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A group of Purple People Eaters after a meal
A group of Purple People Eaters after a meal

Minnesota, now a terrible Midwestern shitstain on the United States of America, was once home to a mythical race of creatures known as Scandinavians. Currently, it is populated with Reptoids, vampires, dragons and other such monsters. The capital of Minnesota is Minneapolis, despite what maps might tell you. There are four seasons in Minnesota; Cold, Warm, Hot, and Chilly. The state mascot is the Purple People Eater. The state song of Minnesota is "Purple Rain" by the artist who used to be known as "The Artist Formerly Known As Prince" and some sort of symbol thing, but is now known as simply "Prince." He is really small and known for showing his buttocks to anyone.

[edit] Minnesoootans

Average Minnesota dweller
Average Minnesota dweller
Minnesotans are known for various attributes, including "Minnesota Nice," which can be summed up as "I'll talk nice to ya on the streets but if ya come on my property I'll shove a cold hard icicle up yer ass and sic Jesse Ventura on ya, dontchaknow." If you pass the test and are able to "Talk Minnesoootan" (for beginner lessons watch the movie Fargo) and you bring a "hot dish" with you, you will be welcomed, though talked about behind your back. Minnesota Nice is enforced by conceal-and-carry laws, because Minnesotans are gun-toting whackjobs.

Many cultures are slowly mixing together in the state today. Indians (the "whoo whoo" kind) have a moderate presence in Minnesota, and some tribes operate casinos which have been said to be among the most profitable in the country. Raping the white man for his hard earned money is a popular pastime among the tribes. When the local Indians are not on going out on warparty raids, scalping whitey, and fixing slot machines, they drink themselves to death and hoard trash outside their castles of gold on the rez.

Outdoor activities are major parts of the lives of many Minnesotans, including hunting, fishing, and eating dairy products obsessively. Unique activities include ice fishing which, if you like freezing your ass off in 20 degrees celsius below zero weather, is about the most exciting activity one can take part in in Minnesota. Families frequently own or share cabins on central and northern tracts of land in forests and adjoining lakes, and weekend trips out to these properties are common. These trips "Up Nort" are usually done by Whites to escape their Black neighbors whom they are forced to live next door to thanks to liberal lawmakers. Besides, Black people don't like nature anyways, everyone knows that. Gay sex is shared by most state residents in one form or another and is, in fact, encouraged by restroom patrons and the Minnesota Constitution alike. It's not uncommon to see a Minnesotan humping a tree whispering "yahhh, you betcha" into the bark.

Minnesota is known for active yet quirky politics including such oddities as a professional wrestler turned governor. 77.3% of Minnesotans voted in the 2004 U.S. presidential election, the highest of any U.S. state. Liberalism thrives in Minnesota and it's a great place to go if you'd like to learn how to fly an airplane into buildings. In fact it has been found out that the same liberal undead commie queers which make up that 77.3% of Minnesota single-handedly flew the planes into the World Trade Center and the Statue of Liberty using only the power of their collective liberal guilt.

13% of Minnesotans are Werewolves, 15% are Vampires and 12% are Frankensteins. If you are well-liked, and very lucky, you might get to see an authentic Monster Mash during your time in Minnesota. The Monster Mash is usually held in October in a secret graveyard. Scholars believe this ritual centers around a satanic "blood orgy" in which a small child from Wisconsin is sacrificed to Molech. This sacrifice is used to gain ungodly powers of hate, which are then used in the annual Packers-Vikings clash.

[edit] The Whispering Bushes of Loring Park

A couple of Loring Park queers in traditional garb
A couple of Loring Park queers in traditional garb

Loring Park is a place in Minneapolis were roaming hordes of homos come to assault each other's asses. These hordes are often mistaken for buffalo, but since the white man has already killed off most of those terrible things, we can safely assume they are fags.

There is so much rampant homosex in Loring Park that the Minneapolis Police Department has set up a special Task Force to monitor the spread of AIDS in the park. This was brought about as a result of numerous complaints about the infamous "Whispering Bushes", where gay men lure unsuspecting victims into liaisons.

Due to the excessive, uncontrollable amounts of discarded, AIDS-ridden condoms left at the park, the Federal Government has declared Loring Park a Superfund site.

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