veto on health, education legislation
President Bush speaks to business and community leaders in New Albany, Ind., Tuesday. Bush vetoed a Democrat-backed bill he called “bloated” on Tuesday. 13 days ago - Likening Congress to “a teenager with a new credit card,” President Bush vetoed a bill Tuesday that contained 2,000 earmarks and $10 billion more than he wants to spend.

Giuliani aiming for second place in Iowa
Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani, campaigns at a town hall meeting in Mount Vernon, Mo., Monday. The former New York mayor’s strategist said the candidate is shooting for second place in Iowa 14 days ago - Rudy Giuliani’s top strategists effectively ceded Iowa to Mitt Romney Monday, but said Romney’s resulting momentum would not be enough to win the GOP presidential nomination.

Romney blasts Rudy's immigration stance as NYC mayor
Romney blasted Rudy Giuliani's stance on illegal immigration when he was New York City mayor. 17 days ago - Presidential candidate Mitt Romney is accusing GOP rival Rudy Giuliani of hypocrisy for opposing drivers licenses for illegal immigrants after welcoming illegals to New York City.

Primary races tighten for Clinton and Giuliani
Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton greets people after speaking about energy at a town hall meeting in Peterborough, N.H. Wednesday. 19 days ago - Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani, once considered the inevitable presidential nominees, are facing increased competition from half a dozen rivals as the race tightens in both parties.

Romney takes first lead in S.C. polls
Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks during a campaign stop at the Carolina Hope Adoption Agency in Greenville, S.C., Tuesday. Romney has taken the lead in state’s Republican primary polls for the first time. 20 days ago - Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has taken the lead in South Carolina for the first time, pulling ahead of rivals Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson in Republican preference polls.

Cheney criticizes Congressional Dems
Vice President Dick Cheney speaks at the World Affairs Council luncheon Friday Nov. 2 in Dallas. 24 days ago - Vice President Dick Cheney turned up the heat on congressional Democrats Friday for "playing political games" instead of passing bills to fund the military and federal government.

Bush, Cheney blast Dems over war funding, terrorism
26 days ago - President Bush and Vice President Cheney launched a vigorous, coordinated defense of administration policies Thursday, with Bush calling Democrats beholden to liberal activists.

Cheney: 'Bureaucratic confusion' about U.S. flags at military burials
Vice President Dick Cheney speaks before the Indiana American Legion at Indiana War Memorial, Thu, Nov. 1, in Indianapolis. 26 days ago - Vice President Dick Cheney blamed the “federal bureaucracy” Thursday for a “confusing order” to limit religious references by honor guards folding U.S. flags at military burials.

Illegal immigration trips up Clinton, ensnares Republicans
26 days ago - The re-emergence of illegal immigration as a campaign issue, which tripped up Hillary Clinton in the Democratic presidential debate on Tuesday night, could also prove troublesome for some Republicans.

The 3-minute interview: Trent Duffy
26 days ago - Trent Duffy was White House deputy press secretary until March 2006, when he left to start his own public relations firm. He recently joined forces with three other Republican communicators to form the firm HDMK.

Bush pounds Dems, vows to veto spending bill
President Bush, right, meets with Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, left, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washignton, Tue, Oct. 30. 27 days ago - In a sharp escalation of rhetoric, President Bush accused Democrats Tuesday of wasting time on a "constant stream of investigations" and an "endless series of failed votes to pull our troops out of Iraq."

Candidate Romney bets on getting momentum from early poll wins
29 days ago - In national polls, presidential candidate Mitt Romney has been stuck in fourth place for months, trailing GOP rivals Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson and even the struggling John McCain.

Bush blasts Dems on war funding, Mukasey
President Bush makes a statement on appropriations, Fri, Oct. 26, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington. Bush ripped the Democratic Congress for trying to raise taxes and domestic spending while failing to fund the troops in Iraq or confirm his nominee for Attorney General. 31 days ago - President Bush ripped the Democratic Congress Friday for trying to raise taxes and domestic spending while failing to fund the troops in Iraq or confirm his nominee for Attorney General.

Romney won't execute Osama bin Laden
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said he would not take part in the execution of Osama bin Laden. 32 days ago - Presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Thursday that, unlike Republican rivals Rudy Giuliani and John McCain, he will not take part in the execution of Osama bin Laden if the terrorist leader is caught.

Romney questions Giuliani’s baseball loyalties
32 days ago - Mitt Romney poked fun at rival Rudy Giuliani on Thursday for backing the Boston Red Sox in the World Series after a lifetime of devotion to the New York Yankees.

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