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What Europe looks like on Google Maps
What Europe looks like on Google Maps
A typical European woman.
A typical European woman.

Eurabia (formerly Europe) whilst technically a continent, is usually thought of as a region that includes anything west of Russia and includes Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium and a whole bunch of frozen tundra with hot blue-eyed, blonde bitches collectively known as Scandanavia.

Eurabia is an Islamo-Fascist theocracy ruled by Moslem clerics preaching hate and is entirely populated by butthurt, disenfranchised teenage wannabe suicide bombers.

To be European is to be snooty, a cheese-eater, a hun, a tea-guzzling toffee-nosed toff, probably a Muslim and definitely a dirty Liberal. Also, a general aversion to showering comes in handy. European activity used to revolve around imperialism, but is now relegated to losing to its former colonies in cricket and football matches. This is because Europe mocks Allah, who is actually a hermaphroditic goat fucker, or just not real.

That said, Europeans invented everything good, like Spam, LSD, and World War II. They typically like to think they invented everything in the world, but Europe was a shitty place before the 1600's that only got ahead because they loved being sailors and having gay orgies on the high seas.

Favorite pastimes of the denizens of Yurp revolve primarily around blaming all tragedies worldwide on USA gun ownership policies and letting illegal Muslim immigrants run wild. Europeans also like to spend their time either reading Marcel Proust, or bashing in the heads of fellow football soccer football fans. Europeans hate the USA, for reasons unknown. Yet Europeans love U.S. jeans, the decent exchange rate and the fact that they can shop in the USA for dirt cheap (shopping in America is even cheaper, but that's irrelevant here). They overlook their hatred to go shopping and to sleep with USAns who like people with sexy accents. It is predicted that by the year 2050, Europe will have become part of the Empire of Poland. Already, there are more Polish in Ireland than there are Irish, at least according to the Irish, who are generally too drunk to count. At the dawn of the Kingdomski of Polska, Stalin will be resurrected to rule over all of Europski. Sadly enough, this can only help the European economy.

British men who are attracted to Eastern European women are considered by many to have a less extreme version of "azn fetish", or azn-lite.

Europeans also have a huge inferiority complex against Americans, as they slowly discover that:

  • Americans brush their teeth more than once a year..
  • American women shave, do not look like men, and have vertical teeth.
  • The EU will never be recognized as a united sovereign state, and therefore it will never be able to compete with the US for superpower status.
  • Did I mention that Europe is getting drowned under a flood of sandniggers?


[edit] European Countries

[edit] Trolling Europeans

If you're going to troll Europeans, realize first that Europeans are widely known as being among the easiest people to troll. Europeans seem to have a complete inability to recognize obvious trolls or copypasta. Thus, it is recommended that only beginner trolls do it. Here are some easy ways to ensure a constant stream of lulz:

  • Act more patriotic than you actually are.
  • Make fun of Europe's tolerance for Muslims.
  • Say America is the only superpower in the world.
  • Point out that Americans invented the Internet.
  • Point out that the server of the site you're visiting is located in America.
  • Talk about how easy Europeans are to troll.
  • Claim Americans invented democracy.
  • Say you love George W. Bush.
  • Call them pussies for having gun control.

[edit] See Also

European Union

[edit] External Links

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