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About Us

The Code Project was formed to provide developers with a place to meet and exchange ideas. We hope to provide developers with all the resources they need to help them in their day to day programming, as well as helping them keep up to date with the latest technologies.

Microsoft Community MemberWe at The Code Project would like to thank all those who have contributed their time, energy, and articles to make the site what it is.

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The Code Project is:

The guys running this place
Chris Maunder

Sitebuilder, Mvp, Editor, Staff, Admin
Chris is the Co-founder, Administrator, Architect, Chief Editor and Shameless Hack who wrote and runs CodeProject. He's been programming since 1988 while pretending to be, in various guises, an astrophysicist, mathematician, physicist, hydrologist, geomorphologist, defence intelligence researcher and then, when all that got a bit rough on the nerves, a web developer. He is a Microsoft Visual C++ MVP both globally and for Canada locally.

His programming experience includes C/C++, C#, MFC, ASP, ASP.NET, and far, far too much FORTRAN. He has worked on PocketPCs, AIX mainframes, Sun workstations, and a CRAY YMP C90 behemoth but finds notebooks take up less desk space.

He dodges, he weaves, and he never gets enough sleep. He is kind to small animals.

Chris was born and bred in Australia but splits his time between Toronto and Melbourne, depending on the weather. For relaxation he is into road cycling, snowboarding, rock climbing, and storm chasing.

Occupation: Founder
Company: The Code Project
Location: Canada Canada

David Cunningham

Sitebuilder, Editor, Staff, Admin
When Chris and I started the CodeProject we tossed a coin to see who would bring sage advice, wisdom and guidance to the software development community and who would be the business guy. As you can clearly see I got to wear the tie.

and so...

I direct CodeProject's business activities, such as strategic direction, partnerships, the store, vendor relations, and advertising sales... no wait! someone much smarter than I am is doing that now

Have a quick look and see how CodeProject's ranking is doing on Alexa! (note however that Alexa is no longer reliable as Windows Vista treats the Alexa Toolbar as spyware).

I have been honoured to receive many business, industry and leadership awards including being named an Exceptional Young Entrepreneur (Profit Magazine) and to the list of Who's Who in Canadian Business.

The companies I started have been recognized as the Fastest Growing companies in Canada (Profit Magazine), as the Fastest Growing North American Technology Companies (Deloitte & Touche) and named as a Top 100 Innovator and Leader by SDTimes in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.

I live in Toronto with my three children, and enjoy photography, scuba, riding my Honda Nighthawk motorcycle, and am trying to learn enough about wine to not be completely lost with a wine list in my hands.

Occupation: Web Developer
Location: Canada Canada

Dmitry Otblesk

Staff, Admin
Dmitry looks after the back-end SQL infrastructure of the site.

He received his Masters degree in System Engineering in 1986 and his PhD in Computer Science in 1990.

1986 through 2000 was engaged in number of scientific research projects run under Ukrainian National Science Academy. The main scientific areas were:
- Digital Theory of Automatic Control
- Parallel Computing
- Medical images (X-Ray and others) processing
- Medical diagnostics algorithms

Since 2001 he has been working for USA and UK High Tech companies providing architectural design and developing software for medicine, finance, telecommunication. He joined The Code Project in 2006.
Occupation: Web Developer
Location: United States United States

Elina Blank

Sitebuilder, Staff, Admin
Elina joined the Code Project team as a software developer in order to make the site run even smoother than it is now. She will also take care of making wishes and promises on the site improvements come to the light sooner than later.

When not at work, she enjoys beeing with her family and wishes there will be at least 30 hours in a day

Occupation: Software Developer
Location: Canada Canada

Jeff Hadfield

Editor, Staff, Admin
Jeff has worked with personal computers since the late seventies, when he learned to program BASIC on an Apple II (not an Apple II Plus, mind you). Since then, he’s learned Pascal, Fortran and VB/VB.NET – all of which have been enough to show him that he’s not a born developer, but he can play one on TV, so to speak. He's working to make The Code Project even more valuable to community members and help bring new services online to make The Code Project even better.

Jeff has worked with developers and developer communities for over a decade.

All things considered, he'd rather be cycling.

Occupation: Publisher
Location: United States United States
Our full time staff
Christian Graus

Mvp, Staff
Programming computers ( self taught ) since about 1984 when I bought my first Apple ][. Was working on a GUI library to interface Win32 to Python, and writing graphics filters in my spare time, and then building n-tiered apps using asp, atl and in my job at Dytech. After 4 years there, I've started working from home, for Code Project and on an image processing program for the Vet market.

Occupation: Web Developer
Location: United States United States

Tim Deveaux

Editor, Staff

Occupation: Web Developer
Location: Canada Canada

Kent Sharkey

Kent Sharkey does not really exist. He is a figment of Chris' imagination.

Kent Sharkey -- the official mythical beast of

Occupation: Web Developer
Company: ACMEbinary
Location: Canada Canada

Sean Ewington

Editor, Staff
Sean Ewington is the Lead Technical Editor at CodeProject, but if you watch closely, you'll find him dabbling in other areas of the site.

His background in programming is primarily C++ and HTML, but has experience in other, "unsavoury" languages.

He loves movies, and is currently working on a theory that Gladiator is the best movie of his time (it is a work in progress).

When he's not queuing articles for Code Project, he divides his time between editing articles, and watching out for his replacement.
Location: United States United States

Genevieve Sovereign

Editor, Staff
Doing her BASc in chemical engineering at the University of Toronto has made Gen want her money back. She’s found a slightly truer calling in dissecting The Code Project’s site content: delving into the grammatical deeps, searching for truth amongst the format injustices and generally making pretty that which is not-so-much teh prettyz.

She is the little cantilever that dreams of being a construction crane, and hopes that her humble efforts help make The Code Project an even better place for the citizens of the world. Now let’s all hold hands and sing.

Location: United States United States

Lisa Sidlow

I am an eccentric genius, at least I tell everyone I am a genius to justify my eccentricity. I have been working with the developer community since 1997, when I started at FTP selling advertising space in Visual Basic Programmer’s Journal (I know, I know…but somebody has to do the dirty work so we can deliver all this great content to you).

After nine years of service at my former company I took a year off and started my own business (a Pilates studio) and realized that I absolutely never want to run my own business again….ever. Happily, I landed at The Code Project™ and hope to continue selling enough ads so that we can buy shiny new toys for the site.

Occupation: Web Developer
Location: United States United States

Jackie Davis


Location: United States United States

Mark Romasco


Occupation: Web Developer
Location: United States United States

Michael Wilk


Location: United States United States

Marcela Moran

Marcela is the Sword of Omens of Code Project. If you need an area to be covered, she is there to help.

She enjoys organizing employee events and making the sure the office is running smoothly.

When there is a moment to breathe, she enjoys watching movies and making playlists on her favourite mp3 player.

Legend has it she dances in the morning when no one is around. The truth may never be discovered and if you sneak up on her, you may catch her singing.

Location: United States United States
The Servers
The Servers
The servers

The Code Project is hosted on 15 web servers running Windows 2003 R2. Each box has between 1 and 2 Gb RAM and runs standard hyperthreaded P4s. The web servers connect to 2 dual-proc, dual-core SQL servers running SQL 2005 and Win 2003. Networking is via dual gigabit NICs. We have 3 email servers, a couple of Active Directory servers, a big backup monstrosity, a handful of switches and about 10km of cabling. The server rack is warm to the touch.

Hosting is with:

Managed Service Operations
155 Commerce Valley Drive, E.
Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7T2
Tel (905) 881-4414

The Code Project is located at:

503-250 Ferrand Drive
Toronto Ontario, M3C 3G8 Canada
Tel +1 416-849-8900

Last Updated 1 Jul 2007
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