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Gary Oak

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Gary Oak, Mother Fucker.
Gary Oak, Mother Fucker.
Gary Oak will be posted by the same unfunny newfag until you like it.

Gary Oak is a shitty Pokemon based meme that has failed so badly it only seems to exist on this page.


[edit] Who Is Gary Oak?

He shows up to challenge you when you have just done something great and are worn down.

You have just been rewarded with your Masters Degree in Cancer Research. In ten minutes you are going to have an interview to get the job of a lifetime with a six digit salary. You'll be able to pay off your student loans no problem. You flip on the TV right before you leave and what do you see? GARY MOTHERFUCKING OAK has just found the cure for cancer.

It's 1997 and you're downloading Pokemon porn on your 56k modem. Oh boy, this zip file full of Misty nudes only has 10 minutes left. You've been waiting six hours for this. When the file gets to 99.9%, you start unzipping your pants and are getting ready for the fap of your life. At that moment, guess who picks up the phone and disconnects you? GARY MOTHERFUCKING OAK.

Your walking home at night and a mugger attacks you with a knife. You are able to drive him off using years of karate lessons, still sustaining some deep knife wounds. Guess you shows up and asks you for your wallet with a baseball bat? Gary MOTHERFUCKING Oak, thats who.

Gary MOTHERFUCKING Oak. He is the only forced meme that doesn't suck balls. Remember, only an ARMORED MEWTWO was able to bring down MOTHERFUCKING GARY OAK.

[edit] How It Started

"I firmly believe Gary should be the rival in every Pokemon game. No, I don't care if he's 45 by the time Diamond and Pearl or whatever is out.

He should also continue to be a total dick like he was from day 1. He was 10 years old driving around a convertible and had bitches at his beck and call. This should continue.

Whenever you enter a cave and come out with all your Pokemon are at 3 hit points? Gary appears.

Get through Team Rocket HQ, out of any healing items with your best team reduced to rubble? Gary rolls up in his mercedes.

When you finally attain all the badges you need, with your favorite Pokèmon battered and beaten? Yeah, Gary.

All your Pokèmon are knocked out and you're 5 tiles away from the Pokemon Center -- Guess who just blocked the entrance way and says he challenges you to a fight?

Fuck yeah, Gary Oak."

This copypasta, attempted in /v/ many moons ago, appeared on November 19th in the middle of the afternoon, and created over 150+ image replies and over 600 posts. /b/tards, old and new alike, begging for a decent meme, have found it within Gary Oak- that son of a bitch whom appears at all the right places at all the wrong times for you. Always a minute before, and always telling you a minute too late.

[edit] Alpha Male


And girls want to fuck me. Let it piss you off as much as you want, but you know it's completely true. That girl you like who is kinda cute in a weird way, but is totally sweet and you have the biggest crush on? The one who keeps going back to guys who treat her wrong for reasons you don't understand? The one who calls you up at 1 am to cry about how her boyfriend hasn't called her in 3 days, and no matter how long you listen to her, she'll never think of you as anything other than asexual? The one who will curl up next to you on the couch, hug you close, kiss you on the cheek, and never let you fucking touch her beyond that?

Yeah, I'm fucking her. I'm Gary MOTHERFUCKING Oak.

The hot girl who won't even look at you when you nod at them and smile? The one who laughs when you trip in the hallway and drop your stuff? The one who comes up and coyly asks for your help with her homework, and then pretends you don't exist once you finish?

Yeah, I'm fucking her too, even harder, because I'm Gary MOTHERFUCKING Oak.

The geeky girl you think might be enough like you that you have a chance with her? She plays Warcraft on your server, and watches anime, and reads comics? She's so incredible and you just love her so much but you still haven't worked up the courage to tell her how you feel about her?

Guess who just sucked me off and told me they'll always love me?

-- Gary MOTHERFUCKING Oak. Smell ya later!

[edit] Bel-Air

"Now this is the story all about how

Your life got flipped, turned upside down

And Id like to take a minute, sit, and be merry.

Ill tell you how I became the god damned Mother Fucking Gary.

In west of Pallet town, born and raised

On the grass plains where I spent most of my days

Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool

And all catchin' some Pokemon outside of the school

When a couple of trainers, said were up in no good

Started making trouble in my neighborhood

I got in one little fight and I fucked up their shit,

And said "Bitch, I'm Gary Motherfucking Oak, /b/'s next big hit!"

I whistled for my Mercedes and it was shining black, the

License plate said "Bitches" and had a few in the back

If anything I could say that this car was pimpin'

But I thought now forget it, i'm fuckin' Bitchin'

I pulled up to a house about seven or eight

And I yelled to the bitches yo, home fuck ya later

Looked at my kingdom I was finally there

To settle my throne as the prince of EVERYWHERE. Mother Fucker."

[edit] Gallery

[edit] Gary's Sexy Ladies

[edit] Gary the MotherFucking fisherman

[edit] Gary hax0rz your computerz

[edit] See Also


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