Monkey Island

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The adult content in today's video games makes me sick
The adult content in today's video games makes me sick
This is the worst thing that can happen Jon.
This is the worst thing that can happen Jon.
This is the best thing that can happen Jon. NOM NOM NOM
This is the best thing that can happen Jon. NOM NOM NOM

Best fucking game ever and the #1 reason why people who think that pirates fucking own ninjas are totally right. Also the original source of the concept of voodoo. That really lame movie with Johnny Depp ripped off plot elements, such as the concept of an incompetent yet lucky pirate getting advice from a black voodoo lady with a Jamaican accent living in a hut on stilts in a swamp (but that could have been coincidence), because they knew only nerds would notice. One of the many games created by jerks like Grumpy Gamer and Lucas Arts before they decided to cater to fanboys and make nothing but crappy Star Wars games.

[edit] Insult List and Correct Responses

The games contained insult mini-games where the player or his enemy would make an extremely witty insult and the player would have to make the correct comeback. Here is a list of correct and extremely witty comebacks for the games:

  • Insult: "I got this scar on my face during a mighty struggle!"
  • Comeback: "LOL FAG!1"
  • Insult: "People fall at my feet when they see me coming."
  • Comeback: "OMFG, STFU U R A FAG!1!!1"
  • Insult:"I'm not going to take your insolence sitting down!"
  • Comeback: "GTFO U FUCKING FAG!11!!!1
  • Insult: "You fight like a dairy farmer!"
  • Comeback: "NO U, FAG!!!!11!!"

[edit] External Links

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