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Al Queda has put a $50,000 price tag on the heads of ANYONE caught drawing moar pitchurz of Muhammad! ED is going for the bounty record, so plz to be uploading AS MANY PICTURES OF MUHAMMAD AS POSSIBLE!!#!
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Muhammad was a Pedo
Muhammad was a Pedo
A religion of peace and tolerance
A religion of peace and tolerance
Muslims are friendly and hospitable people.
Muslims are friendly and hospitable people.

Islam is kind of like the Mormonism of Arab religions. Islam was created by a crazy guy who thought that his religion was a continuation of Judaism and Christianity, apparently thought of as the third and final in the trilogy. And being the 3rd in the trilogy, it is the most shitty piece of crap out of the three (think Spiderman 3 or The Matrix Revolutions). Formed by the "prophet" Muhammad at least 100 years ago, Islam may well be an honest continuation of God's word, that is if God is a giant asshat. Islam is primely suited to guide humanity to certain death through the magic of blowing up airliners over the Atlantic Ocean or ramming them into buildings with full force. Muslims also invented fencing, (the art of poking people with long, stiff sticks) as a way to release sexual energy, because they aren't allowed to have sex with anyone but camels and their butt ugly wives. Muhammad, who was a notorious pedo, married a 9-year-old girl and had sex with her when she was fifteen.


[edit] WTF is Islam?

Much like its brother in faith, Christianity, Islam is all about repression, genocide, S&M, the oppression of women and general misogyny, and Jihad. Unlike its pedophiliac father, Judaism, Islam preaches tolerance and love, and never lashes out, not even against the occupation of Palestine.

Early on, Islam suffered a schism in much the same way as 4chan did; Islam is now divided into Sunnis, who believe something stupid, and Shiites, who believe something that's stupid in a slightly different way and who mostly live in Iran. Islam also requires all Muslims to all become an heroes which is quite common in the middle east with bombs both exploding and imploding left, right and centre.

[edit] Muslims

Muslims are a funny type of people similar to Jawas, except that they live by a ridiculously backward religion. Although many of them feel it gives their life a purpose all it clearly does is prove how stupid and ignorant they are. It has been postulated that people convert to Islam because they are totally incapable of running their own lives and miss the good old days in the hugbox with mum and dad running their shit with an iron fist and a lot of rules. The majority of Muslims clearly believe the world is against them (hence extremists such as suicide bombers) and obviously feel that their way of living is the only way.

Muslims must pray a ridiculous amount of the time to Allah, because he's such a huge attention whore. They often use their religion or prayer time as a way of getting special treatment, the likes of which followers of other religions (religions which don't fly planes in to buildings) would never get. Examples of this would be students expecting their courses at university to be moved to another day so that they could to recite gibberish in their chittering monkey accents for a daft amount of time. "DUCKADUCKADUCKAMUHAMMADJIHADDUCKADUCKA".

[edit] Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad(Police Be Upon Him)
Prophet Muhammad(Police Be Upon Him)
"It is more blessed to give than to receive" Acts 20:35
"It is more blessed to give than to receive" Acts 20:35
A typical Muslim.
A typical Muslim.
Muslim toilet paper
Muslim toilet paper
The Koran has many uses.
The Koran has many uses.

Muhammad was part Jesus, part Ghengis Khan, and part Hitler. He was often credited for uniting the middle east through the spread of Islam but it was mainly because of his policy of conversion or death to those he conquered. He started his life as a merchant but soon figured out that selling people bullshit was a lot more profitable than selling dates and slurpees. He wrote some emo poetry about his conversations with God in his LJ and added tons of buddies looking for stupid arbitrary rules to run each and every aspect of their lives. With this magic book, the Koran, he was able convince a bunch of retards that he was God's prophet. Then he did what any other man would do when he gets that kind of power: acquire a lot of worthless sand and kill lots and lots of people. He was also popular with the ladies as he had 23 wives, some of them loli.

[edit] No Pix Plz

The Koran states that no pictures are ever to be made, drawn or otherwise published of Mohammed's likeness. The reason generally given is that Mohammed made this demand because he didn't want to be idolized like Jesus was - stuck on a cross. This turns out to be a mistranslation. What Mohammed wanted was for no drawings of his likeness to exist so that they couldn't be put on wanted posters. Srsly. If Mohammed's kaliphate enemies didn't know what he looked like, they couldn't hunt him down and stick *him* on a cross. Since Mohammed is now long-since dead and gone, it's a clear sign of how enlightened Muslims are by not dropping a simple, selfish act of self-preservation by their brave leader that obviously had jack shit to do with the "Word of Allah".

[edit] Typical Muslim life

Halloween comes every day for Muslim women
Halloween comes every day for Muslim women
Women are highly valued in Muslim societies
Women are highly valued in Muslim societies
Worship Muhammad Motherfucker!
Worship Muhammad Motherfucker!

Since Muslims cannot have sex, drink, do drugs, or even hang out, they are left alone to think of plans to bring revenge upon the infidels. Muslim men often choose to engage in sexual relations with mountain goats, meat grinders, loaded shotguns, house cats, young boys, and of course, themselves. In their free time, they like making bombs, beating their wives, shooting shit, eating nasty raisins, fapping to the Koran, and killing as many infidels as possible.


typical muslim cat
typical muslim cat
If Muhammad can have a 7 year-old wife, why can't I?
If Muhammad can have a 7 year-old wife, why can't I?

Muslims are required by their religion to IRL Troll with what they call Jihad. They are known to generate serious lulz and get worldwide media attention by blowing themselves up next to Jews.

How to do Jihad as recorded in the Koran:

  1. Pray to Allah and smack the wife around one last time.
  2. Strap bomb to self.
  3. Stand around Jews and/or infidels.
  4. ?????
  5. Lulz and profit.

After dying, Muslims celebrate with 72 virgins in paradise. They get to smoke all the shisha they like, drink beer, eat Falafel, couscous, and other inedible foods, and hang out with tons of hot bitches in burkas beyond the gates of Heaven.

[edit] Islam <3 Rape

The Koran clearly states that every woman is asking for it. According to the prophet, a woman can be justifiably raped for the following reasons:

The Middle East is currently competing with Africa to become the rape capital of the world. Therefore, it is the best place for a sick fuck, a /b/tard or anyone seeking man points to go and get sum surprise sex. In Islamic Arabia, the RAPIST is the victim, whereas the raped victim is the actual offender, and the woman will get not only jail time but also 90 lashes (The video of which you can request a copy of for further fapping). And if she tells anyone, especially the old media, she automatically gets 110 more lashes (A total of 200) while the worst you might get is five years in a Saudi prison getting sand pounded forcefully into your butthole.

[edit] Stereotyping

Muslims are universally believed to be violent insane intolerant fuckwad jihadist murderers. Muslims are currently at war with at least a dozen countries in the world including the USA and all of their allies, which are considered by most to be the good guys, because everyone knows that muslims are evil and come from hell and that they believe in a false god and that they should be assimilated and their oil stolen from them. But this stereotype is totally unfair. There are over 1.5 billion muslims in the world, and this guy:


...isn't a terrorist. All the rest of them are.

[edit] A Typical Butthurt Muslim

The following crapfest left was on this page by a camelhumping vandal. Be sure to visit his user page and leave him a message.

Did you read about Islam from it,s original sources?

Is the information about Islam that published at International Media is correct ?
Excuse me!!
Would you stop for a moment?!'t you-thought-one-day- yourself ?
Who has made it?
Have you seen a design which hasn't a designer ?!
It's you and the whole universe!..
Who has made them all ?!!
You know who ?..
It's "ALLAH",prise be to him.
Just think for a moment.
How are you going to be after death ?!
Have you thought, for a second, How to save your soul from Allah's punishment?!
Haven't you thought about what is the right religion?!
Read ... and think deeply before you answer..
It is religion of Islam.
It is the religion that the right Bible- which is not distorted-has preached.
Just have a look at The Bible of (Bernaba).
Don't be emstional.
Be rational and judge..

Just then judge and say your word.

We advise you visiting :

—Butthurt camel fucker


Come on, just have a look at The Bible of (Bernaba)

[edit] List of Famous Muslims


[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

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