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The property of pertaining to, having to do with, or having the characteristics of Rome.

[edit] Overview

Tacitus, girlvinyl's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather.
Tacitus, girlvinyl's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather.

To be called Roman is a compliment, as it bestows upon the person the attributes of ass-kickage, pwnage and ability to Salt the Earth. Encyclopedia Dramatica claims a direct line of succession from Roman-drama historians such as Tacitus and Sallust and Livy. Occassionally, it claims a direct line of succession from Juvenal. It is this spirit that ED continues its work. Roman culture is the reason why the West whoops up so easily on the muslims and Japan.

It is from this rich culture we got our earliest examples of pwnage. Julius Caesar made it habit to have sex with everyone's wife and husband, ensuring an unbeaten record of debate in the Senate, but they kept getting they're asses kicked by Asterix. Hannibal, a non-Roman, tried pwning Rome but got his ass kicked when he forgot to bring ladders, making him unable to pwn Rome itself. For some reason he is still considered to be one of the greatest generals of all time. (Carthage was later pwned (Delenda est carthago), and from this we get the practice of salting the Earth).

See also: Italy, Romaniaimage:Flag_ro.gif, Roman Shower

The Romans were also a popular punk band in the 1970s.

Times New Roman is also a popular font. Except it's not this one.

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