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Michael Vick makes a statement after pleading guilty to a federal dogfighting charge in Richmond, Va., in this Aug. 27, 2007 file photo.  Vick awaits a judge's ruling Monday, Dec. 10, 2007, on how long he will remain in prison for his role in a dogfighting conspiracy.  (AP Photo/Steve Helber)
(AP Photo/Steve Helber)
Michael Vick makes a statement after pleading guilty to a federal dogfighting charge in Richmond, Va., in this Aug. 27, 2007 file photo. Vick awaits a judge's ruling Monday, Dec. 10, 2007, on how long he will remain in prison for his role in a dogfighting conspiracy.

RICHMOND, Va. (Map, News) - Michael Vick was sentenced to 23 months in prison Monday for running a "cruel and inhumane" dogfighting ring and lying about it.

The suspended Atlanta Falcons quarterback could have been sentenced up to five years by U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson. Vick, who turned himself in Nov. 19 in anticipation of his sentence, was wearing a black-and-white striped prison suit.

After Vick apologized to the court and his family, Hudson told him: "You need to apologize to the millions of young people who looked up to you."

"Yes, sir," Vick answered.

The 27-year-old player acknowledged using "poor judgment" and added, "I'm willing to deal with the consequences and accept responsibility for my actions."

Although there is no parole in the federal system, rules governing time off for good behavior could reduce Vick's prison stay by about three months, resulting in a summer 2009 release.

"You were instrumental in promoting, funding and facilitating this cruel and inhumane sporting activity," Hudson told Vick.

Before the hearing, Michael Vick's brother, Marcus Vick, sat with his right arm around their mother, comforting her as she buried her head in her hands and wept.

Falcons owner Arthur Blank called the sentencing another step in Vick's "legal journey."

"This is a difficult day for Michael's family and for a lot of us, including many of our players and fans who have been emotionally invested in Michael over the years," Blank said. "We sincerely hope that Michael will use this time to continue to focus his efforts on making positive changes in his life, and we wish him well in that regard."

Vick was suspended without pay by the NFL and lost all his lucrative endorsement deals. The league had no comment Monday on the judge's ruling.

One of Vick's attorneys, Lawrence Woodward, asked for leniency. He said Vick "grew up on some of probably the meanest and roughest streets in this commonwealth," but had never been in trouble with the law and had done much for charities.

Vick was denied any credit for taking responsibility for his crime. Hudson agreed with a federal probation officer's finding that Vick had lied about his hands-on killing of dogs and about his drug use. Vick tested positive for marijuana Sept. 13, violating conditions of his release while he awaited sentencing.

Hudson recalled that Vick at one point said he only handed over two dogs to co-defendant Quanis Phillips, who killed them. On another occasion, Vick said he dropped a dog after Phillips tied a rope around the animal's neck, the judge added.

"I'm not convinced you've fully accepted responsibility," Hudson told Vick.

Federal sentencing guidelines called for a term of 18 months to two years. Federal prosecutor Michael Gill asked for a sentence at the high end, meaning Vick would get more time than either of the two co-defendants sentenced last month.

"He did more than fund it," Hudson said, referring to the "Bad Newz Kennels" dogfighting operation. "He was in this thing up to his neck with the other defendants."

Outside court, Woodward said Vick didn't want anyone feeling sorry for him.

"He just wants a chance to prove himself when all this is over," he said. "But the other thing he said to me, which I also think is important for everyone to know, is that he understood that some of the things he was doing in life and off the field were dangerous, and he told me he feels lucky that he's alive and not hurt and now it's all about the future."

U.S. Attorney Chuck Rosenberg sounded a similar theme.

"This was an efficient, professional, and thorough investigation that well exposed a seamy side of our society," he said in a statement. "I trust Mr. Vick learned important lessons and that his admission of guilt will speed his rehabilitation."

Vick pleaded guilty in August, admitting he bankrolled the dogfighting operation and helped kill six to eight dogs. He has been held at a jail in Warsaw, Va., since he voluntarily began serving his sentence.

In a plea agreement, he admitted bankrolling the dogfighting ring on his 15-acre property in rural Virginia and helping kill pit bulls that did not perform well in test fights. He also admitted providing money for bets on the fights but said he never shared in any winnings.

At a news conference after pleading guilty last summer, Vick apologized to the NFL, the Falcons and youngsters who viewed him as a role model and vowed: "I will redeem myself."

Court papers revealed gruesome details about Vick's dogfighting operation, including the execution of underperforming dogs by electrocution, drowning, hanging and other means. Those details prompted a public backlash against the once-popular NFL star and outraged animal-rights groups, which used the case to call attention to the brutality of dogfighting.

John Goodwin of the Humane Society of the United States called the sentence appropriate.

"People that are involved in this blood sport are on notice. You can throw your life away by being involved in this," he said.

Two co-defendants were sentenced Nov. 30. Purnell Peace, of Virginia Beach, got 18 months. Phillips, of Atlanta, got 21 months. Another co-defendant, Tony Taylor, will be sentenced Friday.

The case began in April when a drug investigation of Vick's cousin led authorities to the former Virginia Tech star's Surry County property, where they found dozens of pit bulls - some of them injured - and equipment associated with dogfighting.

Vick initially denied any knowledge about dogfighting on the property. He changed his story after the three co-defendants pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with the government.

By 8 a.m. Monday, about 50 people were in line outside the courthouse waiting for the doors to open. About two dozen animal rights activists stood across the street holding posters showing injured pit bulls and the messages, "Report Dogfighters" and "Dogs Deserve Justice."

"We want to make sure the focus on the animals in this case isn't lost," said Dan Shannon, spokesman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Julia Novak arrived with her small beagle, Frankie, who wore a sandwich board with the message on one side: "Dogfighters use dogs like me for bait."

Ryan Eanes, 27, of Richmond, wore his No. 7 Vick jersey as he waited in line.

"We all make mistakes," Eanes said. "I don't support the situation with the animals, but I support him. I believe his apology is sincere."


Associated Press writers Hank Kurz Jr. and Zinie Chen Sampson contributed to this report.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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10:05 PM MST on Mon., Dec. 10, 2007 re: "Vick Sentenced to 23 Months in Prison"

J. Wells said:
23 months in jail is, what I believe, a bit too much for what he did. I understand that what he did was extremly wrong, BUT they give lighter sentences to those who do worse.They act like he killed 10 people for every dog he made fight. Now I'm not saying treat him as if he were the Pete Rose of the NFL, but I'm saying that taking the mans passion-his career, his endorsements, is just a little too much. I believe that he should have been able to keep his career, pay a fine, get counseling, do alot of community service, and pay the exspenses fo taking care of all the dogs that were saved form his dog fighting would have been enough. And hate me for saying this if you want to, but I believe that they are being so hard on him because he's black. This is their oppurtunity to get rid of a black man who has made a name for himself in a nation where prejudice and discrimination still exist. I guess that's all I have to say.

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7:57 PM MST on Mon., Dec. 10, 2007 re: "Vick Sentenced to 23 Months in Prison"

Examiner Reader said:
I wonder if all the people who are outraged whenever people hurt or kill animals have equal disdain for those who hurt or kill children and unborn babies? Babies Daddy is a dirt bag like animals are something some people cant afford,care for or will never know how or why they faught these dogs. Dodfighting is just plain crazy and deserves more than 23 months.

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2:40 PM MST on Mon., Dec. 10, 2007 re: "Vick Gets 23 Months for Dogfighting"

Examiner Reader said:
hope they lock him in a cell with a 300 pound dog lover!

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2:26 PM MST on Mon., Dec. 10, 2007 re: "Vick Sentenced to 23 Months in Prison"

Daniel said:
I wonder if all the people who are outraged whenever people hurt or kill animals have equal disdain for those who hurt or kill children and unborn babies? I don't condone what Vick did. He knew that he was breaking the law but the punishment is excessive. A fine, probation and mandatory community service with an animal shelter would have been much more appropriate. I hope he appeals.

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1:07 PM MST on Mon., Dec. 10, 2007 re: "Vick Gets 23 Months for Dogfighting"

Kaysha said:
I think that Vick should have only recieved a fine and some counseling. The press is going over board why wasn't the football player who murdered the woman prosecuted.

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10:47 AM MST on Mon., Dec. 10, 2007 re: "Vick Gets 23 Months for Dogfighting"

James E. Taylor said:
Had Vick been allowed to continue as professional paid football player and been forced to give a million or more from his salary to the Humane Society and to some of the shelters for abused animals -- this would have been more beneficial for showing him and other animal abusers that there is a price to pay for being cruel to animals. 23 months of his salary and making him to be an advocate against dogfighting and cruelty to all animals is wrong, and a shameful sin that's deserving of punishment. This would have been a better punishment for him, plus some of us would have still been able to enjoy watching him play football.

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10:45 AM MST on Mon., Dec. 10, 2007 re: "Vick Gets 23 Months for Dogfighting"

Examiner Reader said:
I think there should have been more demand to reveal the details of this case. Killing the dogs who didn't perform is just the tip of the iceberg. These monsters use pet dogs and cats as bait... so the deaths and torture extend beyond just the dogs.

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9:36 AM MST on Mon., Dec. 10, 2007 re: "Vick Gets 23 Months for Dogfighting"

Examiner Reader said:
Twenty-three months !!! Do you believe this? Hopefully Virginia will do better.

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9:32 AM MST on Mon., Dec. 10, 2007 re: "Vick Gets 23 Months for Dogfighting"

alibangbang said:
Judge Hudson is a decent man and I think he has made a just decision.I am so happy that he did not sentence Mr.Vick to more prison time. Mr. Vick has already suffered tremendously for his crimes and has had the courage to accept full responsibility for his actions. I respect a man who has the courage to admit he is wrong.I believe that his apology was sincere and I think that he is handling himself well.....much better than some people who are trying to subject him to punishment far in excess of what is reasonable. I applaud Judge Hudson for performing his duty admirably.I hope that Mr. Vick will be released early for exhibiting good behavior and get back to the business of providing for his family.

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